My apologies

Well, I don't know too many Missouri fans who think it is their God-given birthright to at least a conference championship every year. Missouri did not beg to be in the B10, but Nebraska did; because they can't beat Texas, and are punks who throw away 100 years of tradition for more money. I fear many of you will soon get a hard lesson about being careful what you wish for.
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Personally I think Nebraska fans are some of the worst and most arrogant I've ever had the displeasure of working with, etc. That being said, I have not had very much contact with Mizzou fans at all really so I can't really say which fan base is worse, but I'm almost certain Mizzou fans aren't the brightest crayons in the box.
Missouri did not beg to be in the B10, but Nebraska did;

Somebody was obviously living under a rock the past few months.

Missouri openly lobbied to join the Big Ten, with the governor going so far as to stand up and sream "Oh, oh, Big Ten, please pick me!"

Where as Nebraska stayed out of the way, letting things come naturally, not trying to upset the balance and hoping to not have their hand forced.

But, by all means, continue to deny reality.
Somebody was obviously living under a rock the past few months.

Missouri openly lobbied to join the Big Ten, with the governor going so far as to stand up and sream "Oh, oh, Big Ten, please pick me!"

Where as Nebraska stayed out of the way, letting things come naturally, not trying to upset the balance and hoping to not have their hand forced.

But, by all means, continue to deny reality.

Actually, I do have to correct you on your being misinformed on this one. Our governor, who is a Missouri grad, was asked his thoughts on Missouri joining the Big 10. At that point he said if we were asked we should go.

He then made a less than complimentary remark comparing academics at two Big 10 schools with academics at Oklahoma State and Texas Tech.

Many Missouri fans were excited about the possibility of joining the Big 10. However, university administrators NEVER applied for admission to the Big 10.

The nub's Tom Osborne, on the other hand, while "not trying to upset the balance and hoping to not have their hand forced" had been negotiating behind the scenes with the Big 10 for months.

Missouri did a horrible job from a public relations stand-point but did not "openly lobby" for admission to the Big 10 and I would ask you to provide proof otherwise. So far, the nubbin heads have been unable to do so.
Nebraska joined the big 10 because they cant beat texas in football. So your telling me a UNIVERSITY split from its allegiance with teams its been playing with since the late 1800s. Turned up its entire academic facility and had to forgo changes in not only its large football program. But also there basketball, volleyball, baseball and countless other NCAA sports as well. On top of paying millions in fines and penalties, and being ridiculed buy some as being traitors and ship jumpers. All because we cant beat texas in football.

This Hawkeye fans is a Missouri Tigers fan in a nutshell.
Nebraska joined the big 10 because they cant beat texas in football. So your telling me a UNIVERSITY split from its allegiance with teams its been playing with since the late 1800s. Turned up its entire academic facility and had to forgo changes in not only its large football program. But also there basketball, volleyball, baseball and countless other NCAA sports as well. On top of paying millions in fines and penalties, and being ridiculed buy some as being traitors and ship jumpers. All because we cant beat texas in football.

This Hawkeye fans is a Missouri Tigers fan in a nutshell.

I rest my case.
I also hold out dome hope that connecting with the upper-Midwest while cutting ties to the Southwest and Midsouth will mellow Nebby some. Way different going to games in Iowa City and Ann Arbor than Norman and College Station.
Actually, I do have to correct you on your being misinformed on this one. Our governor, who is a Missouri grad, was asked his thoughts on Missouri joining the Big 10. At that point he said if we were asked we should go.

He then made a less than complimentary remark comparing academics at two Big 10 schools with academics at Oklahoma State and Texas Tech.

Many Missouri fans were excited about the possibility of joining the Big 10. However, university administrators were NEVER asked to apply for admission to the Big 10.

The nub's Tom Osborne, on the other hand, while "not trying to upset the balance and hoping to not have their hand forced" had been negotiating behind the scenes with the Big 10 for months.

Missouri did a horrible job from a public relations stand-point but did not "openly lobby" for admission to the Big 10 and I would ask you to provide proof otherwise. So far, the nubbin heads have been unable to do so.

I just had to correct it for you with the words in bold.
However, university administrators NEVER applied for admission to the Big 10.

I never said they did.

I DID say that they PUBLICLY LOBBIED to join the Big Ten:
If Big 10 calls, Missouri will listen hard - College Football - ESPN

Bury your head in the sand all you want.

The nub's Tom Osborne, on the other hand, while "not trying to upset the balance and hoping to not have their hand forced" had been negotiating behind the scenes with the Big 10 for months.

And there's the truth of the matter: behind the scenes. Nebraska's governor wasn't out there whoring his state out.

Let's face it: Missouri (and their fans) are just whining because they're not wanted.
Nebraskas move had nothing to do with lack of wins over texas in football. It had very much to do with the way the big 12 was headed and the shakey ground it was on. The iceing on the cake was the academic prestige that would be gained from joining the big 10 as well. Say what you want about Osborne but he has always looked out whats in the best interest for the state and the university.

What a Missouri fan is doing on here is beyond me because they dont care very much how you left them hung out to dry a few years ago.

Alot of nebraska fans are arrogant but most are just passionate about the game of football. To some that can be seen as arrogant but most of us just like to talk about football.

I think its hard for people in the big 12 to understand why you would want to leave but very easy for people in the big 10 to see it that way. I mean, if its kind of a dick move to your conference to leave, why was missouri trying to do so.
I'm still holding out hope that Nebraska fans won't be as bad as I'm guessing they will be. But I can say with all certainty that Missourin fans are the worst based off of one fan...the dumba$$ Larry Cotler!!!
It's all just sour grapes for Missouri and their fans. If Missouri was invited to join the Big Ten, they would be here with bells on, trashing the Big 12 all the way. But instead, their fans are stuck running to other teams' message boards to trash Nebraska.

They know the Big Ten doesn't want them, they know they aren't nearly as relevant in the scope of the national football scene as they desperately want to be (and think they are), and they know the Big 12 almost definitely won't be alive at the end of this decade.

As was made clear over the summer, no real conference really has any interest in Missouri joining them. That's a huge blow to their egos, and it will be a bigger blow when they are forced to join the MAC or Mountain West once Texas finishes raping the rest of the Big 12, dismantles the conference and moves on.

Some Missouri fans know all of this, but many of them are too stupid to figure it out. Or maybe they are too busy trying to track down info on whether their "elite" football program's game this week is on PPV only, Versus or some random Fox Sports Network channel.
Now we should all be nicer to Missouri fans because I still think in the end when the Big 10 goes to 16 that Missouri becomes team number 16. :D
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I just had to correct it for you with the words in bold.

So let me get this straight. Missouri was "out there whoring itself" to join the Big 10 as another poster says.

And you say our administrators WERE invited to join the Big 10 . . . and yet we didn't.

Forget what I said in my initial post. Some of you guys will fit right in the nubbins.
So let me get this straight. Missouri was "out there whoring itself" to join the Big 10 as another poster says.

And you say our administrators WERE invited to join the Big 10 . . . and yet we didn't.

Forget what I said in my initial post. Some of you guys will fit right in the nubbins.

Not to speak for HawkeyeScott, but he seemed to be correcting you on how the process works. He seemed to be pretty clear on what he was getting at. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised a Missouri fan couldn't follow ...

You said initially that Missouri never applied for admission to the Big Ten. That's not how it happens. The process is that when the Big Ten wants to add a member, they ask that school to "apply for admission", and then if the school wants to join, they officially apply, knowing that the Big Ten will accept them. That's what happened with Nebraska, obviously not with Missouri.

If you don't think that Missouri would have jumped at the chance to join the Big Ten if asked, based on comments their president, AD, Pinkel and the freaking state's governor made over the summer, then you're not even paying attention. They desperately wanted to be in the Big Ten, and they got used like a whore on prom night, forcing them to limp back to a conference where they are viewed and treated like the "mentally challenged" kid at the spelling bee.

If you honestly don't believe any of that, then you will fit right in with the Miami (Ohio) and Northern Illinois type of schools you will be conference members with once the Big 12 folds.
I am a Missouri Tiger fan.

I joined today to specifically express my apologies and condolences to Iowa Hawkeye fans everywhere.

I am soooooo sorry you folks will soon (if you haven't already) be subjected to the most obnoxious fans on earth -- no the universe -- the nubbin heads of nubrASSka.

When they get too bad just remember in their minds N is for knowledge.

Good luck to you with this bunch of paranoid simpletons. They have an enormous inferiority complex and they will inundate your boards with their constant quest for validation of their state and their program.

They yearn for your approval and, when you don't give it to them, they will play the history and tradition card.

I am so sorry. Go Hawkeyes. May the nubs always finish 13th in the Big 10.

I think he just nailed it!
Thanks for your heartwarming welcome to your board.

Feel however you want about the games that were canceled. Mizzou fans would have loved playing you guys but I don't schedule them nor do I cancel them so I won't take that personally. Although, I'm sure at some point you guys have canceled a game too.

I just wanted to give you fair warning. Obviously they haven't made it here in droves yet. When they do let's see how much respect you have for them.

Again, thanks for the warm welcome.
I live in Kansas City and I can tell you that Missouri fans are probably the most annoying fans I have come across. I know a bunch of both Nebraska fans and Missouri fans and I will hands down choose to be around NU fans before I choose MU fans on a game day. I would really like Missouri fans to understand that you have to be good for more than 5 years out of your existence before you can talk S*** on other fan bases. That is all.

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