More Trouble Brewing at Ohio State?

OSU compliance has to approve every single automobile purchased. If there is a problem then the entire compliance department will be held responsible, therefore getting at least a LOIC charge and possibly a failure to monitor charge. If there are penalties to come from this I could see the entire athletic dept getting let go, along with Tressel.
There's more smoke here than in a commune at a Woodstock concert.

Definition of Forfeit:

transitive verb
1: to lose or lose the right to especially by some error, offense, or crime

2: to subject to confiscation as a forfeit; also : abandon, give up

— for·feit·able \-fə-tə-bəl\ adjective
— for·feit·er noun

Examples of forfeit
  1. He forfeited his right to a trial by jury.
  2. They didn't have enough players, so they ended up having to forfeit.
First known use of the word forfeit: 14th century
That's the inconvenience of the NCAA. Once they show up to look at one thing, they start looking at everything.
Well I hope the NCAA isn't neglecting the Newton/Auburn mess, they still have some splainin to do there before they gain any credibility back IMO
Just for the record, it seems to me that Gary Snook was driving a Corvette back in 65-66. Does anyone else remember that?
OSU compliance has to approve every single automobile purchased. If there is a problem then the entire compliance department will be held responsible, therefore getting at least a LOIC charge and possibly a failure to monitor charge. If there are penalties to come from this I could see the entire athletic dept getting let go, along with Tressel.
Fufred,immediately when I saw this post my first thought was the NCAA is stacking up the evidence for a serious kick to the balls.
Is that your feeling here?
The mother and brother of Buckeyes quarterback Terrelle Pryor also purchased cars from the dealerships.

Why in the hell would the mother and brother of Pryor be buying cars at a dealership in Ohio when they live in PA? Jeanette, PA is 200+ miles from Columbus. Did the whole family move to Columbus when he signed ala Reggie Bush?

Kniffin loaned his own car to Pryor for a three-day test drive to Pryor's home in Jeannette, Pa.

Nobody and I mean NOBODY gets a loaner car for a three-day trip for a test drive. The NCAA needs to get this **** under control.
Just for the record, it seems to me that Gary Snook was driving a Corvette back in 65-66. Does anyone else remember that?
I remember UCLA basketball players of that era driving very nice cars that they could'nt afford.
OSU compliance has to approve every single automobile purchased. If there is a problem then the entire compliance department will be held responsible....

"A salesman who worked at both dealerships, Aaron Kniffin, and one of the dealership owners, Jason Goss, attended seven football games as guests of players, including the 2007 BCS National Championship game and the 2009 Fiesta Bowl. After the 2008 season, Archie removed Kniffin from the players' guest list because Ohio State doesn't allow those who do business with the players to be on the list."

To me, this says that the compliance department knew exactly what was going on and partook in the cover-up of it.
Players' car deals new layer to OSU saga - Big Ten Blog - ESPN
Just out of curiosity what authority does the NCAA have to compel the people that work at/own these car dealerships to talk to them?
"A salesman who worked at both dealerships, Aaron Kniffin, and one of the dealership owners, Jason Goss, attended seven football games as guests of players, including the 2007 BCS National Championship game and the 2009 Fiesta Bowl. After the 2008 season, Archie removed Kniffin from the players' guest list because Ohio State doesn't allow those who do business with the players to be on the list."

Kniffin has said he is not an Ohio State fan...rrrriiiiight
I don;t think you need to be an insider to know that more is coming. Logic says that this has to end up at least as bad as USC, but then again this is the NCAA we are talking about so they will probably make an example out of Toledo to show that they are tough on this sort of thing.
As I posted in the who will coach tOSU thread, there is a bigger problem than Tressel or Smith here and that is Columbus...

The combination of population (2MM) money and no pro teams being cared about in the town is deathly for a college program.

So you think that some prole used car dealer is going to stop giving away cars that he can just write off as a marketing expense so that he can be a VIP in the most sought after club in town, OSU football?


They have problems there.
A poster who seems to be very respected over on the Scout board for the Buckeyes says this whole ordeal is not over yet and to expect more to come out in the future.

His name is Scarlet36Bucks and it starts about halfway down the page I linked. ALL NCAA investigation talk here (past, present and future)

The page you linked is 21 I don't think the stuff you mention from scarlet36bucks starts until page 22 with the meat of it on page 23 (just thought I'd save others time).

I love the tOSU fans gushing about the quality of Jim Tressel's character and how he is a man of honor. LOL One poster stated that it is the compliance office that is guilty and is forcing Tressel into this position :rolleyes:. Yeah because its the compliance office that is running the show over there.

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