My ears stopped bleeding

And why is it you are so concerned about what Iowa's fans are saying? Your team won today. Why not enjoy it over on one of the Clone boards? I guess if Iowa won today the last thing I would want to do is hang around the Cyclone board to see what they are saying about us. Fans are fans. It's a rivalry ... Neither team likes the other ... Shouldn't the win today make any comments made by Iowa fans really not that important? I am sure I could hang around the Clone boards and find a fan or two who would qualify as 'douches,' as you like to say.

No kidding. We lost, it sucks. I hate losing to them. He has his own site (or maybe not, maybe they don't have the technology, I don't know) why doens't he go live his life and celebrate over their. I think he's in "in the closet" hawk. Be a good sport and win graciously or go away. Nothing like rubbing it in. Newsflash though, what goes around comes around.
My ears are fine but my face and neck are red, red like the ketchup colors on their uniforms...damn it. Not only did they beat Iowa but they had to brand my face too in the process...
The music was very, very loud, but I don't think that really had much to do with our complete inability to play some ******* defense...
My wife, who is an ISU grad and fan, said they "really need to update their music selection, it's not 1993".
I have never been on and never will be. I don't care what clone fans say or think about anything.
Why they constantly feel compelled to come here and stir up ****, I will never understand.
But they do give me a chuckle.
I like that..

But who attended todays game and thought the sound system was a little or maybe extremely loud?
My ears are still ringing to the point they hurt.

I'll admit that the Clones played music before your plays (totally noticed that too....also, what was with the Hawks having 5 or so big guys standing on the field in a line looking at the ISU marching band during breaks? I couldn't figure out what they were doing, as they weren't always playing at that point? There was TV camera there, and I thought maybe they were trying to get face time?). Call it a home field edge. I can honestly say that I never noticed it continue WHILE the play was going on....every time I heard it (and it was nearly every play in the 2nd quarter) it stopped as they lined up. I'd be surprised if they continued to play it during the play. Honestly didn't hear that.

I am however shocked that anyone is complaining about the noise level. I mean seriously, where were you sitting? My ears didn't even get CLOSE to ringing. I was actually a little disappointed when I heard the air raid horn for the first time in person....people were saying how cool it was, and it was just par for the course. Now, the FANS got rocking, to the point where it was hard to hear someone next to you...but the speakers and music? I think you're grasping for straws.

That said, that would be a difficult loss to stomach. I was sick to my stomach waiting for the hammer to drop on ISU's performance.....had to be hard to take, but most of the Hawk fans I encountered weren't belligerent or rude. Actually had a good time with a dude that sat next to me. We shot **** the entire game, he was a gracious (if not stunned) Hawks fan.
My ears are fine but my face and neck are red, red like the ketchup colors on their uniforms...damn it. Not only did they beat Iowa but they had to brand my face too in the process...

Your branding process is yet to be complete. Your *** will be cherry red when I am done. :D
they need the amplified stuff in teh high school stadium, as their meager 50000 fans don't make much noise on their own

If you honestly believe this, you need your ears checked out. That place was rocking, and it wasn't because of the video board.
I have never been on and never will be. I don't care what clone fans say or think about anything.
Why they constantly feel compelled to come here and stir up ****, I will never understand.
But they do give me a chuckle.

THey could beat us 15 years straight... and I'd still never go to any site of theirs. They dont give me a chuckle though, just poor taste, immature. bush-league


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