My Attempt to Read the Iowa Football Tea Leaves

First thing I thought while reading about CJ being named starting QB in the 2 deeps: This is KF's attempt to keep CJ at Iowa. Hoping CJ won't be looking around for a transferring school if he has the possibility of starting (playing more?) at Iowa.

I know CJ wants to play at Iowa because he's sure put the work in. He also knows about KF. How Is CJ supposed to respond to this?
First thing I thought while reading about CJ being named starting QB in the 2 deeps: This is KF's attempt to keep CJ at Iowa. Hoping CJ won't be looking around for a transferring school if he has the possibility of starting (playing more?) at Iowa.

I know CJ wants to play at Iowa because he's sure put the work in. He also knows about KF. How Is CJ supposed to respond to this?

He can do one of 2 things. Take it at face value and work hard this off season. Find a way to work with the receivers on everything and show up this spring with the confidence that it's his job and to take the reins and run with it. Or if he's not happy there start looking around... I just hope that if he is all in at Iowa that he puts the work in. Even though the tools he has to work with are better then JRs he's not a finished product by any means.
Bandaid on a broken leg.

Yip, what KF should do is get a freaking splint for his broken leg promto. New OC, new DC and let them have total control, keep your azz out of the meetings. Be the head coach, and let them do their jobs.

Alas he will go for another band aid......Keeping both OC and DC, and moving some position coaches out.
Ferentz needs to take the Joe Paterno route. Pace the sidelines with no headset, and just be a figure-head of the program. Leave the decisions up to younger whippersnappers.
Ferentz needs to take the Joe Paterno route. Pace the sidelines with no headset, and just be a figure-head of the program. Leave the decisions up to younger whippersnappers.

I laughed cause I thought you meant visit the Almighty, like Joe Pa did.
I agree with your assessment that he needs to relinquish his control over the assistants. That being said I also see a need for the OC and DC to be released and get some new blood on board that can defy Kirk to some degree. We need a proven OC that will be given free reign to run the offense that he see fits the personnel that we have. He can be hamstrung by Kirk in any fashion. That OC should have complete control of the offense and the personnel in his offense. No more Wiesman plays over Daniels/Canzeri crap. Kirk can still work with the line as that seems to be his passion and it's a place that we need help with but let the OC run the offense. I think to some degree Phil Parker is serviceable but he strikes me as as yes man type of guy. I'd prefer someone with some passion and fire than what I see out of him. Scheme wise I think we are fine but our defense lacks playmakers. I also think the trial run for the recruiting coordinator Seth Wallace can be let go. His Valdosta State roots did not serve him well in this recruiting class and its time to get someone in there that can recruit. In both the new OC DC hires BOTH need to be BOSSES on the recruiting front. If I remember right I know Norm Parker didn't recruit but I thought I read something that GD doesn't recruit. This is 2015, and I can't think of any worthy staff that the OC or DC gets a hall pass from recruiting. The focus as you can see in my dissertation needs to be on coaches that are freaks at recruiting. The x's and o's will fall into place when we get better recruits.

People keep clamoring for new assistants and new players. We've already tried that. The new players/assistants all have the same artificial ceiling. Guess why . . .
People keep clamoring for new assistants and new players. We've already tried that. The new players/assistants all have the same artificial ceiling. Guess why . . .

Exactly. Can't believe people still think the assistants are the problem. Clueless is the problem, always has been, always will be. Even it it were the assistants.... Who hired them? Clueless did. He deserves no more time, it's friggin year 16 and recruiting is worse than it's ever been, gameday coaching, talent evaluation, everything is pretty much worse than ever, and trending downward. He needs to go now.
Barring a major turnaround, Brian Ferentz will never be the OC at Iowa under Kirk Ferentz.

I look at it this way. If kfootball does stay and doesn't negotiate a walk-away, he needs GD. We all believe that GD has been here to groom BF. I'd wager the plan was to hand the keys to BF in 2015 with a 3rd year starting qb and a 5 year system guy in 2016. That would be a dream scenario for BF. However, kfootball's extreme conservatism finally caught up to him and fan discontent (boarding on mutiny) has forced kfootball to change his timeline with BF, if not scrap it altogether. There is no way on this planet that BF can be the OC in 2015 and NOT have Kinnick half empty, as well.

So, if GD does return, it is because kfootball needs him. kfootball cannot have GD leave, hire an OC that is not BF, and then realistically make BF the OC in 2016 or 2017. kfootball won't survive that on the field or in the press. This means GD is dictating who his qb will be, using the leverage he has. Let's also hope GD is demanding that kfootball stay away from game planning and personnel meetings.

This is what I feel is a likely scenario if GD returns and we see CJ starting next season.

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