Miller: Expansion is Here; Is Iowa Ready?

Remember how Penn State was going to kill our chances at titles and bowls?

How's that working out.

Change is coming. You can choose to fear it or you can embrace it. Now, if I were ISU, I'd fear it. IOWA, however, stands to make more money and gains, instantly, a border rivalry with national interest.

Somebody is going to have to explain to me where the suck is in all of that.
The difference is that the Huskers played in the NORTH division, where all the turkeys reside. Nebraska got 4-5 cake conference games a year, plus Baylor some of the time. The top of the Big 12 has been very good for a long time. But it's hardly a rough road for Nebraska most years. In the Big Ten, they could drop OSU and Michigan off their schedule for a few years, and still would have to play Penn State, Iowa, Wisconsin. In the Big 12, if they dropped off Texas and OU, their schedule gets REALLY easy.

As a husker fan, Most of your points are accurate. Except the years that we dont play texas, we play Oklahoma and vice versa. I think the Big ten is going to pose a lot of challenges for us, especially Iowa. When you play a conference schedule like we are about to take on in the big ten, nothing will come easy us I am sure.
Personally, I am excited for the expansion. Nebraska will be a great addition to the Big10, and there is potential that Iowa v. Nebraska could develop into a rivalry that the country actually cares about.

The idea of bringing in 3 programs (Nebraska, ND, Texas) of such calibre is a bit concerning. How could it not be? These are 3 elite (or have been elite in the past) programs. To be the best, though, you have to play the best. I don't think that Iowa has ever been better prepared for such a move.

With the addition of these 3 programs, somebody will suffer. Indiana, Northwestern, Illinois, Minnisota, Purdue, and yes, even Iowa could be in real danger of failing under the substantially increased competition. Then again, Nebraska and ND could be in trouble too. That's why we play the game...

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