Meaningful new tradition.

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Well-Known Member
I am behind the players wanting to somehow show unity for racial justice. In order to be meaningful, it should be something to stand on it's own and not be linked to the National Anthem. My thought is for Iowa to enter stadium in "the swarm" and go to the 50 yard line. There they will be joined by the opposing team and all can kneel while the Jumbotron plays a portion of Dr. Martin Luther Kings "I have a dream" speech. Then have all stand for National anthem. We must show that changing racial relations is aimed at unifying the nation and not causing greater division.
I am behind the players wanting to somehow show unity for racial justice. In order to be meaningful, it should be something to stand on it's own and not be linked to the National Anthem. My thought is for Iowa to enter stadium in "the swarm" and go to the 50 yard line. There they will be joined by the opposing team and all can kneel while the Jumbotron plays a portion of Dr. Martin Luther Kings "I have a dream" speech. Then have all stand for National anthem. We must show that changing racial relations is aimed at unifying the nation and not causing greater division.
Or how about they kneel during the Anthem as planned and just play a football game afterwards like is being suggested?

But regardless of ones opinion on the matter, let me ask you a question...

How much traction do you think it would get if an affluent 60 plus year old white dude told black players how they should protest because he’s offended by it? Do you not see how totally absurd that shit is, lol? Your posts historically are well-spoken so I assume you have some sort of education. But at the same time this adds proof that education doesn’t mean intelligence.

Do you honestly not see the idea of an old white guy trying to tell black kids they should conform to his way of thinking because what they want to do doesn’t fit his old white guy way of thinking is EXACTLY what they’re protesting against. Jesus Christ, man. They don’t need you dreaming up alternative ways for them to express feelings just because what they’re going to do offends your country club sensibilities. That’s the whole point.

All you’re doing right here is trying to subtly control the black players actions because you don’t agree with it, and trying (pathetically, I might add) to mask it by suggesting a token ceremony that fits better into your realm of what’s acceptable. News flash...the entire idea of protest is to upset people and make them uncomfortable.

At the end of the day, those players are going to do what they want regardless of whether anyone thinks it’s good or bad. Maybe you should take the players advice and move on to a different team if it hurts you so much.
Jesus Christ this one is so dumb it deserves a double response. Wow.

“I support the right of young black players to protest what they perceive a racial injustice, but I also feel they should do so in a manner that is wholly and entirely inoffensive to my WASP moral code. I, an old white guy, shall now choreograph these black players on how to conduct this protest in order to conform to my old white guy requirements.


You can’t be so goddamned stupid to not see the ridiculous irony in what you’re suggesting, can you? An old white guy telling black players if they want to protest they should do it how he wants them to so they don’t upset said white guy?
I am only suggesting a more impactful demonstration/statement. Something which could stand out and draw more attention to the cause. How often does anyone ever see the National Anthem for college football? Now, how many people have seen the "WAVE" televised after the 1st quarter? In fact, the wave became nationally recognized as the best tradition in college football because it was meaningful, everyone participated, and it placed attention directly on the subject matter.
It is the University and the football program that said they would be discussing how best to move forward. This was only a suggestion. If we as fan's cannot be civil with each other in our discourse then perhaps the intolerance within the football program is only one issue that must be addressed.
Jesus Christ this one is so dumb it deserves a double response. Wow.

“I support the right of young black players to protest what they perceive a racial injustice, but I also feel they should do so in a manner that is wholly and entirely inoffensive to my WASP moral code. I, an old white guy, shall now choreograph these black players on how to conduct this protest in order to conform to my old white guy requirements.


You can’t be so goddamned stupid to not see the ridiculous irony in what you’re suggesting, can you? An old white guy telling black players if they want to protest they should do it how he wants them to so they don’t upset said white guy?
You need to calm down. Forums are a place for discussion. Not your Doyle style bullying.
I am only suggesting a more impactful demonstration/statement.
That's how you want to sell it.

In reality you're a guy who's offended by kneeling so you want to try and direct the players into doing something that fits your morals better.

You said, "How often does anyone ever see the National Anthem for college football?" and then said in your first post that they should "Have all stand for the National Anthem."

Well, if no one sees it according to you, then why do you care if they stand or not? How about if they did about if they kneeled and had your mid-field ceremony...would that satisfy you? The answer is no, because the real issue you have is you don't want players kneeling, not that you want to have a more impactful demonstration.

At the end of the day, black players want to protest (among many other things) the very thing you're trying to old white guy telling them how they should act and think.. The irony is so bitter it's hilarious.
Fryowa said:
“Jesus Christ this one is so dumb it deserves a double response. Wow.

““I support the right of young black players to protest what they perceive a racial injustice, but I also feel they should do so in a manner that is wholly and entirely inoffensive to my WASP moral code. I, an old white guy, shall now choreograph these black players on how to conduct this protest in order to conform to my old white guy requirements.


“You can’t be so goddamned stupid to not see the ridiculous irony in what you’re suggesting, can you? An old white guy telling black players if they want to protest they should do it how he wants them to so they don’t upset said white guy?“

This was an asshat response, Fry. No wonder you deleted it so — you hoped — others wouldn’t see it. Try to do better.
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I am behind the players wanting to somehow show unity for racial justice. In order to be meaningful, it should be something to stand on it's own and not be linked to the National Anthem. My thought is for Iowa to enter stadium in "the swarm" and go to the 50 yard line. There they will be joined by the opposing team and all can kneel while the Jumbotron plays a portion of Dr. Martin Luther Kings "I have a dream" speech. Then have all stand for National anthem. We must show that changing racial relations is aimed at unifying the nation and not causing greater division.

Interesting. Got to think through this a bit, but it is creative.
I feel the best thing to do to show unity is for all players and fans to start a new tradition. Those that want to kneel, stand, sit..all are fine..but let's everyone hold hands or put hands on shoulders of those kneeling or sitting to show tolerance, acceptance and unity while still recognizing differences and political statements. We hold hands in church to pray. Lets hold hands or touch shoulders out of unity. What a scene...people kneeling...standing...sitting...together hand in hand as one.
CNN BREAKING NEWS: Iowa fan wants to accelerate spread of The Germ. Millions will die. Story upcoming.
Relax Karen. It doesnt have to be done until there is a vaccine. Besides, if you are at the game you arent concerned. You are sitting next to and amongst thousands. If you think touching a shoulder is worse than screaming next to people for 3 hours you need to do some research.
I am behind the players wanting to somehow show unity for racial justice. In order to be meaningful, it should be something to stand on it's own and not be linked to the National Anthem. My thought is for Iowa to enter stadium in "the swarm" and go to the 50 yard line. There they will be joined by the opposing team and all can kneel while the Jumbotron plays a portion of Dr. Martin Luther Kings "I have a dream" speech. Then have all stand for National anthem. We must show that changing racial relations is aimed at unifying the nation and not causing greater division.

Maybe for the very first game this fall might be fine. Can you picture Iowa and Nebby doing this? Illinois?
Fryowa said:
“Jesus Christ this one is so dumb it deserves a double response. Wow.

““I support the right of young black players to protest what they perceive a racial injustice, but I also feel they should do so in a manner that is wholly and entirely inoffensive to my WASP moral code. I, an old white guy, shall now choreograph these black players on how to conduct this protest in order to conform to my old white guy requirements.


“You can’t be so goddamned stupid to not see the ridiculous irony in what you’re suggesting, can you? An old white guy telling black players if they want to protest they should do it how he wants them to so they don’t upset said white guy?“

This was an asshat response, Fry. No wonder you deleted it so — you hoped — others wouldn’t see it. Try to do better.

I got what he was pointing out though.
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