My 1500th post is a thank you to Mr Jon Miller


Well-Known Member
I became a regular on this site in October of 2009. It can be very entertaining and provocative, but it is a great website to keep up with the Hawkeyes. Jon, I thank you for taking the risks and I hope the rewards keep you operating the site.

My fanship with the Hawkeyes began about the time I was 9. I still remember watching Iowa in the Rose Bowl on January 1, 1957. From then on I was hooked. My mom always listened to the Hawkeyes on the radio., She never had the opportunity for any higher education, but the Hawkeyes were her team. She was so proud of Nile Kinnick. From generation to generation the Hawkeyes have been the fabric of Iowa's sport scene. Thanks for your contributions.
A member since 2009 and you've just made doctorate?! I know alts that joined a few months ago that are nipping at my....feet. You better get going and get to legend status.
I surprised a Clone fan hasn't come along and ripped the Op's mom for being a tavern Hok
A member since 2009 and you've just made doctorate?! I know alts that joined a few months ago that are nipping at my....feet. You better get going and get to legend status.

some aren't as addicted as we are or have jobs to were they can't be on computer all day like myself

with this news i guarantee college kids who haven't heard about these will go out and do this this creating more problems
A member since 2009 and you've just made doctorate?! I know alts that joined a few months ago that are nipping at my....feet. You better get going and get to legend status.

He remembers watching the Hawkeyes in the 1957 Rose Bowl. Have you ever seen a person of that generation type? It's a wonder that he got to 1500 as quickly as he did.

JK eyekwah. Congrats on 1500.
Only 1500 posts since Oct 2009? It only took good ole Scorps 25 days to get to 1500 posts.
