Music In Kinnick Stadium


New Member
Sorry if this has already been discussed but i was just wondering what some of the songs are that get played before/during the game over the loudspeakers.
All I know is they shouldn't be pumping music in if the crowd is already cheering (I-O-W-A)
Sorry if this has already been discussed but i was just wondering what some of the songs are that get played before/during the game over the loudspeakers.

You mean like Back in Black and Enter Sandman? How about, "You got to pump it up!!!..." w/ the burrito lift?! Ahahaha!
They play a little Nickelback (Burn it to the Ground and Something in Your Mouth), obviously AC/DC, Start Me Up, Here Comes the Boom, Welcome to the Jungle, and some others that I don't know the name of.
As usual the people controlling the music being pumped into Kinnick still follow their play list rather than what is actually happening in the stadium. There were times when there was nothing being played in PREGAME...yet they managed to drown out I-O-W-A each time.
I always lift the burrito. Is there a problem with that? Been waiting for my chance to get on the big screen and still hasn't happened!

I personally think the burrito lift may possibly be the dumbest thing I've ever seen in any stadium ever. I just cringe with embarrassment when it hits the big screen.
I personally think the burrito lift may possibly be the dumbest thing I've ever seen in any stadium ever. I just cringe with embarrassment when it hits the big screen.

Totally agree. I will not participate in this.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. With the exception of the Back in Black/Enter Sandman opening, I'd love it if they didn't pipe in any music whatsoever. I get that they have to play the ads of their sponsors, but random music just for the sake of it is annoying. Let the marching band handle the in-game music. That's part of the charm of the college football atmosphere.

I miss the days when we didn't have rock music blasted during every time out. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go yell at some kids that are on my lawn.
How about they stop blasting music while our band is playing?

Really, it might be OK to have some mood music once in a while (and yes, even heavy metal sets a... mood), and I know they want to use the new sound system, but Kinnick is such a classy venue that is so old school.

The Iowa band has been sounding good with their new director IMO, I think it's a shame that there can't be more coordination with the band, so they don't overlap. I bet over the course of the past three years, the University has invested more time, effort and money in the marching band than the new sound system. Let them play for god's sake! And let the Iowa crowd take over once in a while.

I like this thread, it's nice to know some folks care about this subject...
I agree. It irks me when the crowd is rolling, then they start blasting some lame song over the sound system so you can't even hear yourself think (I'm in the south endzone). Music during the game should be used only when there is a lull, not when the crowd is already roaring.
Agree with the above poster regarding being in the South endzone... the music is way too loud (in-game only).

I also think it is rude, borderline unsportsmanlike to be playing loud music when the other team has the ball. I have seen play sequences whereas the music was still cranked when the opposing offense had already broke huddle and were lining up on the line of scrimmage. The tunes could potentially damper their ability to audibilize and/or otherwise communicate with the sideline coaches.

Don't get me wrong, I love homefield advantages... let's just let our 70k+ screaming fans take care of that. ;)
I personally think the burrito lift may possibly be the dumbest thing I've ever seen in any stadium ever. I just cringe with embarrassment when it hits the big screen.

I look forward to the burrito lift. Frickin Awesome IMO!
To me, the intro music is one of the best parts of the game. I completely agree, however, that there has come to be a little too much of a good thing lately. It's just stupid to shout down the crowd or the band, and I too noticed that the music didn't get cut off in time on a few occasions against PSU. That would be wrong if someone else did it to the Hawks, and it's wrong when we do it to anyone else, even if it is accidental. This isn't the NBA!

As for the in game advertising (i.e. smile cam, t-shirt toss and burrito lift etc.) I hope the athletic department is getting paid a bunch of money, because it's all real cheesy and annoying.
Agree with the above poster regarding being in the South endzone... the music is way too loud (in-game only).

I also think it is rude, borderline unsportsmanlike to be playing loud music when the other team has the ball. I have seen play sequences whereas the music was still cranked when the opposing offense had already broke huddle and were lining up on the line of scrimmage. The tunes could potentially damper their ability to audibilize and/or otherwise communicate with the sideline coaches.

Don't get me wrong, I love homefield advantages... let's just let our 70k+ screaming fans take care of that. ;)

The speakers inside the scoreboard are the main source of music for the entire stadium, so the south endzone is gonna be louder.

As for music during the game, if you have ever been on the road at Minnesota or Wisconsin...we are the least offenders of playing music or having the band play before the snap.

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