MN: "one of the best-coached teams in the country."

Fitz is the ''coachiest'' coach around. He revels in his ''coachiness'', he embraces it...he should be in junior high coaching 12 year olds.
Its one thing to use a lot of coach speak in the presser to praise his next opponent but Fitz takes it to a whole new level of absurd BS when talking about the worst team in the Big Ten:

Fitzgerald called Minnesota "one of the best-coached teams in the country."

He said the 1-3 Gophers, who will play host to Northwestern on Saturday for homecoming, are "two or three plays away" from being 4-0 like the Wildcats. (That's debatable, at best.)

He affectionately calls Brewster, the former Illinois tight end, "Brew" and "Timmy" and said that anyone can "pop in the tape" and see how good the Gophers really are.

"Schematically, they do an outstanding job in all three phases," he said. "They have great athletes all over the place. Timmy has recruited outstanding … this is the best team we will have played."

"Peppy-Pat" took a few to many hits to the head when he was a MLB@NW and statements like this are proof that those head butts can come back and bite you *** in a big, big way :)
I love coach speak. Even after 45-0 beat down, I'm sure KF would have said how great of a team Ball State was that day, and how well coached they are, etc.

This is ridiculous, but not surprising, especially when you're going to be playing the team the coming Saturday.
As much as their offense has been on the field this year, I'd of thought that they'd of been more than a few plays from being 4-0. I think what he meant to say was that as quick as the defense gets their offense back on the field they sure do run a lot of plays.
Coach Speak is worse than political spin.

It's always why I like Bobby Knight in spite of his being Bobby Knight.

I am reading his autobiography right now. As much as I used to think I hated the guy, I can't help but think I would love to have my son coach for someone like him now. Compared to slime like Pitino and Calipari, Bobby Knight is a saint.