Miller: KC Radio Says Big 10 Invites Four


810 WHB out of Kansas City is reporting on its website that Nebraska, Missouri, Notre Dame and Rutgers have been extended invitations to the Big Ten. Read it here

There will be war and rumors of war, so the good book says…of course they were not talking about Big Ten expansion back then. However, as we get closer and closer to June, you will see more and more items like this.
I have experience with the folks at WHB. I did a Saturday night college football wrap up radio show at 1510 KCTE before the ownership group purchased 810, one of the most powerful daytime radio signals in the nation, certainly the farthest reaching all sports station. I know some of the personalities that are on the station still today. I have been a guest on 810 WHB on three different shows through the years, usually when something Hawkeye related happens.

Some people are likely wondering how a station in Kansas City is onto something like this before the Chicago Tribune, or other outlets that are in Big Ten are a few of my thoughts.

1. This is BS and someone has bad info. Always a factor to consider.

2. Kevin Kietzman is the PM drive talk show host, and a connected KC dude. He’s also an unabashed Kansas State fan and alum. There are also several connected KU fans and alums that work there, including at least one of the owners, Chad Boeger. Kietzman is also one of the owners (Union Broadcasting is the company). Steven St. John is the co-host of the morning drive show, and he is a big Missouri fan. He and I did the short lived Saturday night call in show together that I mentioned above…we were both passionate callers to KCTE back in the mid 1990’s. His caller name was MURock, and mine was….Hawkeye (go figure, right?). He has connections to Missouri now that he has a prominent voice in the KC Sports community. Kansas City is like an Ellis Island for midwestern sports, primarily old Big Eight schools.

3. Given what I laid out in #2, you have high ranking people at Kansas and Kansas State that have caught wind of these alleged invites, because they are not invited to the Big Ten’s party and they have not reason to stay quiet about it. Making it public might make for some fun fireworks even. Kietzman despises the Big Ten, or at least, that has been my take from listening to him through the years. He feels they get too much run for not enough performance. He’ll relish in playing the little guy, underdog card on this topic. But the folks at 810 will NOT LIKE the possibility of losing the KU-MU rivalry dynamic, however I think those teams will still play one another in an out of conference situation. It would be a shame if they did not. Nebraska has only recently had rivals in the Big 12 North, so the history is not there like it is for KU-MU; Missourians actually burned Lawrence, Kansas to the ground back in the late 1800’s. That stokes a rivalry, don’t you think? Ever wonder why a high school in Lawrence is called Lawrence Free State? Go dust up on your history….it’s interesting reading.

4. Folks in the Big Ten footprint are probably not going to be talking about this, because folks in the Big Ten offices are not going to tell them. So hearing news of this from outside the footprint should not be shocking, when and if verifiable evidence comes forth, and I am not saying WHB’s report is a smoking gun. I am just trying to lay the ground work for why I think this could have legs.

Now, onto the teams mentioned..I think Missouri and Rutgers will be in the expanded Big Ten. I have had them written in for a while now. If you get those two and the TV markets they bring, you have the ‘cover’ to bring in Nebraska, a state smaller than Iowa but one of the eight or so teams with 800 wins in the history of college football. Notre Dame? Well, that’s obvious.

Now, for the math. 11 + 4 = 15. M-O-O-N spells moon, even Tom Cullen knows that.

That doesn’t add up for even divisions, right?

Well, this could be round one, or the Big Ten wants to force Notre Dame to publicly say no, because this time around, the Big Ten has the hammer of ‘OK, we’ll be fine without you’ and this can put pressure on them as Big East circles want to issue ultimatums to them as well; join us in football, or get out. When it all shakes out, the Big Ten will increase by an odd number; 1, 3 or 5. 3 makes more sense to me, but I think it will be either 3 or 5.

If the Big Ten HAS issued invites, which I am a bit skeptical of given that the Big Ten Presidents and Chancellors meet in a few weeks in Chicago, and those invites have gone to the schools mentioned, three of the four are going to say yes in a relative split second; Nebraska, Missouri and Rutgers. Notre Dame may take a bit. But June 30th is the end of fiscal years for most schools and leagues, and you have to give a conference a few years notice.

This has been a fun topic for months and is going to get more fun in the coming days and weeks.
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I really hope Mizzou, Rutgers and Nebraska join the B10. A Nebraska v. Iowa game each year would be so fun to watch.
As long as it is Mizzou and Nebby, I dont really care about the other teams.

It will probably go to 16 teams and it will be broken up to divisions for FB and BB. It will be 4 divisions of 4 with us being with Nebby, Mizzou, and Minny
so... the 4 invites brings us to 15?... I'm guessing they are expecting ND to say no. Then we stand pat at 14 teams and let the shake up begin within other conferences. Once things start to really move we invite 2 more..... ND and Texas? :) and we are loaded at 16 teams.
It appears they are 50/50 on Notre Dame accepting the invitation. If they decline then they sit at 14 teams but if the accept then they have another school in mind for a 16th team.
I hope its not true. I want to see the expansion by only one team. Plus, I think it will really hurt ISU. Its kind of like your little brother. Its fun to whoop on them but I hate seeing anyone else do it.
I like Jon's take. However, I'm still in the I'll believe it when I see it camp.

My thought is that ND gets the School 15 invite, only after Schools 12, 13, and 14 have been accepted. Included in ND's invite are the names of Schools 16 and 17 with the statement that if they say no, this is what the B10 will be, and you'll be left holding the bag as the landscape of College Football is completely changed. They can either act or react. Either way they need to ask themselves, which one is the most beneficial financially to ND?

For me the "Tradition" argument doesn't hold water. ND hasn't been relevant on the Football field in 15+ years and deep down they know it. While they will always have a national following, I see that following diminishing over the next 10 - 15 years as more and more "Boomers" pass away. These were the people that lived that tradition, the rest of us just know the stories.

As much as I hate Nebraska, I love the possible addition to the B10, same with Missouri. Rutgers doesn't matter to me either way outside of the exposure in the New York market and I think it has more potential in Basketball recruiting as opposed to Football.

If ND says yes, I'd like to see Syracuse get to be School 16. If ND says no, I'd like to see Syracuse and Pitt.
It will truly be interesting to see how this pans out, what information is/was legit, what was complete BS, etc.

The best news? We have something to think about/talk about all summer to fill the void. :)
I like Jon's take. However, I'm still in the I'll believe it when I see it camp.

I am not saying that I am not skeptical of this..I am, only because we have seen a lot of this stuff this spring. However, I just wanted to shed some light on these guys.

It's probably my favorite sports talk station of all time...Kietzman is one of the best sports talkers at straight news that I have ever heard. He also has strong connections with past Big 12 Commish Kevin Weiberg, who went from that post to work for the Big Ten Network..he is now deputy commish in Pac 10.
Just guessing but im betting that the Big Ten is playing a game of chicken with ND, join us and we wont destroy the Big East conference, refuse us again and we take 3 Big east teams which will ruin the big east football conference, ND should consider themselves lucky that someone wants them that bad
The first denials have started to come out. Pearlman from Nebraksa has issued a statement saying that this is all false. However he would be saying that whether it was true or false since until something official comes out he pretty much has to be silent. At what point do you stop believing the denials?
Nebraska? OK.
ND? Yes.
Rutgers? Yes.

I wish we could just add ND,NEB.and Rutgers and call it a day.
Mo. just does not fit,imo. Too southern,below the mason dixon line...John Brown had it figured out.
Nebraska? OK.
ND? Yes.
Rutgers? Yes.

I wish we could just add ND,NEB.and Rutgers and call it a day.
Mo. just does not fit,imo. Too southern,below the mason dixon line...John Brown had it figured out.

Ummm...well i think that actually the mason dixon line technically ends somewhere between the southern Penn. border and the northern WV border...also, the popular version I believe that Mizz. would actually be north of the line and arkansas south of it...but whatever.
Nebraska? OK.
ND? Yes.
Rutgers? Yes.

I wish we could just add ND,NEB.and Rutgers and call it a day.
Mo. just does not fit,imo. Too southern,below the mason dixon line...John Brown had it figured out.

What is the fascination with Rutgers? They have no business being in the Big 10....absolutely none. There may be a lot of TV's in NY/NJ, but Rugters is nowhere near "Big 10 country".

Missouri is a much better "fit" than Rutgers. Too southern? They share a border with Iowa for cripes sake.

Since the Big 10 presidents haven't even met yet, I put no stock in this rumor, but thanks Jon for posting it. It is always fun to read these things.

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