Miller: Iowa Basketball & It's Return to Relevance

"In year one, McCaffery smacked Goliath in the nose a few times, though he didn’t always wind up on the winning side of the ledger.."

Holy mixed metaphors, Batman!!
lack of depth ? you got to be kidding me, we will have

Gesell at pt as a freshmen
Marble at sg as a jr
May at sf as a sr
Basabe at pf as a jr
Olaseni at c as a sophamore

we will be young but i see 2 jr's and a sr on the floor with him, plus Fran has 2 rides to give he may hold 2 or he may hold 1 and get a juco
Olgesbe a so
Ingram a fr
White a so
McCabe a jr
Meyer a fr
Woodbury a fr

There is zero pg depth there. That is what the guy was trying to say. Good god.
I am not saying they will be dancing this year or the next...this is a complete and total rebuilding process, and Iowa is in the national discussion (even if briefly) for the first time in 5 and a half years. Every successful journey has a first step.

I agree It is a big rebuilding process. In the Big 10 and college basketball it is nice to have the big men but seems like guards are king.

The depth at SG and PG behind Gessel and Oglesby is fairly thin and I don't think it is Fran's style to have players learn on the fly but I don't really think he will have a choice. The back court in 2012-13 will be very inexperienced with Marble as the lone Senior.
Does anybody think Marcus Paige changes his mind? that would take care of the point guard depth issue in a heartbeat! otherwise they will throw Gessel in the fire and take their chances,
Great pick up and all but don't get your hopes up! This is coming from an ISU fan who thought that Craig Brackins was going to take us places. He didn't... A team is not one player and I just want to warn you all not to get all excited only to be let down. College is a guards game. Woodbury will be as good as Iowa's guards let him be.

Should be exciting to see how ISU and Iowa are in a few years though. Both programs do seem to be headed in the right direction!
I agree on the guards game cyco, which is why I think Iowa St. will struggle this year. No legit point guard returning with any experience. Hopefully I didn't just hijack this great thread.
Fran's is a 3 year plan. Take a look at his other coaching positions. In his third year championship. It may be harder here but they will be a contender in year three.
trying not to drink the Kool-aid but it is hard not to be fired up, If we ever get back to the NCAA tourney or win a regular season big ten title I hope we never take it for granted again,

Yep. To this day there are cyber fans who say, "Glad we got rid of Davis". Americans don't know a good thing when they got it.
Thanks, Jon. Totally agree. We will now start to get attention and consideration nationally and from recruits. Times are changing.

no, you wont. a kid who grew up in iowa as a hawkeye fan picked the hawkeyes. huge surprise!!!! did matt gatens picking the hawks lead to "getting attention and consideration nationally and from recruits."? no.

Iowa will start to get attention from national recruits when Iowa starts winning.

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