McCaffrey Post game interview

You are correct, we have no one available to beat anyone off the dribble, if we arent raining threes ................little chance of beating better and quicker teams.
6 for 19..........

Garza's night as well as the team's 3 point performance last night. That's more than just an off night. Dickinson is pretty good and Michigan's perimeter D looked darn effective as well. Also not ruling out that Garza could be showing the effects of a long and tough BIG season with a target painted on his back. He's been off even near the basket with some fairly open attempts.

With the overall BIG talent I could see this team going farther in the NCAA tourney than in the BIG tournament.
Lasted about 30 seconds. Said it wasn't his team that caused the Michigan runaway. Not a real classy interview by McCaffrey.
Hopefully not a sign of things to come. The officials were not the difference in this game
There is nothing classy about McCaffery when he loses. He is the most immature head bball coach in the BTen. He's a talented coach -- you don't take 4 different teams from 4 different conferences to the Big Dance if you're not -- but emotionally he's very immature.
No argument there, we got a ass's kicked. That doesn't make what I said untrue.
No reason to cry over the officiating, the calls could have been perfect and nothing changes. I saw plenty of non calls against Iowa as well. It certainly wasn’t the worst officiating I’ve ever seen.
No reason to cry over the officiating, the calls could have been perfect and nothing changes. I saw plenty of non calls against Iowa as well. It certainly wasn’t the worst officiating I’ve ever seen.
It was pretty bad and has been pretty bad all season long across the sport. I am not blaming the refs for the loss, that's ridiculous. Iowa lost, to a 1 seed on their home court. It happens. They kicked are can but that first half, with all the stops and not allowing a flow was ridiculous and some of the worst officiating I've witnessed... and yes, it was equally bad for both sides pretty much the entire game. Um, Michigan travels.... like a lot.
We were getting rolled and already had two guys go down to injury. If Fran had the starters in at the end and Garza blew out a knee there would be pages of posts raging about why would he have the starters in.

Right, Iowa was going to lose this game NO MATTER what. The first half clearly showed that. Iowa wilted. Fran got out coached, but I didn't have any issues with letting the bench players get some minutes in a game Iowa wasn't going to win.
I don't think Fran got out coached at all. Howard had way many more options player wise than Fran. Howard probably told his guys to be more aggressive to the rim and get out in transition and take the open shots. They did and they hit them. I'm not sure how Fran counters the multiple options that Michigan has. Michigan has experience and talent at almost every position. Some of his bench guys would start on most other BTen teams. If anything, you could argue Fran has failed at recruiting a few players that can slash to rim and create points and make defenses collapse to help stop that.
We can agree to disagree about Fran's coaching last night. His objective was to get their bigs in foul trouble...the problem was that Garza was off. Garza doesn't need to bang in the post against a 7'1" dude who is long as hell. Garza can bring Dickenson out of the paint and can score from three or from the perimeter. How many threes did Garza take last night...two. We played one dimensional offense. Post their guard, get their big out of the middle and let Murray and Weiskamp try to take people off the dribble.

You have to attack where there is weakness. Michigan is not vulnerable defending around the perimeter...or down low with their bigs. They are vulnerable when teams can match them up down low against their guards. Smith and Brooks are smaller guards. How many times did Connor, Frederick, or Weiskamp get one on one with Smith or Brooks down low. ZERO. That's ludicrous.

Instead we kept pounding the ball to Garza and he keep missing shots down low. He was off...try something different. He'd hit two shots from the perimeter...let him roam the perimeter and post their guards. I don't get it.
You can't blame coaching for what happened last night. The only thing I would have liked to have seen was Garza kicking it out more but I'm not sure that's on coaching. We've seen Garza make tough shots but last night they weren't going down.
We can agree to disagree about Fran's coaching last night. His objective was to get their bigs in foul trouble...the problem was that Garza was off. Garza doesn't need to bang in the post against a 7'1" dude who is long as hell. Garza can bring Dickenson out of the paint and can score from three or from the perimeter. How many threes did Garza take last night...two. We played one dimensional offense. Post their guard, get their big out of the middle and let Murray and Weiskamp try to take people off the dribble.

You have to attack where there is weakness. Michigan is not vulnerable defending around the perimeter...or down low with their bigs. They are vulnerable when teams can match them up down low against their guards. Smith and Brooks are smaller guards. How many times did Connor, Frederick, or Weiskamp get one on one with Smith or Brooks down low. ZERO. That's ludicrous.

Instead we kept pounding the ball to Garza and he keep missing shots down low. He was off...try something different. He'd hit two shots from the perimeter...let him roam the perimeter and post their guards. I don't get it.
There you go again. Making a bunch of sense and submitting a reasonable critique. You just have to stop.
I want to see an accurate count of how many technicals Fran has had called on him during his career at Iowa. Or, I would settle for a count on this season. I tried to search Google but had no luck. Thanks in advance. FryIowa?
To the crowd saying we can’t beat MI... down 3 at the half then lost 2 key players. We weren’t going to win. But they aren’t unbeatable...probably take 3 out of 10 on a neutral court.

Press conference...If he says what he wants to say he gets himself in trouble and gets a lot of heat. This way he just got a lot of heat.

Why did Howard wait until 50 seconds to pull his starters when ours sat with over 4 minutes left? Why a full court press with 2 minutes left? Why is the ball going into Dick every trip down in that span?
I want to see an accurate count of how many technicals Fran has had called on him during his career at Iowa. Or, I would settle for a count on this season. I tried to search Google but had no luck. Thanks in advance. FryIowa?
At least he didn’t get ejected in the last minute. See OSU at MSU. Now I suppose the folks saying officiating is irrelevant will defend OSU coach.

For the record I was fine with his ejection to prove a point. It was a bad night to be the visiting team in the stare of Michigan IMO.
The Refs were not the reason we lost, but they sure as hell didn't call a good game. Only 1 foul on Mich in the entire 1st half?? Give me a fcking break. Has any B1G team ever gone an entire half with only one foul called against them?
Well the talking heads now say Michigan is in the conversation with Baylor and Zags. I’ll go out on a limb and say they win the whole thing if only 1 foul per half is called on them.
We were getting rolled and already had two guys go down to injury. If Fran had the starters in at the end and Garza blew out a knee there would be pages of posts raging about why would he have the starters in.
The question is, why did michigan still have starters? Does Howard have something against Fran?
I want to see an accurate count of how many technicals Fran has had called on him during his career at Iowa. Or, I would settle for a count on this season. I tried to search Google but had no luck. Thanks in advance. FryIowa?
That stat is hard to come by. I don't believe it's reported in any systematic way.

I think the closest you would get would be mining play by play logs, but even those are possibly too vague. For example, ESPN's are very clean and uniform but, if you look at the 6:23 mark in the 2nd half, "Technical foul on Iowa".

I haven't looked to see if it looks different when it's a technical on a specific player. Other PBP feeds may vary.

It does seem, anecdotally, that Fran has made a conscious effort to chill out. He used to get a lot of Ts and engaged in some pretty outrageous behavior (routinely having to be physically restrained by his assistants, etc). This might sound corny and/or old fashioned, but I don't think it's a great example to set for the young men on the team (though, I'm sure in Fran's mind he's doing it on their behalf) nor do I think it's a great way to represent the program, so I am happy that he's cleaned it up a bit. He's clearly an emotional guy though, I don't think it's an act. He's highly invested (understatement) and shit gets to him when it's not going well.
Trust me the refs are reading Frans post game press conference. These refs work every day/every other day. There doing there job now Fran has to do his job. Its a bad look on Fran again but it will have absolutely no effect on the next game and how its officiated.
I didn't get to see it. You are correct the officials were certainly not the difference! It's already hard enough to win in this league and all Fran is doing is making it more difficult! If he didn't think he got the calls in this game wait until next game after the refs read about this
We can agree to disagree about Fran's coaching last night. His objective was to get their bigs in foul trouble...the problem was that Garza was off. Garza doesn't need to bang in the post against a 7'1" dude who is long as hell. Garza can bring Dickenson out of the paint and can score from three or from the perimeter. How many threes did Garza take last night...two. We played one dimensional offense. Post their guard, get their big out of the middle and let Murray and Weiskamp try to take people off the dribble.

You have to attack where there is weakness. Michigan is not vulnerable defending around the perimeter...or down low with their bigs. They are vulnerable when teams can match them up down low against their guards. Smith and Brooks are smaller guards. How many times did Connor, Frederick, or Weiskamp get one on one with Smith or Brooks down low. ZERO. That's ludicrous.

Instead we kept pounding the ball to Garza and he keep missing shots down low. He was off...try something different. He'd hit two shots from the perimeter...let him roam the perimeter and post their guards. I don't get it.
Right on. Garza had a horrible night and just kept throwing up bad and desperate shots. And our coaches allowed this for the whole of the game. Garza gonna hate this film and how he fell into this trap. Dickinson was really good, played smart and Garza didn't. Out coached and out played. Hope we can learn from it.
We were up early in the 2nd can't lose two of your top 7 rotation guys and beat the best team in the conference on the road. The subs (while young and not their fault) showed their lack of seasoning losing players in back cuts not rotating on D fast enough, trying to dribble around and 1 on 1 it vs moving the ball. Again they just haven't had enough experience to make up for the difference vs the conference's top team. Garza was gassed and if we've lost Nunge for the season we're going to need some serious breaks to make it to the F4

By F4 do you mean the Final Four?? More than breaks we could use a reincarnation of Ronnie Lester at the point and a really good shutdown defender of the 6 ft 5 or so variety. Lester with good knees was quick enough to defend. We have a lot of really good shooters when they have time and a little room to get in their rhythm. We have the center and pretty good rebounding. We need the slashing penetrating pt guard and someone to shut the other team down.

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