Miller: KC Radio Says Big 10 Invites Four

Missouri is a much better "fit" than Rutgers. Too southern? They share a border with Iowa for cripes sake.

People in southern Illinois have about as bad southern accents as people in Missouri.

Just my midwest bias, but I would rather have slack-jawed hicks from Missouri in the Big Ten than slick-haired gangsters from Joisey.
ND hasn't been relevant on the Football field in 15+ years and deep down they know it.

If they're so irrelevant how come everyone on this message board wants them to join the Big 10?

Don't worry, ND will spurn the Big 10 again and you can continue your hatred.
If this happens, what does the Big 12 do? Now they would have 10 members so does that mean that they do not get an automatic bid? Does pulling Rutgers out of the Big East end their bid as well as that leaves them 7?

The Mountain West Conference has to love this because they could snatch up an automatic bid then if no one steals their members. I say Big 12 adds TCU and Utah or BYU if this occurs to keep their bid. But Big East is screwed. Who would they add? UCF and Buffalo??
If this happens, what does the Big 12 do? Now they would have 10 members so does that mean that they do not get an automatic bid? Does pulling Rutgers out of the Big East end their bid as well as that leaves them 7?

The Mountain West Conference has to love this because they could snatch up an automatic bid then if no one steals their members. I say Big 12 adds TCU and Utah or BYU if this occurs to keep their bid. But Big East is screwed. Who would they add? UCF and Buffalo??

I don't think the bids are contingent on the number of institutions that you have. The MWC's bid also is not contingent on another conference losing a bid. They could very well get one and decrease the number of at-large bids. That being said, the Big12 will not stay at 10 teams. I would guess that an invitation will be offered to Arkansas, BYU, and possibly Utah. There may be a bidding war between the Pac-10 and the Big12 for BYU and Utah if and when this all goes down.

The Big12's response is pretty obvious, either replace these teams or it will start to cave. I think the bigger question will be how the SEC responds. Will they sit by and let the Big10 be the only conference to expand, or will they try to as well?

I do agree that the Big East is going to be screwed in the end. There aren't many more schools in the area to go snatch and remain respectable. This is why the ND threats are becoming more and more real. If Rutgers leaves and the SEC decides to expand, I think that the Big East will be the conference that loses their BCS status. But, that's a lot of dominoes that need to fall for that to happen.
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I listen to 810 WHB on a daily basis. Big Ten Expansion has been a big topic on the afternoon shows for the last couple of months. They feel that the Big Twelve is run by the University of Texas, and that the conference will fall apart with 2-3 teams going to the Big Ten and at least one team going to the Pac-10.

If this happens---it will have a big impact on Kansas and Kansas State.

Anyway it's a big topic here in Old KC.

Gorilla thinks it might be true!!
People in southern Illinois have about as bad southern accents as people in Missouri.

Just my midwest bias, but I would rather have slack-jawed hicks from Missouri in the Big Ten than slick-haired gangsters from Joisey.

Funny thing. I lived mostly in Johson County Kansas while in KC. I have family from Jackson County Missouri. Those two counties border each other.

I knew lots of ppl from both counties

the people that grew up in MO had an accent. Those that grew up in KS did not
Clonehomer;126808 That being said said:
Why on Earth would Arkansas want to leave the SEC and their ESPN contract for the bad Big 12 contract?

Also, BYU?

If the Big 12 loses Colorado, Nebby, and Mizzou look for the Texas schools to jump to the Pac Ten and SEC to poach OU and Kansas schools.
I listen to 810 WHB on a daily basis. Big Ten Expansion has been a big topic on the afternoon shows for the last couple of months. They feel that the Big Twelve is run by the University of Texas, and that the conference will fall apart with 2-3 teams going to the Big Ten and at least one team going to the Pac-10.

If this happens---it will have a big impact on Kansas and Kansas State.

Anyway it's a big topic here in Old KC.

Gorilla thinks it might be true!!

Is the Gorilla really just the old poster "Turniptruck"

Busabus114 thinks so
Why on Earth would Arkansas want to leave the SEC and their ESPN contract for the bad Big 12 contract?

Also, BYU?

If the Big 12 loses Colorado, Nebby, and Mizzou look for the Texas schools to jump to the Pac Ten and SEC to poach OU and Kansas schools.

SEC want KSU? Why? That makes no sense whatsover, especially if you have KU going there too..

Might be a good idea to read up on Texas history and what occured the last time Texas tried to leave behind Texas Tech and Baylor to join a conference.

Politics will play a huge role.. The chairman for the Texas Committee on State Affairs is a Texas Tech Grad.

It's easy for a school like Nebraska to switch, the state has 1 major university. But for a school like Texas or Texas A & M leaving others behind is much more complicated and laborious.

Power brokers: How tagalong Baylor, Tech crashed the revolt
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Good article. I was familiar with a lot of that information. However, what I hear down here in SEC country is that the Texas schools are not doing anything to stop the break-up of the Big 12 and actually might be a bit complicit in the process so that they will be 'forced' to make a move.

I agree about KState. Probably makes more sense for the SEC to look to the OK schools and Baylor and TTech.

Hard to figure what will happen with KU. Really makes most sense for them to be in the Big Ten. But I am just not hearing that at all.
How does a school like ISU or KSU recruit players when it is no promise they will even be in a BCS conference in 2 years?
How does a school like ISU or KSU recruit players when it is no promise they will even be in a BCS conference in 2 years?

Great point. This is such an interesting topic just because of all the turmoil it could cause. If this goes down I don't care how good of a recruiter you have. All Kirk would need to tell an in state recruit looking at ISU is "will ISU even be eligible for the BCS during your stay?" That would sway recruits real quick.
Great point. This is such an interesting topic just because of all the turmoil it could cause. If this goes down I don't care how good of a recruiter you have. All Kirk would need to tell an in state recruit looking at ISU is "will ISU even be eligible for the BCS during your stay?" That would sway recruits real quick.

Don't we usually get who we want? I mean, have we ever really needed to "steal" a recruit from ISU that we really wanted? Can't say I remember one.
i can deal with Mizzou and Neb, just don't want ND. They don't desrve to be in the big ten. they had their chance. let them do their own thing.

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