Mindset of this Team??


Active Member
I can only see this team on TV, so I am looking for some help from those of you who get to the games. Above everything that went wrong yesterday, the thing I was most disgusted by was the end of regulation when Jerrod U made that unbelievable 3 to send it to overtime. Not one person on the bench came flying off of there excited, not one player on the court got fired up, NOTHING?????
I just don't get it. College is the best time of most peoples lives, just being in college is exciting. Playing Power 5 Big Ten conference basketball is something so few kids get to experience. I watch a lot of basketball and watch other teams go nuts for each other, jumping, clapping, high-fiving, just absolutely going nuts for stuff not even close to a shot like that to send a game into overtime. Do these guys not like playing with each other? Does Fran demoralize this team with his constant outbursts and negativity?
It isn't fun to watch on TV, and I am wondering if it is better or worse in person?
I think Fran is much calmer then he was last season. It didn't seem to matter what Fran did in the past or now in terms of firing his team up. White will get pumped up after a dunk but then his excitement level drops. I honestly have never seen a team act so monotone the last two seasons as Iowa has. I know the kids want to win, but they just don't seem to be having fun out there at all.
It's likely because there was still time on the clock for NW to get a shot off. However, I understand what you're getting at. Not a lot of passion from the men's BB team, but also the athletic department as a whole shows little passion.

My perception is if the Iowa Athletic programs were a patient in a hospital, they'd be in serious condition. Most patients are able to slowly recover from serious to good to fair and so on.

Unfortunately, the hospital CEO, CFO and most doctors are big boobs which may cause the patient to become critical, then life support and finally death. And this progression will be slow and painful.

Now the board of regents will hopefully do something to keep this from happening, but my faith in those fools is not much higher then the idiots running the hospital currently.
These guys are going to come out on fire in the next game. I would not want to be Rutgers. Iowa is going to smash Rutgers after what happened. They will be remorseless and angry! Be ready for a big time beat down of Rutgers.
These guys are going to come out on fire in the next game. I would not want to be Rutgers. Iowa is going to smash Rutgers after what happened. They will be remorseless and angry! Be ready for a big time beat down of Rutgers.

It should happen regardless of the last 2 games. This isn't a good Rutgers team that is visiting Carver.
These guys are going to come out on fire in the next game. I would not want to be Rutgers. Iowa is going to smash Rutgers after what happened. They will be remorseless and angry! Be ready for a big time beat down of Rutgers.

This is how I thought they'd come out after losing to Minny. I don't know what to expect from this team anymore. Rutgers beat Wiscy....soooo, a nut cup may be required.
Also Iowa has never lost to Rutgers. Iowa has won by a margin of 14 points per game. This is Iowa's series!
These guys are going to come out on fire in the next game. I would not want to be Rutgers. Iowa is going to smash Rutgers after what happened. They will be remorseless and angry! Be ready for a big time beat down of Rutgers.

You also said that about the Northwestern game. I suppose it will happen sometime. Might not be until next season, but who knows? We can always hope.
These guys are going to come out on fire in the next game. I would not want to be Rutgers. Iowa is going to smash Rutgers after what happened. They will be remorseless and angry! Be ready for a big time beat down of Rutgers.

Just like they did after the Minnesota game? The game where Aaron White said he thought game was lost during warm-ups and that wouldn't happen again?
I think the ultimate therapy for fans right now is this. We are not currently in the Todd Lickliter era anymore!!! Also I don't think we understand the depths this program was in when Fran came.
One thing i noticed in Carver before the Wisconsin game. After they announced starting lineups, they were huddled up right before tip off and Uthoff was in the middle of the huddle screaming to the team. I had to take a double take because i was so surprised he had that in him. I'm hoping he and Jok are the team leaders next year.
My guess is that the mindset of the team is fine. It's the fans that are struggling to deal with the last couple of games.
It should happen regardless of the last 2 games. This isn't a good Rutgers team that is visiting Carver.

We should beat Rutgers....IF we play above avg. NW and minny were supposed bad teams.

Rutgers beat Wisc, even without Kaminsky, if Rutgers was that bad they shouldn't have a shot.

It's not about how "bad" Rutgers is, it's how well Iowa plays. But yes, we should win.
I think the ultimate therapy for fans right now is this. We are not currently in the Todd Lickliter era anymore!!! Also I don't think we understand the depths this program was in when Fran came.

I am sick of hearing this. This is just a way of saying "we are just little ole Iowa" in football. Stop explaining mediocrity. This team is not where it should be. If it takes more than 4 years to turn around a college basketball program, then it ain't gonna happen.

Try this on for size.
Iowa 5 years prior to Fran: 80-80, 35-51 conference
Other team in state same 5: 75-82, 24-56 conference

Since then Iowa: 89-73, 36-48
Other team: 108-53, 45-37

Yes Lickliter sucked, but that doesn't excuse the sucktitude since.
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I am sick of hearing this. This is just a way of saying "we are just little ole Iowa" in football. Stop explaining mediocrity. This team is not where it should be. If it takes more than 4 years to turn around a college basketball program, then it ain't gonna happen.

Try this on for size.
Iowa 5 years prior to Fran: 80-80, 35-51 conference
Other team in state same 5: 75-82, 24-56 conference

Since then Iowa: 89-73, 36-48
Other team: 108-53, 45-37

Yes Lickliter sucked, but that doesn't excuse the sucktitude since.

I get what you're saying Boat, I really do, and what Hoiberg and Jacobsen have done is fantastic. I do tend to be one of those "mediocrity defenders" and I do give Fran a pass on his first 2 years. Also consider Fred and Ben haven't played in a Very tough B1G the last few years. Fran gets 1-2 more years...just my opinion.
If the mindset of this team is fine then they would have won the two previous games snd no on D would have to ask how the mindset of this team is or say it's some fans with the minset problem and not the team.

IF they beat Rutgers I certainly hope no one comes out and says, "see. Nothing wrong." There's no props for beating a bad Rutgers team. They Hawks should win. It is a coin flip if they will. I mean, the last two games were guaranteed WW.
DD, what's the saying? "Life has no guarantees", and that's what really drives me crazy about these Hawks....Never, ever, take anything for granted....Iowa should be peaking now, so, I thought for sure they would be 8-4 going into this week, oops, where did that get me? A little more hungover on Monday morning....Iowa should've swept the floor w/these teams, and now we are once again behind the 8 ball....I don't give a rats a$$ about projections, rankings, bubble watch list....there is a time and place where people either lead or they follow, and right now we have no leaders (incl. Fran), and that's extremely difficult to swallow for me, b/c we've all seen this team play excellent, unselfish, basketball, and now we're seeing the complete opposite out of some, and we have a coach that cannot see beyond his nose, and seems to go with "his gut" instead of going w/ a way that'll put more in the "W" column.....So, at this point, I'm not sure what Iowa's mindset is...These kids play hard, don't get me wrong, and I'm not trying to be combative, I'm just trying to figure it out in my mind...

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