My ears stopped bleeding


I can finally hear now after the blaring of Iowa St. new sound system. So who noticed the announcer playing loud music 75% of Iowa offence plays and not once during Iowa St. offence.

Does anyone think the loud music had any affect on the game? It was to the point the person standing a foot away could not hear me yelling. Maybe the volume was not as loud on lower deck but man uppper deck on 30th row about gave me permanent ear damage.
Home field advantage? I don't know if it made any difference, but they cranked that **** up when Iowa was on offense.
Just have to stop when they get lined up as far as I know, that's what they seem to do anyways.

That might be so but many times it did not stop till the ball was in play. I mean Iowa lost and it was one hell of a game but I thought it was a little rude / overwhelming of the super extreme speaker system.
This is right...they can do whatever they want until they get lined up. That includes loud sirens and large amounts of Nickelback

OK, that was gay. The EBS warning before the team entrance made me want to gag. "All Hawkeyes in the warned area should seek shelter". What a giant bag of shitnuggets.
they need the amplified stuff in teh high school stadium, as their meager 50000 fans don't make much noise on their own
OK, that was gay. The EBS warning before the team entrance made me want to gag. "All Hawkeyes in the warned area should seek shelter". What a giant bag of shitnuggets.
I'm looking for a picture of sour grapes on google images but I'm not finding it, brb.
Your team won. You rubbed it in for a while. Why do you feel the need to stick around? Is your life so shallow you get off on trolling the losing teams message board?

She's just proving the "Iowa is isu's Super Bowl" law. Give her another day and she'll run out of gas.
Your team won. You rubbed it in for a while. Why do you feel the need to stick around? Is your life so shallow you get off on trolling the losing teams message board?
It wasn't my initial plan, but you guys are seriously a bunch of douches, and I mean that in all honestly. I had a long day and this is how I choose to unwind.
She's just proving the "Iowa is isu's Super Bowl" law. Give her another day and she'll run out of gas.

I like that..

But who attended todays game and thought the sound system was a little or maybe extremely loud?
My ears are still ringing to the point they hurt.
Your team won. You rubbed it in for a while. Why do you feel the need to stick around? Is your life so shallow you get off on trolling the losing teams message board?

It wasn't my initial plan, but you guys are seriously a bunch of douches, and I mean that in all honestly. I had a long day and this is how I choose to unwind.

You're on the IOWA board. If we're a bunch of douches, why are you here?
Go celebrate with the rest of your klan on CyFan.
Fkn halfwit troll.

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