Mike Evans


Well-Known Member
Mike has not been with the team. He status will be reviewed at a later time with the opportunity to rejoin certainly possible. He is still enrolled and hopes to be in a Hawkeye singlet next provided he takes care of what he needs to.
Interesting. A family member of his explicitly denied that there was anything happening on the HR wrestling board.
Sounds like disciplinary action. I recall a DUI but have there been further incidents? Hope it's temporary.
Interesting. A family member of his explicitly denied that there was anything happening on the HR wrestling board.

Actually they were pretty careful to just say he was not transferring. They didn't answer any questions that were asked about why the rumors came up or if there were any issues.
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I'm hoping this is another bad rumor.

@AustinMNHawk - it did set off warning signs, of course the guy who brought it up was tarred and feathered and then the post was deleted. Interesting turn of events if this is true :(
I'm hoping this is another bad rumor.

@AustinMNHawk - it did set off warning signs, of course the guy who brought it up was tarred and feathered and then the post was deleted. Interesting turn of events if this is true :(

Those that know USAF know he wouldn't just post a rumor unsubstantiated. He wouldn't have posted it unless he was confident in the source. So let's hope Evans does what is needed to get back on the team.
I wasn't trying to impune USAF's character or integrity...just hoping (a.k.a. wishing) for a more favorable outcome.
I am sure the DUI is the reason and meeting the requirements that go with it. If we have not heard it from Coach Brands mouth or read it in one of Coach Brands interviews then I am going to assume Evans is going through the process required by the school.
The best thing is to hope and pray that Mike is able to take care of business and get things back on track so he can be his best on and off the mat.
@Factory - +1. I'm not close to the program but I'm a fan who wants the best for the Iowa wrestlers. I also want to cheer for the best wrestling program and it would be sad if Evans doesn't play a factor in that due to off the mat issues. These boards give me and others the chance to feel like part of the Iowa family and I'm grateful for the opportunity to participate in these discussions. I especially appreciate this site because there is less fighting and adhominem attacks when somone asks a legitimate question or gives an opinion supported by some level of data or decency...thanks!!
@Factory - +1. I'm not close to the program but I'm a fan who wants the best for the Iowa wrestlers. I also want to cheer for the best wrestling program and it would be sad if Evans doesn't play a factor in that due to off the mat issues. These boards give me and others the chance to feel like part of the Iowa family and I'm grateful for the opportunity to participate in these discussions. I especially appreciate this site because there is less fighting and adhominem attacks when somone asks a legitimate question or gives an opinion supported by some level of data or decency...thanks!!

I guess you want a pat on the back for being the one "in the know" Not exactly something to be proud of. We all have done things in our lives that have not always gotten us the right attention. Lets face it, we are only fans and it is none of our business, we are all gossips and some become hurtful.
So I am glad you feel like your part of the family, however the information you posted if true was obviously not meant for public scuitany. I think your original "news breaking" first post was meant to get attention to yourself for being the one in the know. I hate to say it I would rather be competing with Evans then competing against him, but wouldn't blame him if he left.
I guess you want a pat on the back for being the one "in the know" Not exactly something to be proud of. We all have done things in our lives that have not always gotten us the right attention. Lets face it, we are only fans and it is none of our business, we are all gossips and some become hurtful.
So I am glad you feel like your part of the family, however the information you posted if true was obviously not meant for public scuitany. I think your original "news breaking" first post was meant to get attention to yourself for being the one in the know. I hate to say it I would rather be competing with Evans then competing against him, but wouldn't blame him if he left.

I think you're going after the wrong Air Force hawkeye fan. With that being said, USAFHawk is not one to go around with a "hey look at me" attitude, so relax and back off.
@wherehawksfly - I have no idea what you're talking about. I assume you have me confused with USAFHawk who started this post. Nobody on this thread has posted anything derrogatory about Evans. On the contrary, everything has been positive hoping for the best and that he'll fix whatever problems got him off the team.
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I guess you want a pat on the back for being the one "in the know" Not exactly something to be proud of. We all have done things in our lives that have not always gotten us the right attention. Lets face it, we are only fans and it is none of our business, we are all gossips and some become hurtful.
So I am glad you feel like your part of the family, however the information you posted if true was obviously not meant for public scuitany. I think your original "news breaking" first post was meant to get attention to yourself for being the one in the know. I hate to say it I would rather be competing with Evans then competing against him, but wouldn't blame him if he left.

All I know is USAF does not post a thing unless he feels it is ok to do it so I'm not going to second guess him. The details are not anyones business and he gave none. I read his info to say that Mike is taking a break from wrestling activities while he sorts some things out and plans on being in uniform next year once that happens. His post gave enough info to let people know the situation and squash the rumors but did not reveal anything that a person who watches practice could not see for themselves and is right in line with what Mike's family stated (the plan is for him to be ready to go next year). This is not the first time an athlete under Tom has taken a break to work on some things Tom feels are more important than wrestling and I'm sure won't be the last.

I'm not sure what this "I would not blame him if he left" stuff is. I'm sure a few nosey people on a message board are not really too high on Mike's give a crap list. I would hope that the athletes that Tom brings in are not going to run away upset because of message board fodder, they are tougher than that. Heck, other guys on the team were crucified at times about their performance last year compared to this stuff.
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USAF is right on. I believe things will work out fine as long as Mike wants to be a wrestler for U of I.
There are definitely some hurdles that need to be cleared at this time for Mike to resume his wrestling career at Iowa. It's not just as easy as wanting to be on the team. That being said, as USAFhawk stated, things will be evaluated again after this semester. I think that everyone is in agreement that they wish Mike the best and hope that things get straightened out and he is back on the team next year!

I'm sure that USAFhawk would be on here to defend himself as well but he is currently in Akron with some student athletes who are wrestling at Cadet nationals. More than
Whoops, more than one of which is being recruited by the U of Iowa. He is a very well connected guy and as others have stated he doesn't just come on here trying to stir the pot...

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