Matt Perrault I know you hang out here

I wonder if matt has ever been to Ken Miller's house or Andrew Downs? Or if he thinks he knows everything going on in their lives? He works with those 2 every day. If he expects Stanzi to know what's going on in DJK's life, it shouldn't be any different for him, right?
And just like that ISU fans are back on the Perrault bandwagon! Matty-Cakes is all fun and games until he's ripping your program! Just wait ISU, he'll be gunning for you again in no time...
I wonder if matt has ever been to Ken Miller's house or Andrew Downs? Or if he thinks he knows everything going on in their lives? He works with those 2 every day. If he expects Stanzi to know what's going on in DJK's life, it shouldn't be any different for him, right?

That was random. but anyway I digest I for one, am excited as hell to hear the M&M show today and can't wait to call out all of the fools that said they would never listen again only to come on here and comment about things they heard on the show **coughShadacough**
That was random. but anyway I digest I for one, am excited as hell to hear the M&M show today and can't wait to call out all of the fools that said they would never listen again only to come on here and comment about things they heard on the show **coughShadacough**

Actually he made a pretty solid point but you were too busy digesting apparently. (I think the word you were looking for is digress)
I just listened to the podcast. The thing that really struck me was when Howe very early on in the interview says something along the lines "that if players knew it would have been very hard to come forward" and Matt responds smuggly, "Why?...Why would that be hard?"

Dealing with 18-23 year old guys that are part of a close orginization and you think its easy to go snitch one out? Matt must have been the kid running to the teacher everyday in elementary school everytime he heard another student cuss.

Would the morally correct thing for the players that MAY have know been to speak up and tell a coach? Yes, it would have been. But dont act like its an easy thing to do.
Didn't read the entire thread but just had chance to listen to the podcast. The thing I find troubling for Matt is his statement. "I'm the same guy off the air as I am on the air". wow buddy go get some state aid you would qualify.

Just a memo to all future guests on his show. If you don't conform and follow Matty boys rules you are done.

Good luck in future Matty boy getting any guests with any credibility.
Whenever Rob told him that it was unfair to say that Stanzi knew, he would back off and then defend his reasoning for choosing the QB (whom we all know) as a person that should know. He either says Stanzi knew...or he doesn't. You can't say that the QB knew and then say I won't name any names (even though he did). I am ok with his point that someone knew, but you can't throw those accusations out like he is.
Just have a show with Jon Miller and Chris Williams. Both fan bases would have something to ***** about and be happy about at the same time. That being said, neither fan base would have to worry about their guy being disrespectful. From what I can tell, both guys are gentlemen. Maybe that's to boring, I don't know.
Actually he made a pretty solid point but you were too busy digesting apparently. (I think the word you were looking for is digress)

CUN3 seems to think that listening to a 10-minute segment 2 1/2 hours after it aired constitutes listening to the entire show.

The funny thing is, had I said I hadn't listened to it, CUN3 would have come after me for commenting on something I hadn't listened to.

It's a neat little game.
CUN3 seems to think that listening to a 10-minute segment 2 1/2 hours after it aired constitutes listening to the entire show.

The funny thing is, had I said I hadn't listened to it, CUN3 would have come after me for commenting on something I hadn't listened to.

It's a neat little game.

I can't help how easy you make it for me to call you out for a being a doucher all of the time. That's your doing.
Reading the TEXT from Howe on the air was bush league. This podcast is going on the back shelf where it will stay until the next train wreck by Perrault. Come on KXNO, get some professionals behind the mic.
CUN3 seems to think that listening to a 10-minute segment 2 1/2 hours after it aired constitutes listening to the entire show.

The funny thing is, had I said I hadn't listened to it, CUN3 would have come after me for commenting on something I hadn't listened to.

It's a neat little game.

Poor bastard
Look, if Ken decided to kill his call because of me - that's fine. I wanted him gone. I'm not denying that fact at all. I'm just setting the record straight - the phones are not in my control. I wish they were most of the time to be honest but that's not how we do our show.

People are going to hammer me and that's fine. My only concern is that I do not wish to be at war with Iowa fans ... nor do I wish to be at war with Iowa State fans. With that said - I will say what I think. People will react positively or negatively.

I believe what I say and was disappointed to read certain people's reaction to what happened. I didn't set out to fight with Rob ... he admitted he was calling me out at the beginning of the interview but didn't want to go directly at me for whatever reason until I asked him to clarify a point ... I then said what Ken and I said all day - "someone knew".

He decided to make it person both on air and then via text. You can hate me personally all you want but I was not out to destroy anyone or Iowa today. Call me names, make fun of me, hate me ... I'm comfortable with that. It happens with my job.
I haven't lived in Iowa for 7 years, have never listened to your show, I just pulled up the podcast. I know none of your background - I honestly could care less about you as you could probably care less what I think as I would bring absolutely no value to your advertisers.

That being said, from that clip you sounded like an absolute a-hole. That was one of the worst cases of a "journalist integrity". Anybody with half a brain knows Rob (another person I know nothing about) did not hang up the phone in mid sentence. You said to cut him off, you told him "you are ending this show" or something to that point on air. Basically you sounded like a 7 year old who did not get his way.

Face it, you looked bad, and there is no way around it
Well any chance I had at gaining credibility is going out the window with this post. I like Rob Howe, he seems like a good guy, he is passionate about the program. He was clearly angry at Matt before he ever came on. He made it personal. Matt lost his cool, which he later admitted he shouldn't have done, and Rob lost his cool too. Matt apologized for losing his temper the next day. Sometimes Matt has some opinions I agree with, sometimes he doesn't, but I do find him entertaining to listen to. I love the Hawkeyes, but I don't want to run the guy out of town for asking some difficult questions about the way things are run in Iowa City on the radio. God help me if I have to listen to another month of "auditions" on KXNO.

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