Miller: Big Ten Users Guide for Husker Fans


Hey Husker fans, welcome to the club. Good to have you…I think.

First of all, things are different in this league than what you are used to. You get an equal cut of the revenues and are not treated like the cell mate of some guy named Buddy who is doing a four to six stretch for armed robbery. You’ll sit at the same table with Ohio State and Northwestern, and get the same cut of the meat. So enjoy it.

You bring a strong football program to the league, but you also have wrestling, a good baseball program and a good women’s basketball program, plus success in volleyball. Thanks.

However, you may want to check that notorious Nebraska football attitude at the door. We get that you have five national titles since 1970; hey, if you didn’t, you wouldn’t have gotten the golden ticket to be here. And that you are one of the winningest programs in the history of the sport. That is awesome, and we are glad to add that to our league’s resume.

However, you didn’t invent the game of football. And while I am trying hard to be hospitable, some interactions with some of you over the last few days is making this real hard, namely on your view of the Iowa football program.
No, we do not have the history card that you have. You have us there, but as I have liked to say for years, when someone is relegated to the history card in a debate, it means your present or very recent past isn’t much to stand on.

I had someone say to me on my radio show on Thursday that “Iowa had a nice team with Tavian Banks, and you were pretty good last year.” I like this person, and I don’t think he is a morning guy, so I will give him a bit of a pass.
However, I’d like to think that last year was better than just pretty good (11 wins, Orange Bowl win, inside the Top Ten national ranking, cover of Sports Illustrated). 2008 wasn’t bad either; 9 wins, Doak Walker Award winner, Outback Bowl win, four losses by a combined 12 points, etc.

In fact, since you want to play the history card, over the last decade, our football programs are on pretty equal footing, and a decade is a pretty long time.

Nebraska has 84 wins in the last 10 years, Iowa has 80. During that same time, Iowa has just one more loss than does Nebraska. This includes Iowa having a three win season in 2000 as Kirk Ferentz was rebuilding the Iowa program. I know that you made a coaching change and changed directions from the Tom Osborne era, too. However, as you like to point out, your program was superior to Iowa’s and we are not talking apples and oranges. The last nine years, Iowas has three more wins than you…just sayin.

Over the past decade, Iowa has two conference championships to your zero. Over the past decade, Iowa has played in six traditional January Bowl games to your four. We have each won one BCS game in that time, with Iowa having played in two BCS games to your one.

We have finished inside the AP Top Ten four times this decade, while you have pulled that off just twice with the most recent being 2001.
All of this has been accomplished without having your national name cache and national championship history, so if you don’t mind, bring a little bit of respect with you when you sit down at the table.

I know ISU fan is reading this and rolling their eyes, but that’s OK. Right now, I understand they are on edge and I would be too were I in their shoes. I hope things work out for them and their fans, because they are good people.
Sure, I’ve traded some barbs with them through the years and have enjoyed our rivalry. That being said, at the end of the game week, I was still going to work with them, to church with them, to the grocery store with them and more. We were still fellow Iowans, and that holds a lot of sway with me. So I meant it when I said I hope things work out for them.

However, I have this funny feeling that our rivalry with you, Nebraska fan, is not going to be as respectful. I think it’s going to get downright nasty, especially in Des Moines, Council Bluffs and Sioux City. Even though there are not as many Nebraska alums in Iowa City or Cedar Rapids, they will feel in via message boards and the like.

That’s OK; we’re game for that. We have dealt with Illini, Gopher and Badger fans through the years and can deal with all sorts of trolls…
I hold out hope that your reputation of having one of the most respectful and courteous game day settings for visitors will extend beyond the walls of Memorial Stadium, but given my experience of living in Kansas City and Des Moines, I am not going to hold my breath.

This item will probably put me in the cross hairs of the mouth breathers among you (hey, every fan base has them), so to you I say; let’s get it on. This will be fun. It will probably be words other than fun at times, too…but our teams will get to settle it on the field.

For that, I cannot wait.

By the way, if you think I am crazy, just call up Penn State fans. They'll tell you all you need to know about Iowa football.
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Well said Jon!

I liked the whole using facts to prove your point. It's a nice touch, I may try it sometime ;)
Solid first salvo over the bow. You want respect,give respect...simple credo.
This series is starting anew,with equal footing. Let the best team win...not the best history. Johnny Rodgers is not walking thru that door. Roger Craig is not walking thru that door. But then again,neither is Shonn Greene.

Bring it on,Huskers...seeya in two years.
Nebraska has 84 wins in the last 10 years, Iowa has 80. During that same time, Iowa has just one more loss than does Nebraska. This includes Iowa having a three win season in 2000 as Kirk Ferentz was rebuilding the Iowa program. I know that you made a coaching change and changed directions from the Tom Osborne era, too. However, as you like to point out, your program was superior to Iowa’s and we are not talking apples and oranges. The last nine years, Iowas has three more wins than you…just sayin.

I think Nebraska has reason to look at us as the little brother in this rivalry, like we view Iowa State. In arguably the best decade in the modern history of our program and in arguably Nebraska's worse decade they still have four more wins than us. We're not quite on the same level.
As you know Jon, I am a big Nebraska fan. I do not disagree with anything you wrote, and I for one can not wait to play you guys every year. We have not had a 'natural' rivalry since the big 12 formed and this will be a lot of fun.

As for works both ways. I have a ton of respect for Kirk Ferentz and what he has done. As for the fans...respect will need to be mutual. I for one will be welcoming all the Hawk fans the first time they make the trip to Lincoln...I hope that is reciprocated the first time I walk into Kinnick.
I have been hearing the same thing from Husker friends. Emails today include, we own the B10, we instantly bring more to the table then any other program. Conference championships will be ours for the taking. Better enjoy dropping down the pecking order Iowa...we will now take your spots in the bowls. PSU vs Neb, OSU vs Neb, Michigan vs Nebraska instantly become the top games to watch regardless of conferences....Iowa to a much leser degree. Their fans are just the most ignorant group of fans I have ever been around and I think that their being in the B10 will not be good fanwise.
[By the way, if you think I am crazy, just call up Penn State fans. They'll tell you all you need to know about Iowa football.[/QUOTE]

Can you say touche...?
As you know Jon, I am a big Nebraska fan. I do not disagree with anything you wrote, and I for one can not wait to play you guys every year. We have not had a 'natural' rivalry since the big 12 formed and this will be a lot of fun.

As for works both ways. I have a ton of respect for Kirk Ferentz and what he has done. As for the fans...respect will need to be mutual. I for one will be welcoming all the Hawk fans the first time they make the trip to Lincoln...I hope that is reciprocated the first time I walk into Kinnick.
Well right away you will find Hawkeye tailgating to be something you have never seen before...Lincoln tailgating is awful, no disrespect. Hawk fans will welcome you before and after the game. The nice about Kinnick will be you can leave your binoculars at home. At your stadium you need them just to see the players and the field. Kinnicks atmosphere is much better, in my opinion then Lincoln. I have been to Lincoln for every Oklahoma game from 1976- the glory yes I have seen some good games.
As you know Jon, I am a big Nebraska fan. I do not disagree with anything you wrote, and I for one can not wait to play you guys every year. We have not had a 'natural' rivalry since the big 12 formed and this will be a lot of fun.

As for works both ways. I have a ton of respect for Kirk Ferentz and what he has done. As for the fans...respect will need to be mutual. I for one will be welcoming all the Hawk fans the first time they make the trip to Lincoln...I hope that is reciprocated the first time I walk into Kinnick.

I look forward to your offerings around here, as I have the emails we have traded.
back in 1999 or 2000 - whenever it was that Nebraska played at Kinnick - at the time i live in the twin cities, and drive down solo to watch it. as i turn the accord east from 35 to 80, i get passed by a car full of husker fans and they pass me and all giving me the bird. i'm not sporting iowa license plates, bumper stickers, etc., so i assume that they are giving every other iowa licensed car the bird also. great respect.
Husker fans are lining up following me on twitter (if you are not, click on my twitter link below man!) His bio says this: Husband. Father. Mouth breather.

LOL I love that spirit
Well said Jon. I love the tone of your message. Give respect to get respect. I also like the edge of competitiveness in your tone as well. Bring it on indeed. I can't wait for this rivalry to start. I have a couple friends who are NU fans and I can't wait for Iowa to finally shut their mouths.
This is spot on 100% how I feel about this game.
Should be required reading for all Husker fans. They rival OSU in terms of their "holier than thou" attitude.
The only people who enjoy conversations about the 90's more than Bill and Hillary Clinton are Husker fans.
I caught the Nebraska Rivals guy on Jon's radio show this morning. He was pretty disrespectful to Iowa football throughout the interview.

He basically acted like the last 8 years of Hawkeye football didn't happen. Said Iowa was good when they had Tavian Banks and were pretty good last year as well.

Also totally downplayed any recruits Iowa has gotten from Omaha....guys Nebraska "didn't offer or offered late".

And, finally, said Iowa v. Nebraska would be a rivalry based on geography alone. Then went on to emphasize Nebraska rivalries with Michigan, Ohio State, etc.
Both states do not have a pro team so here in Iowa we bleed black and gold and over there they bleed red and white. This has all of the making for a rabid rivalry and I for one can't wait to play them. I made it over to Lincoln back in '94 to watch them play UCLA (my aunt/uncle are huge Husker fans and live in Omaha and they had extra tickets, otherwise I had no interest in going to Lincoln). It was actually a pretty cool experience. Game Day was there so it was a great atmosphere. Pretty good tailgating - not quite like Iowa City though. Is there any place like Iowa City? Fans for the most part were pretty nice and hospitable, stadium was nice and at the time I believe they were the first ones to have the jumbotrons in the corners of the stadiums and it showed the team coming down the tunnel (similar to how the Hawks do it now) to the Bulls theme. It was pretty cool.
Anyone feel like the cy-hawk rivalry is going to be a thing of the past once Iowa-Neb start hitting pads? They have identical fans to ND, so they will be easy to hate. They have an entire state behind them, similar to iowa give or take a few thousand.

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