Miller: 2010 Offensive Line Has Early Cushion

Mr. Miller,

Good article. We won't have to worry about the defense, just the offensive line. I'll bet Coach Ferentz will start leaning more on Stanzi as far as game prep, leading, etc. Hope the guys keep their noses clean during the off-season. Next year COULD be special.
I agree, if the offensive line can't open holes for the runners or give Rick time to throw the ball it doesn't matter how great the skill position players are.

Exactly, success in centric on solid line play. It's the epitome of Hawkeye football over the years.
I guess that leaves me as the only one still worried about the line. They may have an early cushion next year, but they will not be better. they are losing too mch pro-level talent and too much expereince. This will not re-manifest in 4 easy games. There is no Kirk magic that will make a green line suddenly dominant. They will have growing pains all the way up to the end.

The O-line is the biggest concern going into next year, and it isn't even close.
I guess that leaves me as the only one still worried about the line. They may have an early cushion next year, but they will not be better. they are losing too mch pro-level talent and too much expereince. This will not re-manifest in 4 easy games. There is no Kirk magic that will make a green line suddenly dominant. They will have growing pains all the way up to the end.

The O-line is the biggest concern going into next year, and it isn't even close.

I dont think anyone is sprinkling magic pixie dust and saying the OL will be great. They are a huge concern. But I think the defense is going to be good enough to bail them out of some instances, and I think the OL will at least be an average unit...and an average OL with that slate or RB, with that Defense, and special teams, should win quite a few football games
I dont think anyone is sprinkling magic pixie dust and saying the OL will be great. They are a huge concern. But I think the defense is going to be good enough to bail them out of some instances, and I think the OL will at least be an average unit...and an average OL with that slate or RB, with that Defense, and special teams, should win quite a few football games

I also beleive they will win a few footbll games. However, people here are expecting bigger and better things next year. It seems be be the consensus around here that Iowa is going to be better next season, and compete for a national championship.

I agree with you that the line will not be great, not be bad, but probably average, and most likely finishing the season slightly above average. I think it will be a rocky road with so little expereinence. We will probably have some drives fizzle because of a blitz not picked up by a raw lineman, or a 3rd and short we didn't have the strenght to pull off.

I think we can be as good as last year if all of the pieces fall into place, but with just an average line, I don't think we compete for anything bigger than the conference title. I think some people here are setting unrealistic expectations for this team based off of this years success, but the offense is definately going to struggle next year, and I wonder how some fans will cope with this.
I guess that leaves me as the only one still worried about the line. They may have an early cushion next year, but they will not be better. they are losing too mch pro-level talent and too much expereince. This will not re-manifest in 4 easy games. There is no Kirk magic that will make a green line suddenly dominant. They will have growing pains all the way up to the end.

The O-line is the biggest concern going into next year, and it isn't even close.

Oh not at all...I am in complete agreement that there are o-line concerns. How can there not be with the turnover? I think chemistry and cohesiveness on the o-line aren't easy replaced. I just think too many Iowa fans are assuming Stanzi is going to be a non-issue when there are still obvious flaws in his game. And couple that with a questionable o-line...that could spell some trouble.
Does anyone have info on how the young linemen looked during the year or during bowl prep? Orne, MacMillian, McMillian, Zusevics etc,...did any of these kids turn any heads?

Jon, you pointed out our game against Ball State. Is that game still on? I thought a few months back there was news they backed out of the game.
I think we might be giving this years line too much credit. We had several problems with the O-Line this year (mostly due to injury). I don't think this years line was as good as 2008, yet we still won more games.
I think we might be giving this years line too much credit. We had several problems with the O-Line this year (mostly due to injury). I don't think this years line was as good as 2008, yet we still won more games.

I am not giving this year's line much credit at all. They were extremely inconsistent the first 8-10 weeks of the season. The Orange Bowl is the only they game they really looked dominant in. There is no queston that the defense carried the Hawks to great heights this year, and if we do anything next year, it will be on account of the defense.

My point, however, is not matching this season, but exceeding it. It will be very hard to be a national title contender with an average line. Make no mistake, this year's line was not great, next year's line will be worse, at least for a large portion of the season. it will be hard to exceed what we accomplshed this season after taking a step back in one of the most important areas.