Mike Zadick in Illegal Hunting Probe

"Hunting with the use of a spotlight or other artificial light also is illegal unless used by a legally blind person"

THis is from the article..am I the only one who thinks that if you're legally blind you should find a new hobby? :confused:
Funny how an illegal hunting article brings people to the wrestling forum. Really liking the comment of how we took the homes of deer and coons. Relax gentleman, there will be plenty of deer for you to hunt; let the fines be paid and community service served and move on.

Thank goodness, wrestling starts this Friday.
You don't understand, deer pose a legitimate threat to our National Security. Dug is just an avid Patriot, trying to take His Country back. From the daggum Deer-Quaida.
We need a grass-roots poaching movement to eradicate all undocumented deer, and especially the ones that are darker brown.
Fire, ready, aim, boyz.

You're a moron
if it was shot with anything but an arrow, it is out-of-season. that can be easily determined. maybe he has a bow and license, but if the deer has any lead residue in the hide then it is poaching.

Not true, there's been an early muzzy season, which was in Oct.
There is absolutely nothing good that can come from the activities involving student athlets, their coaches, and firearms.

I must have missed it, but I don't think I saw the article say anything about where the wrestlers hunting raccoon and Zadick's activities were directly related. Not saying they weren't, but no evidence was presented either.
I must have missed it, but I don't think I saw the article say anything about where the wrestlers hunting raccoon and Zadick's activities were directly related. Not saying they weren't, but no evidence was presented either.

The artcle might not have mentioned it, but I know it goes on, and repeat nothng good can come from mixng coaches, student athletes, and guns.
Is "you are a moron" better? Or does that not meet your standards either?

Vintage I have to give you credit. That pic is pretty good haha! Nice work sir!!

Thank you. Now calm down! :) I'm not your enemy. I was just farting around with my stupid post about 'deer-qaida' and that other nonsense. :D
anymore news on this...have seen no news stories or public statements from the dnr
There has been no recent news. The wrestlers have been excluded from any trouble and are free and clear. The DNR did a search of Zadick's property after investigating the carcusses that the wrestlers placed on campus. The wrestlers were not involved with Zadick in any way regarding their hunting incident. They were twenty miles away from Zadick and Zadick's property when they went 'hunting". Somehow, the DNR officer went searching Zadick's property as a result of investigating the wrestler's incident even though there was no relationship what so ever with Zadick! Thus far no charges have been filed(that I know of) against Zadick. The big questions are: how the investigation got to Zadick? and why haven't any charges been filed yet since the evidence against him is so great(supposedly).