Miller: Are Hawkeye Offensive Problems Systemic?

In response to original post, very nice Jon.

GD offense could make (successful) defensive coordinators out of many arm chair coaches such as myself, for sure.

Couple points from my perspective:

1) The systemic idea to me is supported well by the roster we have today and have had in the past. We have good players in a good environment that are not doing a very good job scoring points. Puts some great kids in a tough spot. Makes crabby people out of fun loving folks such as you and I.

2) Lots of great bruisers across the NFL and in college ball in the fullback mold that have their place running and blocking, but without speed and elusiveness you cannot be very successful in the running back position - long term. Would love to see our own Hebrew Hammer doing the blocking for our best back (hint Canzeri) for the majority of running plays. I think the team would enjoy it too. On the odd occasions that the fullback got the ball, the tackler would get a nice surprise (knocked on his arse)

To your 2nd point, why have we not seen a package with MW at fb, JC or LD at tailback, CJ at qb and T. Smith and Willies split wide? If you were a d coordinator, what play would you anticipate? It could be read option to either the fb or tb, a straight hand off up the middle to the fb or tb, an off-tackle handoff to the tb or PA and go deep. I mean, utilize the talent is there to be utilized.
The GD experiment is a failure pure and simple. BUT I think alot of this falls on KF shoulders...he is responsible. He still doesn't get the advantage you can have by running more plays faster (the D doesn't get a chance to change things see Pitt 2012 & Ball State last week) he doesn't get that he can use that to his advantage. He is more content at lining up giving the D chances to substitute and HOPE he has better players at each position like Alabama. NEW FLASH- your recruiting classes AREN'T BAMA's do stuff that puts your guys in a position to WIN. Isn't that the main goal? I didn't realize we were running Pro-style offenses so we can get kids drafted.

Wake up KF. Please
To your 2nd point, why have we not seen a package with MW at fb, JC or LD at tailback, CJ at qb and T. Smith and Willies split wide? If you were a d coordinator, what play would you anticipate? It could be read option to either the fb or tb, a straight hand off up the middle to the fb or tb, an off-tackle handoff to the tb or PA and go deep. I mean, utilize the talent is there to be utilized.


-Kirk Ferentz
We don't do creative things on offense very well.

lets see how many more stupid non-sensical stuff comes out of KFs mouth. But we creatively screw up punt defense and onside kick defense...I guess we don't do much very well. And NOW we don't run the ball very well even though we have, supposedly, a very talented OL. I don't get it. If we beat ISU and Pitt I will start to believe. Until then I will sit in my Man Cave and scream at the ineptitude of the coaching staff via the offense.
On a positive note we do the 3 yd pass and the -2 yd run loss on a stretch zone read play VERY WELL.
Rick Neuheisel and Jack Arute were on College Sports Radio this week. Neuheisel said the easiest offense to defend is the Pro Style unless you have a team that is just superior man for man we will never be that way with recruiting classes in the 40s every year and 8th in the Big Ten alone.
I think I am done with the zone blocking scheme. It is designed where you can plug in anybody at runningback. 8 men in box shouldn't matter.

At least for Iowa, you can't just plug in any runningback, 8 men in the box does matter. Iowas inability to throw the ball down the field allows teams to crowd the line scrimmage clogging cutback lanes. D-coordinators can let their guys loose because you will not get burnt by overpursuing. And when the cutback lanes are there the RB(s) are just plodding along with the inability to make a cut.

Iowa isn't built for a power blocking scheme so I do not know where you go; all I know is- this is just frustrating to watch.
We continue to be a 1960's muscle car in a weekly Grand Prix race. Our coach continues to be hell bent on making that old 60's muscle car perform against newer approaches.
that analogy is apt assuming the muscle car hasn't had a tuneup since the 60's, has two misfiring cylinders, and is has had sugar dumped in the gas tank.
that analogy is apt assuming the muscle car hasn't had a tuneup since the 60's, has two misfiring cylinders, and is has had sugar dumped in the gas tank.

It's apt even when the '60's muscle car is running perfectly as the new cars have less weight, less horsepower, more agility, and would still cook most '60's muscle cars even in a straight quarter mile.......think ricer. The 60's muscle car was good at basically running straight and not overly fast by today's standards........sound familiar?
As I have said in other threads, Jake reminds me most of Jeff Garcia. I also said, if he doesn't watch it at least one certain receiver is likely to go T.O. on him.

Here is a quote from T.O. on Garcia.

On HBO's "Inside the NFL", Owens said he would have posted better statistics in San Francisco if he had played with a strong-armed quarterback like his new Philadelphia teammate, Donovan McNabb.
"He (Garcia) threw the ball behind me, out of bounds," Owens said. "I left a lot of touchdowns on the field throughout the last two or three years."

I saw the same body language emerging from the receivers over the last two games.

It was even worse this game. Watch the sidelines. T.S. is T.O. right now, sans the Sharpie, etc.

KF is just completely freaking tone-deaf. Over the years he has failed to realize what is going on with his team. His QB has lost the team and by continuing to stick with him KF has lost it too.
We don't do creative things on offense very well.

lets see how many more stupid non-sensical stuff comes out of KFs mouth. But we creatively screw up punt defense and onside kick defense...I guess we don't do much very well. And NOW we don't run the ball very well even though we have, supposedly, a very talented OL. I don't get it. If we beat ISU and Pitt I will start to believe. Until then I will sit in my Man Cave and scream at the ineptitude of the coaching staff via the offense.

I have posted this many times questioning our O-Line reputation. Yes we turn out some great tackles but our interior guards and centers are typically a combination of undersized, weak and soft. Great offensive lines across the board can make decent skilled players and a decent QB look great. The O-Line as a whole has been a total farse or we would have some great offenses regardless of scheme in 16 years.

Where was that CR gazette article this summer about all of this technique and low man wins BS that justified KF playing small and soft interior o-lineman? Total crap

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