Mike Leach Rips on Craig James on ESPN Radio

He wasn't ripping Craig James, he was ripping an unnamed ESPN on-air personality whose son went to Texas Tech at the time, and who played at SMU back in the day, and is currently running for senate. Could be anybody.
I really don't get what ESPN gains by continuing to employ Craig James? I've never once heard somebody say they liked him as an announcer. He created a huge conflict of interest for ESPN, not that that's anything new for them. Even idiots like Skip Bayless draw people to watch his show because they want to say what he will say next but James is just bland and uninformative and smug.
He wasn't ripping Craig James, he was ripping an unnamed ESPN on-air personality whose son went to Texas Tech at the time, and who played at SMU back in the day, and is currently running for senate. Could be anybody.
hahaha, exactly.
Craig James I admired your great long break away runs as a High School Senior. The way you carried your team in that Play off game in the Astrodome...that great middle screen that you ran 80 yards down the east sideline against UT when you were a back at SMU ws an artistic thing of beauty. But, Craig James, you have a very nice sounding name...But I never understood the wisdom of permitting your son to go to TTech and then interfering with his coaching as an over indulged child...you lost me on that one Craig James. A great football player does not make you anything other than a great football player.

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