MSU...stay classy

Check out this classy pic. I can't believe they even considered to put this up on their site. Ridiculous!

I was more disgusted that the BTN showed it as one of their best hits of the week... I have no problem with the hit.. I do not think it was an intentional shot to injure him.. and it was a heckuva hit, but he was penalized for a reason, and even if it wasn't for the hit... it is for the idiotic pose he is in there.

BTN... lets not promote illegal hits!
The refs made the correct call. If that would of not been called, I can gurantee you those officials would never work another game ever! It was the correct call no matter how you slice it.
No way Sandeman gets knocked out if it was a "legal hit". Only a helmet to helmet hit can cause that.
I was more disgusted that the BTN showed it as one of their best hits of the week... I have no problem with the hit.. I do not think it was an intentional shot to injure him.. and it was a heckuva hit, but he was penalized for a reason, and even if it wasn't for the hit... it is for the idiotic pose he is in there.

BTN... lets not promote illegal hits!

I agree with your assessment that it wasn't intentional at all, but the fact of the matter is he did get flagged for a helmet-helmet hit. You shouldn't go out and display pictures of an illegal play, especially one where someone was hurt. It is like MSU is trying to promote that type of behavior by showing a pic of it. Would any Hawkeye fan site display a picture of Bryan Bulaga holding? Or an illegal block in the back on a punt? I just dont understand their reasoning for it. By the way, I did not see that on the BTN. I love watching that network, but that is a disgrace for them.
I agree with your assessment that it wasn't intentional at all, but the fact of the matter is he did get flagged for a helmet-helmet hit. You shouldn't go out and display pictures of an illegal play, especially one where someone was hurt. It is like MSU is trying to promote that type of behavior by showing a pic of it. Would any Hawkeye fan site display a picture of Bryan Bulaga holding? Or an illegal block in the back on a punt? I just dont understand their reasoning for it. By the way, I did not see that on the BTN. I love watching that network, but that is a disgrace for them.

Well Dantonio was also promoting it as a legal hit, and we know what a great guy he is. But it was an intentional shot to the head, there's no doubt about that.

Jeremy Ware is listed at 5'10", while Colin is listed at 6'1". Ware came up on Colin with his helmet at shoulder pad level, and lept up with both feet off the ground leading with his helmet and having his arms folded to his chest. Colin did not lower his head or shoulder at all as he was just turning upfield. It actually would have been easier for Ware to lower his head and lead with his shoulder to Colin's stomach and wrap him up, but he knew he did not have to beacuse Colin wasn't looking downfield yet and was unable to avoid the blow.
Yes, there is. Give it a rest.


I played safety in high school. I was involved in a lot of high speed collisions. I cannot stress strongly enough how stupid and self-destructive you have to be as a defender to lead with your head. Even when I was fortunate enough to have a clear shot on an unsuspecting receiver I NEVER even considered going helmet to helmet. Why? Because concussions and paralysis are to be avoided.

Laws of physics and all that.

God I loathe Michigan State. Beating that team in that way was the epitome of sweetness.
I played safety in high school. I was involved in a lot of high speed collisions. I cannot stress strongly enough how stupid and self-destructive you have to be as a defender to lead with your head. Even when I was fortunate enough to have a clear shot on an unsuspecting receiver I NEVER even considered going helmet to helmet. Why? Because concussions and paralysis are to be avoided.

Laws of physics and all that.

God I loathe Michigan State. Beating that team in that way was the epitome of sweetness.

Wow! I didn't get to see the game, just listen, and didn't see that hit yet. Thanks for those photos. That leaves no doubt that it was an intentional helmet to helmet hit. I sure hope that he isn't a senior. I know if I was one of the Iowa WR's and I was assigned to block him next year that I would be sure to go knee hunting on him.
I don't like the rule of the hitting the hat to hat thing unless it is intentional. I don't like the rule but it is the rule and we have been hit with it many times. Him standing over him was the stupidest thing and he probably would not have been hit with a flag without doing that. Don't like the rule but the right call by the ref.
I thought the personal foul penalty was for taunting when he struck that pose standing over CS. I really don't think it was for a helmet to helmet hit.
Uh, obviously they'll not be staying classy by posting that photo. I am officially now a MSU hater. I will be at the MSU game next year, no doubt of that.