Mike Leach Texas Tech

I respectfully disagree. ESPN is about as far away from a "sensational media" outlet as you can get. It's well documented (DP talks about it all the time on his radio show) that they won't let you air a story without two corraborating sources unless the sources are willing to be sited (even if your first source is the person involved in the case).

That doesn't mean they aren't guilty of being a sensational media outlet though. Being a sensational media outlet basically means you're guilty of hyping certain stories (Favre, Vick and others) with a particular slant or being responsible for repeatedly stirring the pot on major stories among other practices which ESPN is quite guilty of as a media outlet.

His point was simply that because it was an ESPN analyst's son that the story will get more play...which, I don't necessarily agree with because I think when you have a HC allegedly lock a kind in a closet that story has legs of its own, but I also wouldn't be surprised if it gets more play because of the tie.
My wife is a Certified Athletic Trainer, and unfortunately deals with many athletes with concussions. She was very disturbed about the treatment of this player, no matter what his last name was. Concussions are not something to mess around with. Just ask Merle Hodge. Hopefully, Adam was given the proper care to recover from his injury!
The media controls this and we may never know what really happened. If Leach did what they claim, then he should be fired and sent to the government to interrogate terrorists so he can get his jolleys out. If the James kid and his dad put this out to the media for whatever reason, they should both be cleaning toilets at the stadium for 5 years as their community service. I have a hard time believing a major college coach would lock a guy in a closet, but you never know what kind of crap goes on when the fans demand a winner.
LOL!!! Leach did that to freaking Craig James' son!!??

Mike Leach, professionally speaking, you sir are dead man walking.

As toasted as my morning Fiber One toaster pastry (a healthier, yet as satisfyingly tasty, version of a pop tart).
They talked so much about Farve, Vick, and others because thats what listeners/viewers wanted. Sensationalism implies a degree of unethical behavior, that is reporting innacurate or false information for the purpose of generating headlines or gaining notice.

I can't think of a single instance in which ESPN was accused of reporting anything in an unethical way. Just because you were tired of hearing about Brett Farve (a story that ultimately proved worth all the coverage given to it) doesn't mean it's considered "stirring the pot".
I honestly doubt that Leach did anything wrong. They just had some interviews on ESPN before the bowl game started and I am thinking that it was just because the kid wasn't getting any playing time.

I wouldn't doubt it if the only reason this blew up was because his dad works for ESPN. The doctor even said what Leach did only helped the kid's concussion if anything.
I honestly doubt that Leach did anything wrong. They just had some interviews on ESPN before the bowl game started and I am thinking that it was just because the kid wasn't getting any playing time.

I wouldn't doubt it if the only reason this blew up was because his dad works for ESPN. The doctor even said what Leach did only helped the kid's concussion if anything.

If so, it seems weird that he would have been suspended.
If so, it seems weird that he would have been suspended.

I think they suspended him fast before ESPN could get the news out and say nothing has been done.

What seems weird is that they suspended them right away and now a day later they are willing to have a hearing to reinstate him the very next day.

It is like they were pressured and acted out of hand.
Now Leach has filed a restraining order to coach in the bowl. There's also a clause where Leach gets money if he is the coach on Dec 31. This is getting interested.
Now Leach has filed a restraining order to coach in the bowl. There's also a clause where Leach gets money if he is the coach on Dec 31. This is getting interested.

If they are going to fire him they will do it tomorrow and save 800K; they are on the hook (probably) for 400K per annum for the remainder of his contract regardless.
does anyone else see the hypocrisy of TTU in their investigation of leach for how he treats players, when they hired Bobby Knight after his alleged abuse of players and students.

I am not judging the hiring of knight. Just seems inconsistent
If they are going to fire him they will do it tomorrow and save 800K; they are on the hook (probably) for 400K per annum for the remainder of his contract regardless.

They wouldn't be wise to do that unless they have some fairly concrete evidence or testimony from witnesses.
I don't think they have enough to fire him, Kansas had testimony from current and former players. TT only has one alleged incident that did the player no harm according to the doctor.
I don't think I'd fire him over this, but if I have been looking for a reason, this might work.

I think he should be suspended. The more I have thought about this, the more I feel that way.
Have there been any other players on the team that have said anything about this? I've only heard what the kid says and what Leech says, there has to be witnesses to what really happened doesn't there?
I don't really blame him for not apologizing. No sense in setting a precedent that any kid with a note from any doctor can dictate to the coach how much contact he can take.

The only real question here is how over the top was the punishment. There was no harm involved to him. He wasn't in any danger from what I've heard.

Is it possible this is being exaggerated because the kid is upset?

Right now, I am largely siding with Leach on this. It's possible he went a little over the top with the electrical closet thing, but even then not terribly so. So what, he didn't have a chair, it's not like he couldn't sit on his butt...I hear a big deal being made out of there being no chair, so if there was a chair it would have been alright?

I'll wait to hear more before I pass final judgment.

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