Michael Jordan

He's a classic goader. The snarky fat kid who pushes everyone's hot buttons and thinks he's really clever, but when push literally comes to shove, he runs home to mama.

Like sending whiny PMs?

Seriously, For a guy in his mid 40s you sure do bit** alot about a message board.

You should try to get me banned if it bothers you that much since that is what you do so well.
No thanks, I'm not interested in an annuity. Perhaps ok4p will let you pitch him, though.

You are on fiya.

I especially love when you argue against pretend things in your head. It is the bestest. Just be aware, your bitter old man syndrome is showing again.
Aw, who am I trying to fool? YES, I want an annuity!! And a whopping whole life policy too.
Pls call my assistant and set up an appointment.
Aw, who am I trying to fool? YES, I want an annuity!! And a whopping whole life policy too.
Pls call my assistant and set up an appointment.

Keep arguing against your own mind. I am sure you might get lost in there.

But, while we are at it, my daughter would love a plastic bead necklace. I will take 3.

1 thing I know for sure, you would never see Pippen or Jordan not guarding the best guy on the other team to save energy for offense. Watching that special last night really showed the difference between those guys and Lebron. They would have been fighting to be the guy to guard Durant.
You speak as if you've experienced this first hand. How late in life did you wet your pants?

Uh-oh. Looks like ******* has a new bodyguard.

Please, Hammer, don't hurt me.
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signs point to no. did you actually watch Bird? one of the best ever to play the game. la ron isn't even the best on the floor.

I loved watching Bird play, and I've been slow to warm to James, but it's time to give LeBron his due.

He is one of the most skilled and uniquely talented individuals to ever play in the NBA. I am not saying he is the best ever, I am not even saying he is better than Bird, but don't pretend as if he still doesn't belong in the conversation.

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