McCaffery BTN Inteview Video Link

Love the man's coaching style!! Great to hear he WANTS to be at Iowa! Great to hear him say he's familiar with Iowa, he has recruited the state before when at Notre Dame...I'm liking it.
I am impressed with that interview. He may not be as bad as some think. And, I love to hear about bringing an uptempo style and changing things up on defense.
He basically said he will talk to the incoming recruits and their families and they will want to play for him. I like the confidence.
All right. I'm warming up to him a little. Answered every question very directly w/ no subterfuge or doubletalk. Loved how the first thing he mentioned about energizing the fan base was to play uptempo ball w/ defensive switches meant tho disrupt opponents rhythm. I don't know if TL even had words like that in his vocabulary.
The fact that he's from the City of Brotherly "Love" might be a welcome change--think we might see a little more fire?
I don't know if anyone is watching Sound-Off right now, but they're showing some footage of Coach Fran in action - he's about five feet away from the bench (presumably during a timeout) and is absolutely ripping his team.

It'll be nice to see that kind of passion again.

Best line in that interview - "They're going to want to play for me," when Revsine asked him about the incoming recruits.
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Notice how he doesnt repeat and the rephrase questions to his liking before answering? How nice to see a direct straightforward approach, plus the fire he displays is very very nice to see.
I was very impressed with him in the short 2-minute interview. He has a vision and is ready to move forward. I'm excited for tomorrow's press conference...and next season!!

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