McCall Gone

herbyhawk....I don't hate Coker, but what good rb wants to come into this environment knowing Iowa's history for booting players? I agree with another poster that something is seriously wrong with the Hawkeye football program. The overall attrition rate is also among the worst in the NCAA.
get over yourself Coker haters,
with McCall gone the possibility of getting a combination of Garmon, Lynch/Reid
just increased

And I look forward to one or two of them coming here and having a breakout game or season and then leaving the team the next year due to grades/injuries/sexual assualt/facebook issues/baby mama drama/marijuana possession.
herbyhawk....I don't hate Coker, but what good rb wants to come into this environment knowing Iowa's history for booting players? I agree with another poster that something is seriously wrong with the Hawkeye football program. The overall attrition rate is also among the worst in the NCAA.

One that doesn't do drugs, assault women, and can generally follow some pretty simple rules put into place?
Albert Young is the last senior starting RB Iowa has had. Depending on what Coker does, that uninspiring mark will continue for a few years.

While this is technically true, Shonn Greene is as good of a success story as you can hope for in regard to college football players.

Once he started rolling and it became clear that he was going to be able to get a crack at the NFL, his Junior year may as well have been his Senior year and I would guess that anyone on that staff who he consulted with told him to turn pro.
get over yourself Coker haters,
with McCall gone the possibility of getting a combination of Garmon, Lynch/Reid
just increased
You'd better hope so. We have ONE possible rb ready to sign for sure at this point. Man this is disappointing. Guess our 1-2 punch for next year is out the door(again), and we are looking at a crap season yet again. This running back curse has got to STOP. I feel the punishments handed to these guys are probably a bit harsh compared to other schools I can think of; but I can't say for sure without knowing what they did.
Iowa better sign 8 RBs this time. It's obvious Iowa's players aren't allowed any input. The seniors have some 'leadership' input. Just like the military. What does the acronym AIRHRBG mean?

The acronym is actually AIRBHG, and it stands for "Angry Iowa Running Back Hating God".
so you prefer rule breakers, thieves, drup users, and kids who don't go to class are your preferred rb's or other FB players of choice
Yeah some fans have now started saying we should let druggies and other rule breakers continue to play...lets just join the SEC
they better get ready for the real world, as their crap won't get them very far in a job
if they can't follow rules in college they will get fired at a lot of companies
its even worse in the military where you get Article 15's and loss of stripes and/or time in the Brig
rules are rules
and they are put in place for a reason, whether the kids like them or not
besides the kids know full well before they step on campus what the rules are
Not trying to be a smartass, because I really don't know the answer to this. Doesn't all this transferring affect Iowa's scholastic progress standing with the NCAA?
Wow it seems we have upped the ante on short-sightedness! Where one guy could say, “wow it is really amazing how Iowa always seems to come up with a solid Rber option even with the attrition†these cats are now blaming the coaching staff for running people for legal failings….!??!?1 The nice thing about this is, it pretty clearly shows they aren’t rational or coherent on any of their thoughts.

In fact it wasn’t but a week or so ago, someone posted some attrition numbers nationally for all the major programs and it wasn’t pretty. I guarantee most of those guys saw that thread. But they don’t want the Truth, they want to complain and grab pitchforks.

Keep track in your mind……they will do this exact same thing yet again it a week or 2 or 3, even with the facts in tow that it isn’t all that unusual.

Wow it seems we have upped the ante on short-sightedness! Where one guy could say, “wow it is really amazing how Iowa always seems to come up with a solid Rber option even with the attrition†these cats are now blaming the coaching staff for running people for legal failings….!??!?1 The nice thing about this is, it pretty clearly shows they aren’t rational or coherent on any of their thoughts.

In fact it wasn’t but a week or so ago, someone posted some attrition numbers nationally for all the major programs and it wasn’t pretty. I guarantee most of those guys saw that thread. But they don’t want the Truth, they want to complain and grab pitchforks.

Keep track in your mind……they will do this exact same thing yet again it a week or 2 or 3, even with the facts in tow that it isn’t all that unusual.


You really don't think we have a problem with attrition at the RB position?

Also, I see you continue to disregard Jon's request to stop with the Chad after every post.
Wow it seems we have upped the ante on short-sightedness! Where one guy could say, “wow it is really amazing how Iowa always seems to come up with a solid Rber option even with the attrition” these cats are now blaming the coaching staff for running people for legal failings….!??!?1 The nice thing about this is, it pretty clearly shows they aren’t rational or coherent on any of their thoughts.

In fact it wasn’t but a week or so ago, someone posted some attrition numbers nationally for all the major programs and it wasn’t pretty. I guarantee most of those guys saw that thread. But they don’t want the Truth, they want to complain and grab pitchforks.

Keep track in your mind……they will do this exact same thing yet again it a week or 2 or 3, even with the facts in tow that it isn’t all that unusual.


I missed that but I'd be interested in taking a look.

I think there are a few reasons why people seem to think Iowa has a worse problem than other schools. (and maybe they do)

1) It's their team. I was talking to my wife's uncle yesterday, who is a Nebraska fan, and he had no idea of the Coker or McCall suspensions. Likewise, Iowa fans aren't paying attention to every player that gets dismissed from Florida.

2) Iowa isn't stocked full of 4 and 5 start blue chip recruits. Therefore, it hurts Iowa a lot more to lose one than it would say an Alabama or Texas.

Now these aren't excuses, and it's not all rainbows and unicorns for the University of Iowa football program at current, but the sky isn't falling either.
I don't think there is any doubt we have problems. I also don't think the fact that some other schools have the same problems does anything to justify ours.
I don't think our coaches have anything to do with these problems tho and I really don't think we are recruiting the wrong people. I think some of it might be that we are more strict on our punishments then some schools. If that is the case then I personally wish we weren't but its not something I would condemn the coaches over.
Its not like we have an unusually high amount of felons on our team. Most arrests are normal college kid stuff. I think while most cops use being a football player as a reason to not bust someone, Iowa City police use being a football player as a reason TO bust someone. To me that is the only problem our football program has. It's up to everyone to personally decide if they think its a "problem" or not
I missed that but I'd be interested in taking a look.

I think there are a few reasons why people seem to think Iowa has a worse problem than other schools. (and maybe they do)

1) It's their team. I was talking to my wife's uncle yesterday, who is a Nebraska fan, and he had no idea of the Coker or McCall suspensions. Likewise, Iowa fans aren't paying attention to every player that gets dismissed from Florida.

2) Iowa isn't stocked full of 4 and 5 start blue chip recruits. Therefore, it hurts Iowa a lot more to lose one than it would say an Alabama or Texas.

Now these aren't excuses, and it's not all rainbows and unicorns for the University of Iowa football program at current, but the sky isn't falling either.

I think the fact that a lot of the attrition has been concentrated in the DL and RB positions makes it seem worse. Losing five or six guys on offense over two years doesn't seem as bad as losing five or six RBs within two years.
I think the fact that a lot of the attrition has been concentrated in the DL and RB positions makes it seem worse. Losing five or six guys on offense over two years doesn't seem as bad as losing five or six RBs within two years.

contemplated making that point #3. So I agree.
I don't think there is any doubt we have problems. I also don't think the fact that some other schools have the same problems does anything to justify ours.
I don't think our coaches have anything to do with these problems tho and I really don't think we are recruiting the wrong people. I think some of it might be that we are more strict on our punishments then some schools. If that is the case then I personally wish we weren't but its not something I would condemn the coaches over.
Its not like we have an unusually high amount of felons on our team. Most arrests are normal college kid stuff.
I think while most cops use being a football player as a reason to not bust someone, Iowa City police use being a football player as a reason TO bust someone. To me that is the only problem our football program has. It's up to everyone to personally decide if they think its a "problem" or not

I think this is a factor as well. I'm not saying the cops are out to bust athletes (although they may be) but i would imagine that a lot of those Public intox and other less severe arrests in Iowa city would be a simple "go home and sleep it off son" in certain other college towns.

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