McCaffery family has a pow-wow on getting hassled on social media


You're one of thousands of anonymous internet trolls hiding behind a keyboard, and now she's allowed to respond but there's a qualifier (placed by you) that it's not ok?

Jesus. You're getting way in LF now, man.
Look, I can't change what you think of me.....or presume to know who I am (which I'm not disclosing even if that would help you more to give you validation).

Have I been critical. Absolutely.
Have I posted positives. Absolutely.

I'm invested in our programs and I want to seem them do well. And, I'm going to continue to invest my money and time into them. And I enjoy Hawkeye sports. And that is what counts.

If it helps, I will tone it down on being critical.
Naw, let it rip....this shit is awesome! lol
Well, but if the powers that be don't want that, I still want to be a part of the community.

For example, despite the harsh words thrown my way of late by InGoodco, I don't want him to leave.

I don't like it that Fry thinks I'm not an Iowa fan, when I'm 1000% a Hawkeye. But, what are you going to do there?

I think sometimes, when you are critical, and you are anonymous on the internet, people can think otherwise. But, as you know, believe it or not, you can be critical of your team and still be a huge fan of it. That is me. And, I also don't think it is fair for Fry to not point out the positives I have said through the years.

So, if it helps, I can pump the breaks as well.

But, when I posted this link and watched the whole thing, I just thought it was cringe worthy and if I was in their shoes (and I'm not) that podcast would have never happened. We would have kept it inside our program.

You know, I think you could safely say, you would not catch Tom Brands having a segment quite like that on a podcast. He would say to his wrestlers if you don't like it, do something about it.

These guys might also be amateur athletes, but they are also grown men. If they have any desires of playing Pro ball, if they think the Iowa Fans/Media is bad, just wait.

Again, they are human, but if their jump shot is being criticized online by someone they don't even know online and they are letting that get to them, instead of whining about it on a podcast with their mommy, go to the gym and work with your coaches on fixing your mechanics. Don't add to the program's already well-stated PR issues. That is just my opinion, clearly some of you have a different take.
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You are probably right on many aspects. I think the winning move is the high road....why even leave things to doubt?

I was always taught, you keep things shielded from the outside no matter what is said. You let your play dictate your words.
More than one way to skin a cat too... Are the McCafferys hurting anyone? I mean if they are hurting the feelings of trolls on social media then so be it. They sure aren't hurting me
I watched it and CONTEXT is EVERYTHING. I didn't get those negative vibes at all. That's pretty much the first time I've heard her speak in any kind of extended way so my 2 cents on her is almost 100% from that. But she sounds like a protective loving momma bear with a husband that coaches. She played the game at a high level. She's smart and understands the ins and outs of the sport better than us keyboard warriors could ever hope to.

They are human and since they choose to be on social media they are seeing all that goes into that. There is a shit ton of crap coming from trolls non stop on there. Is what it is. The fine line is when taking about legit criticism and to what point is that an issue.

I think they take that part of it fine in that Fran is a D1 HC. His whole existence is to be giving out constructive criticism. That's basically what coaching is. You think he's a soft parent to his boys yet a hard ass to his other players? That'd be so out of character for him I can't see that being the case. With 2 boys on the team if that was the case everyone around them would see right through it and it'd have been brought up by now as long as CM has been there. His boys are both great students and good kids from everything I've ever read or heard about them. Everything else is just noise to me. I have no problem with her with Fran or the boys going about how they've been doing things.

Heck that interview showed how tight knit of a family that they are if you watched the whole thing. Got to learn about her a lot. I thought it was hilarious when she played the Mom card on them with a "cause I said so" I got a laugh out of it anyway.
Well. You just did a great job of speaking the truth. I would wager that there are fewer than six or eight HN posters who would argue with you. I likely have most of them on “ignore.”
Agree they are human. I agree they have every right to not like things said about them online.

The larger point I'm making is they need to stay off of social media if they can't handle it. That is why I admired Kirk so much for his policy on social media (before the BLM stuff forced his hand to change it). It helped prevent stuff like this from happening.

And, I will say this. No matter how bad some of the fan base can be to them (unless maybe their lives are threatened in some way) it is best to take the high road. Calling your own fan base names is not a good look in their position.....let alone admitting she is doing that online. This goes back to the PR problem our program has at the University.

I also believe this is a noticeable problem in our basketball program and goes back to mental toughness issues. Even opposing coaches in the past have pointed out we get rattled to easy out on the court. I think these two issues can be mutually exclusive in how we take adversity on and off the court.

I know Fry, in the past has pointed out he has no problem with an opposing team running up the score on an opponent. If they don't like it, they need to stop it. Paraphrasing there.

Honestly, the same could be said here. If they don't like that their jump-shot woes are being criticized, get off social media, hit the gym, and put in the extra work.
I recall one comment that was negative about Iowa’s toughness. Not even sure it was a coach. You love to sneak in comments as facts, but when you are called to provide facts, you disappear. I watch Iowa football and basketball faithfully and have over decades. Your claims about their lack of toughness is just,maybe , the most mean spirited attack on young athletes I have seen here. You should be ashamed. And, next, you will likely deny your comments. Good luck with that.

It was an opposing coach, so you would also be calling that guy mean spirited. And, he did that in the press conference after the game to help the Iowa team get better from his point of view. That coach is also a friend of Fran.
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How the hell is this discussion in the "basketball" section, take this shit and all the infighting to the non-basketball forums. Damm, Maryland taking it to Iowa right now. Just too many personal attacks on players and posters for me today guys.
HH56 is driving good posters off this site just like Clintoniafan is on the women BB section.
Just one apparently. The funny thing is, I'm not even really mad about this topic. I look at it as another string of PR miscues out of the University. Business as usual.

I agree with an above poster. Just move the just a dead horse subject at this point in time.
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Just one apparently. The funny thing is, I'm not even really mad about this topic. I look at it as another string of PR miscues out of the University. Business as usual.
Jesus Christ...

Margaret McCaffery isn't an employee of the university, and neither PM nor CM are either. You're acting like the university is doing something crazy when they aren't saying anything. It's literally a mom talking to her kids about how she doesn't like it when people (like you) talk shit about her kids. It's nothing more, but you--in your constant need to find bad shit to say about U of Iowa--are acting like it's some big controversy caused by and fueled by the university. It's fucking pathetic, man.

You know what???

99% of all Iowa fans loved that podcast because the vast, vast majority agree with Margaret. The vast majority of Hawkeye fans think it's bullshit to personally (and anonymously) go after players on twitter, a lot of it having nothing to do with basketball. For F's sake, she was on the floor the other night accepting an award for doing volunteer work for the ACS. You think Iowa fans all hate her and her husband? It's just you and the rest of the anonymous trolls which is a very small minority.
Again, they are human, but if their jump shot is being criticized online by someone they don't even know online and they are letting that get to them, instead of whining about it on a podcast with their mommy, go to the gym and work with your coaches on fixing your mechanics. Don't add to the program's already well-stated PR issues. That is just my opinion, clearly some of you have a different take.
It's not people "criticizing their jump shots."

Jesus, dude...Do you ever go on twitter and instagram and read the comments people direct at them after a loss (or sometimes a win)? It's personal shit like telling them they're POS's, quit basketball, that they're trash, and on and on. You're acting like Margaret and her kids are mad about people telling them to work on their free throws or something. It's pretty disgusting shit that trolls say, and their mom was simply saying it sucks. Nothing more, but you hate the Hawkeyes and you want to fabricate some big "PR" mess by the university that doesn't exist.

And no, you are not a Hawkeye fan. You're just not.

You're a guy who has a huge leftover boner for Tom Davis because he was your hero, and now that Mr Tom isn't around anymore (that "Dr. thing is so fucking stupid...stop copying husker fans) you think everything has to either be the same as when he was here or it's trash. That's not being a fan. You hate what the Hawkeyes are currently under McCaffery, so no, you're not a fan anymore. You probably were at some point, but when you loathe a program for so long (21 years you've hated what the Iowa program is since mr Tom left) you're not a fan anymore. You're a hater that can't let go of the past, and can't see that college basketball isn't at all the same as when your favorite coach was there. Sounds eerily similar to the nebraska mouth breathers wishing Osbourne was still around.

That's not being a fan. Call it what it is and give it up. Find a team that you enjoy watching. Mr. Tom isn't coming back and he wasn't much better than what we have currently anyway.
This. @HaydenHawk56 is mad about the podcast because he's the exact person she's calling out, and trying to convince everyone here that it's because it's a PR disaster.
OMG yeah to suggest any of this is a PR disaster is laughable. The McCafferys have raised like 5 plus million to fight cancer. She spends who knows how many hours working on that for free hence the award. I'd be curious who other than Dickie V in the coaching world has raised that kind of $ and put the amount of time in that they do for it. We don't see what goes on behind the scenes to see how the sausage is made with that but I'm sure there's a ton of paperwork and phone calls and pre covid traveling involved for it. Time is our most valuable asset and they give a ton of that of themselves
Jesus Christ...

Margaret McCaffery isn't an employee of the university, and neither PM nor CM are either. You're acting like the university is doing something crazy when they aren't saying anything. It's literally a mom talking to her kids about how she doesn't like it when people (like you) talk shit about her kids. It's nothing more, but you--in your constant need to find bad shit to say about U of Iowa--are acting like it's some big controversy caused by and fueled by the university. It's fucking pathetic, man.

You know what???

99% of all Iowa fans loved that podcast because the vast, vast majority agree with Margaret. The vast majority of Hawkeye fans think it's bullshit to personally (and anonymously) go after players on twitter, a lot of it having nothing to do with basketball. For F's sake, she was on the floor the other night accepting an award for doing volunteer work for the ACS. You think Iowa fans all hate her and her husband? It's just you and the rest of the anonymous trolls which is a very small minority.
I'm done with this topic, just move it. Deadhorse Fry. You are not going to agree and I'm not going to agree with you.

And, the Mr. Davis thing is ridiculous. I never brought up Mr. Davis in this thread at all, for it what it is I'm not sure why Mr. Davis has anything to do with what the McCaffery's said on this podcast.
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