Meltdown in Badgertown


Well-Known Member
There are few things better in life than visiting the Badger forums after they lose. Here are a few nuggets of wisdom posted there:

"They make a run with the subs and Bo pulls them? What kind of idiocy is that. Not to mention a complete lack of urgency. You don't run clock when you are down 10. This team is a joke and their top 25 ranking is a joke. At least they'll be out in round one so the embarrassment will be short."

"What is with Iowa rushing the court? Pretty lame if you ask me. A good win for Iowa for sure, but it's not like they just knocked off the number one team in the country or anything. I just don't think being a 5 point underdog and winning a game at home is justification for rushing the court. What will they do for an encore if they ever do have a huge victory?"

Then this just made me laugh:
"It is disappointing to think that these guys cost us the B1G title as they have Gatens and 4 nice D2 / D3 players starting for them. I don't see this promising future for the hawks - who do they have besides Gatens?"
Some of us are old enough to remember when..

There are few things better in life than visiting the Badger forums after they lose. Here are a few nuggets of wisdom posted there:

"They make a run with the subs and Bo pulls them? What kind of idiocy is that. Not to mention a complete lack of urgency. You don't run clock when you are down 10. This team is a joke and their top 25 ranking is a joke. At least they'll be out in round one so the embarrassment will be short."

"What is with Iowa rushing the court? Pretty lame if you ask me. A good win for Iowa for sure, but it's not like they just knocked off the number one team in the country or anything. I just don't think being a 5 point underdog and winning a game at home is justification for rushing the court. What will they do for an encore if they ever do have a huge victory?"

Then this just made me laugh:
"It is disappointing to think that these guys cost us the B1G title as they have Gatens and 4 nice D2 / D3 players starting for them. I don't see this promising future for the hawks - who do they have besides Gatens?"

Wisconsin basketball was a joke (basically its entire modern history before Dick Bennett and then Ryan). So yes, it's somewhat funny seeing these sort of comments about how embarrassed they are to lose to Iowa. Get over it. If you are better than the other team, go out and win the game.

Iowa fans should feel no embarrassment whatsoever at being excited or storming the court. Iowa fans have been in basketball wasteland for 12 years, forgive us if we get excited when the program shows signs of a pulse again and one of our native sons and legacy players leads us to back-to-back wins over ranked teams with consecutive 30-point games.
Re: Some of us are old enough to remember when..

Wisconsin basketball was a joke (basically its entire modern history before Dick Bennett and then Ryan). So yes, it's somewhat funny seeing these sort of comments about how embarrassed they get swept by Iowa. Get over it. If you are better than the other team, go out and win the game.

Iowa fans should feel no embarrassment whatsoever at being excited or storming the court. Iowa fans have been in basketball wasteland for 12 years, forgive us if we get excited when the program shows signs of a pulse again and one of our native sons and legacy players leads us to back-to-back wins over ranked teams with consecutive 30-point games.

This one is kinda good.

"Tell me about it, we should consider switching the title of "Moving Screen University" to Iowa..."
They did kinda screw up on the goal tend, though. That ball was clearly pinned against the glass. Those two points would've given them the win.:eek:

If the refs had called the blatant foul on White's dunk that ended up in an easy 3 for Brust that 5 point swing never would have happened, and we wouldn't have had to sweat as much at the end. :)
They did kinda screw up on the goal tend, though. That ball was clearly pinned against the glass. Those two points would've given them the win.:eek:

You can pin a ball against the glass on a block. You can't if the ball hit the glass before your hand got to it.
You can pin a ball against the glass on a block. You can't if the ball hit the glass before your hand got to it.

Which clearly happened. With that said, a no call goaltending in the opening minutes of the game was hardly the deciding factor.
Which clearly happened. With that said, a no call goaltending in the opening minutes of the game was hardly the deciding factor.

Since I was at the game and didn't have access to instant replay, it was not clear to me that that is what happened.
Re: Some of us are old enough to remember when..

"Iowa fans should feel no embarrassment whatsoever at being excited or storming the court. Iowa fans have been in basketball wasteland for 12 years, forgive us if we get excited when the program shows signs of a pulse again and one of our native sons and legacy players leads us to back-to-back wins over ranked teams with consecutive 30-point games."

Well said, Dodger. I think it was Seth Davis after the game who implied the win was not worthy of the celebration. Isn't he from Iowa? Wow. Watching it last night, I was greatful the fans showed the love for Matt's Herculean effort. He earned every bit of it. I'm HollowayHappy!

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