Matt Perrault I know you hang out here

nah I'm pretty sure Ken said that he wasn't big on message boards but he enjoyed going to the lounge cuz they made some stanzi .gif that he liked.

Perault said he never been there and kenny said something of the fact hawkeyelounge was a joke and had like no moderaters or something like that, but then said the stanzi photoshop was made their so some good things come out of their or something like that. Anybody other then cliche remember this from afternoon show after presser?

here ya go man.
Matt - it’s time to re-evaluate your time and efforts spent at KNXO. You have made things personal for the last couple of years and it is starting to catch up to you. Have you thought about moving back east .... this might be something to think long and hard about.
The way he phrased his argument made it out like Stanzi had to have known, and didn't come forward (which by the way makes him complicit in the crime). That's pushing on defamation which, in case you didn't know, is against the law.

In most jurisdictions knowledge of a crime or even witnessing it and not reporting it is not illegal. If asked by law enforcement or a court and then denying it and having later been found to have been witness can get you into trouble
The way he phrased his argument made it out like Stanzi had to have known, and didn't come forward (which by the way makes him complicit in the crime). That's pushing on defamation which, in case you didn't know, is against the law.

C'mon man do you know what it takes to get a defamation suit pushed through? Especially without a pattern of repetition and a loss of income or freedoms because of alleged defamation? Also I believe this would be a civil matter rather than a criminal matter.
C'mon man do you know what it takes to get a defamation suit pushed through? Especially without a pattern of repetition and a loss of income or freedoms because of alleged defamation? Also I believe this would be a civil matter rather than a criminal matter.

I'll give you this one. Regardless, both Howe and Perrault were unprofessional, but at the very least Howe had a legitimate point to defend, whereas Perrault was just out to stir the pot.
What do Rob Howe, John Walters, and Jamie Pollard have in common? They are all good, decent, hardworking men who will no longer come on Matt's show because he is such an *sshole. Why doesn't the Murph and Andy show have this problem? Because they know how to interview someone without trying to show up the interviewee.
Matt - you are not the story. You are a channel to the story. Without access to the principals at the two schools there is no show. You're shooting yourself in the foot.

Jack @$$!!
Sure, I'll take the bait with the headline of this thread... considering how much money I've made for Jon tonight - why not drive this thread to 15 pages ....

I told Ken to cut Rob off...yes. He didn't however. Rob hung up. I'm glad he did or more could have been said. Instead, Rob decided to text me slurs for the next 5 minutes ...

I don't run the phones on our show so for everyone saying "he cuts anyone off that doesn't agree with him" is wrong ... Ken controls the phones. He decides when you are done .... if you have an issue - take it up with him.

Okay.. Yes, here it is
Media Player

I did listen to it... John did start out upset because he didn't like Matt's tone regarding the Hoiberg hire... Matt did try and bait him into going totally ballistic, but I think John realized what was about to happen... Unfortunately for Rob he didn't. It's funny because listening to both conversations today they are STRIKINGLY similar.

John did let his feelings for the Cyclones and Jamie anger him at Matt... obviously this is what Matt wants... luckily for John he didn't fall into the same trap as Rob Howe did.

Thanks for linking the Walters interview, and also I listened to the Rob Howe interview. I never listen to his show, and this is exactly why. I hated Marty and Matt P is just his bomb throwing replacement.

What amazes me is that people like Marty and Matt sit behind that microphone, and call people out all day long. They call out coaches on decisions, they ridicule Offensive/Defensive Coordinators, they call out AD's, they call out players. They criticize, second guess, and lampoon others all day long. Then when someone has the gaul to call them out on one thing, they act outraged, and have an absolute hissy fit. It amazes me that they feel they have the right to do this to others, yet feel like they are above the same scrutiny.

This makes me wish that Jon Miller was back on the radio. A show with him and Chris Williams would be good. You would get both fan bases to listen, and we could actually enjoy listening to talk radio in Iowa again, as we would have talk radio host that want the teams to succeed, rather than listen to outsiders come and rip on what they don't even care about.......
Well, thanks to you guys I have now had the misfortune of hearing one of his radio bits.
Someone owes me 20 minutes of my life back!

This Matt Perault is a typical radio cockroach. Someone shines the light on them and they scurry for their holes. Now that he is on the receiving end of insulting comments and innuendo, he doesnt care for it.
Do you see the irony here, Matt?
Its delicious.
First time i have listened to this ***** and it will be my last. Love the listeners getting on him to haha.
Rob Howe has a man crush on Stanzi as I do!! Way to stick up for Ricky!!

And Matt has to be one of the biggest panzies I have ever heard! 1st time ever hearing the guy and he is a know it all who acts like his show is the best ever. It very evident that Matty cut Rob off, not the other way around!!
We in the legal community all know a lawyer in DM who takes everything personally. None of us can stand him.

This reminds me of that.
I'm befuddled as to why Perrault replied to this thread:

If he really wants this stuff to go away then he should know not to comment and it will blow over in a few days/ weeks. Also, if he is trying to clear his name or clarify what he said he should know after years of being involved with callers and reading message boards that it's very hard to change people's opinions of something especially if that opinion is of the negative variety. This leads me to believe that he is A) Trying to stir the pot more in order to gain more listeners, or B) too dumb to realize the above criteria.

Either way I stopped listening to him and (Ken) Miller ;) a while back and I don't plan on starting to listen anytime soon. Sorry to be political but I think they are a waste of publically regulated radio when there are others knocking on the door and trying to establish careers in radio.
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I'm befuddled as to why Perrault replied to this thread:

If he really wants this stuff to go away then he should know not to comment and it will blow over in a few days/ weeks. Also, if he is trying to clear his name or clarify what he said he should know after years of being involved with callers and reading message boards that it's very hard to change people's opinions of something especially if that opinion is of the negative variety. This leads me to believe that he is A) Trying to stir the pot more in order to gain more listeners, or B) too dumb to realize the above criteria.

Either way I stopped listening to him and (Ken) Miller ;) a while back and I don't plan on starting to listen anytime soon. Sorry to be political but I think they are a waste of publically regulated radio when there are others knocking on the door and trying to establish careers in radio.

Ahhh...the Fairness Doctrine.:rolleyes:
I can't argue how it ended with Rob - I won't listen to the podcast till tomorrow. Maybe he was cut off ... I just know I didn't do it and Ken says he didn't do it. I took off my headphones and pushed the mic away cause I had had enough of being insulted by a guest. As I told Rob - he was done....and he is. We replaced him tonight.

I live in Nebraska but I subscribe to many podcasts on KXNO. I deleted the Matt and Miller podcast from my itunes tonight after reading this comment from Matt. I, for one, will be boycotting Matt and Miller until they bring Rob Howe back on.

I urge all of you to do the same.
mind you never once did they say "Stanzi knew" or even " I think he knew", without having "facts" to base this opinion.

Never once? Listen to the podcast. Matt's exact words on Stanzi: "I think it's crazy to think he didn't know".

Defamatory and irresponsible. Period.

All Matt had to say is "Sorry, I went to far in accusing a particular person. I have no facts to back that up. I still believe it's likely someone on the team knew, just my opinion based on overall circumstances, but am not aware of any particular player knowing". That would be completely cool. Many folks agree with it, too, including Rob.
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People, the next time you are surveyed do NOT say you listen to Perrault. That way his ratings drop and he is let go, just like Omaha.

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