Melsahn, "We need to talk."

Stormin, if that's you in your avatar photo, then you look a little bit like Seth Rogen. I mean that in the best possible way.
Certainly one of the stranger relationships I have seen unfold. On one hand McCaffrey talks about guys earning starts, PT, etc., then seemingly rewards Basabe with a "reserved" starting spot, despite uninspired play all season. A slump is one thing, but this has been a 20 game effort / energy drought.

There is no reason to throw the ball to Basabe because he does not work to get open and does nothing with it when he gets it. He has basically taken himself out of the offense with his play.
Not sure if anyone else noticed this from last night. There was a play towards the end(can't recall which exactly) but everyone got up and cheered but Basabe and maybe Cartwright. Brommer was pumping his fist, while Mel sat there like a bump on a log. If anyone should pout it would be Brommer more so than is his last year.

I saw that and thought that there is indicative to his play this season.
I have heard from a fairly well connected source that he will be gone at the end of this academic year.

I'm calling BS here. If we was on his way out the door, Fran would not play him.

Everybody just needs to get over it, and not be expecting every game to be the one where he breaks out for 20 and 10. The team as a whole is improving. Stop speculating and realize that Melsahn is really struggling this year and adjust your expectations of him accordingly.

As I said in another thread, it is easy to look lazy/disinterested if you're lacking confidence and out of the flow. I've been on both sides of that myself playing baseball. I've been the catcher self-assuredly directing traffic from behind the plate, and I've been the pitcher who looks lazy because I hesitated and didn't know which base to back up. In basketball, a game of perpetual motion (relative to baseball), if you're not confident in where you should be, you can get caught standing around a lot.

If Mel is still playing like this as a senior, then I'll admit you guys are right and that he's lazy. That said, I feel like he'll turn it around. Just don't expect it against Indiana, or maybe even the rest of this year.
Cover, our point is if he doesn't know where he should be at this point in the season, where he should be is on the bench.
Cover, our point is if he doesn't know where he should be at this point in the season, where he should be is on the bench.

No argument here. I myself have been wanting to not see him in the starting lineup until he figures it out. I'm just tired of all the "oh, he's a lazy sack; oh, he's a terrible teammate; oh, he's transferring" stuff.
I'm calling BS here. If we was on his way out the door, Fran would not play him.

If Mel is still playing like this as a senior, then I'll admit you guys are right and that he's lazy. That said, I feel like he'll turn it around. Just don't expect it against Indiana, or maybe even the rest of this year.

I don't think he's lazy. I think he is uninterested in playing. For Iowa at least.
Mel has definitely struggled as of late. Foul trouble, missing a couple early, whatever it is, he can't get into the flow of the games. I personally think Mel looks frustrated, not uninterested. He is essentially the starting center based on who is guarding him on any given night. Teams know that Zach has the range to go outside, therefore he is drawing the "4" while we are on offense.

We can all agree that Mel is an undersized center. Last year, while playing the 4 and Cole playing the 5, Melsahn did not have vastly taller defenders on him, Cole drew that match up. Having a true center in Woodbury next year, along with Gabe progressing will help greatly.

I know that won't help this year, and I am not going to say any of us know more than Fran, but we should try to bring Mel up higher in the offense so he can work his face-up game easier and not be dwarfed in the post.

That is just my 2 cents here. We need to keep supporting this YOUNG team that is improving and will keep improving. One step back, for every 2 forward is fine with me, considering we had been taking 10 steps back with the previous regime.

Bring that attitude Mel, and prove your doubters wrong! Go Hawks!
I made a small change in your final sentence. I think he should bring the effort and leave the attitude in the parking lot.

No, I meant attitude. Yeah he does need to bring the effort every night, just as every guy should. But he needs to be confident in his attitude, not frustrated. He needs to have the attitude that McCabe exhibits. Smaller, but trust your skills and know you will get it done.
He has not been showing the attitude that McCabe exhibits and I assert that he needs to leave the one he has been bringing outside the doors of Carver. I would prefer he start wearing the same warm up gear as the rest of the team for a start.
Basabe is lazy and personally needs not to see the court again this season and if he isn't happy with being here, let's know now so we can replace him. What a huge disappointment.

Sioux is right it's EFFORT.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want Mel gone. I just want him to perform. I know he can do it. He just needs an attitude adjustment in my opinion. I'm sure Fran is working on it. I really think the next step in the process is loss of his starting spot.
Stormin, if that's you in your avatar photo, then you look a little bit like Seth Rogen. I mean that in the best possible way.
We both lost weight, so I will take that as a compliment.
People are anonymous everywhere, so I try to be un-anonymous.