Matt Perrault I know you hang out here

And you are using a motto used to define our legal system and applying it to a message board post about opinions stated about a college football team. Im simply pointing out some hypocrisy. People are lambasting one person for stating an opinion , mind you never once did they say "Stanzi knew" or even " I think he knew", without having "facts" to base this opinion. Nevermind that an opinion is just that, non factual. But one person did state something as fact, and have no earthly way to back it up because it is impossible to know for a fact.

He was smearing Ricky Stanzi's name and basically his character by saying he had to have known. Were not going to see eye to eye on this obviously.
And you are using a motto used to define our legal system and applying it to a message board post about opinions stated about a college football team. Im simply pointing out some hypocrisy. People are lambasting one person for stating an opinion , mind you never once did they say "Stanzi knew" or even " I think he knew", without having "facts" to base this opinion. Nevermind that an opinion is just that, non factual. But one person did state something as fact, and have no earthly way to back it up because it is impossible to know for a fact.

As far as anyone is concerned, Stanzi doesn't hang out with DJK. There's no evidence to support that he does. It's irresponsible for a media member to state an opinion that implicates someone like that without some kind of evidence. If he were just some anonymous message board poster, that'd be one thing. But as a media member, he's held to a higher standard than that.

It's perfectly reasonable if he's interpreted facts to support his opinion (for example: Stanzi is in the house with DJK at the time of the bust, therefore it's not a huge leap of faith to think that Stanzi does drugs). But he's basing it off of NOTHING.
Wait a minute Peraults getting Hawkeyereport guy now??? I went there and the message board is Hawkeye Lounge??? Is that the same hawkeyeLounge that Peralt and Kenny were saying was a joke and they told everyone on radio (this afternoon when they were on after press conference) they don't even ever go in there?? Somebody correct me if I'm wrong wasn't that discussed and is Hawkeyereport same hawkeyelounge message board they were referring to???
As far as anyone is concerned, Stanzi doesn't hang out with DJK. There's no evidence to support that he does. It's irresponsible for a media member to state an opinion that implicates someone like that without some kind of evidence. If he were just some anonymous message board poster, that'd be one thing. But as a media member, he's held to a higher standard than that.

It's perfectly reasonable if he's interpreted facts to support his opinion (for example: Stanzi is in the house with DJK at the time of the bust, therefore it's not a huge leap of faith to think that Stanzi does drugs). But he's basing it off of NOTHING.

So just to be clear , you have never heard any information about someone, without having hung out with them first? I hear crap at work about people , and I have no idea who the people are they are even talking about. Once I didn't even know the person TELLING me about it. When groups of people are forced into social situations it becomes a freakin' sewing circle. Nothing but talking about who is doing what etc etc. It has been like this in literally every social circle since the dawn of time. Except for maybe monks. Now to equate hearing rumors from team mates as Stanzi "knowing" something is a stretch at best, but to say because they did not hang out , he couldnt possibly have heard about it, is naive.
Wait a minute Peraults getting Hawkeyereport guy now??? I went there and the message board is Hawkeye Lounge??? Is that the same hawkeyeLounge that Peralt and Kenny were saying was a joke and they told everyone on radio they don't even ever go in there?? Somebody correct me if I'm wrong wasn't that discussed and is Hawkeyereport same hawkeyelounge message board they were referring to???

Ya you're wrong. Perrault said he didn't go there because everyone hates him and Ken said he liked it.
I am probably on a few ignore lists....and i suspect i made his a long time ago. Good thing i like talking to myself :)

you totally should make a and talk to yourself all day. Then i will create a radio show that only I hear, and have you on as our guest expert on you. :D
Bottomline is matt and ken have been like two schoolgirls ever since the DJK news broke. They keep tossing fuel onto smoke and hope it turns into an inferno. And even after today's press conference they had to find a way to gather up some more fuel.

Having worked as a newspaper reporter and corporate communications for a total of 20 years, matt and ken are shock jocks. They just toss stuff out there because they know it will get people talking (i.e. me on this board and the other 75 posts). I get it to a point but there is also a time when you need to accept you were wrong with your allegations and move on, or at least know when to stop fighting. I am sure matt and ken were disappointed when nothing earth shattering came out of today's press conference. And because of that, matt took the angle that someone had to know something. I would venture to say yes indeed other players probably had a clue as to what DJK was doing but are they really going to step forward and rat the guy out? Curious what matt thinks these other players should have done? What i don't like about matt's style is that he tries to make it sound like the u of i is so much different than other schools. Every college deals with incidents like this one. Iowa is not unique. Ferentz does not have his head in the sand. There is only so much a coach can do when a player goes to his own residence. Matt, do you think your boss should have a more watchful eye on what you do during your own time? Should iowa assign an assistant for each player? It is easy to stand on the sidelines and make accusations and say how things should be but the fact is matt, you are not the head coach of a major football program. Kirk can only control certain things. Yes, i am sure some things will change as a result of this. We are always learning in life. My problem with you Matt is you go beyond reporting the news and simply rely on creating the news. I used to listen to your show quite often and many times would shake my head in disbelief but your conversation with rob today really came across as unprofessional. Yes, rob was not innocent in this but what i think rob was trying to get across is what so many of us are saying in response to this post- you spew forth information with no factual information and you interupt callers who have a different stance than your own.

You forget Matt. Iowa is a small state. The very same listeners you alienate are the same ones who allow you to be on the air.

I was not upset just because i am a hawk fan. I was upset because for the past four or five days every word out of your mouth was pure speculation. That is where many draw the line. I enjoy heated conversation and good debate. What i don't like are media types who - just because they have a microphone in front of them- can say whatever they want and become to think they are untouchable.

The rob howe incident was the most unprofessional conversation i have heard on air in DSM- after the melee you had with John Walters. You may want to reapproach your on-air mannerisms. Because in reality, in the sports journalism world in iowa- that group is pretty small and if you continue to alienate your peers, and sports fans in iowa, you may find yourself looking for other career opportunities.

Engaging in good debates and conversations on air is one thing. Spewing forth unfounded allegations and cutting off callers and alienating your peers is a path i don't think you will be able to stay on for too long.
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Tom Kaekert of will be our new Iowa reporter.

That will teach Rob don't @#ck with Matt Perralt...or he won't have you on his show.

I actually think it would be Howe who is doing the show a service by coming on. But DB Perrault makes it sound like it is a great honor to be on.

I actually thought the most damning part of the show was after the fight was over, MP said he wasn't a journalist in this situation and that he thought it was a really funny situation(the drug scandal).
So just to be clear , you have never heard any information about someone, without having hung out with them first? I hear crap at work about people , and I have no idea who the people are they are even talking about. Once I didn't even know the person TELLING me about it. When groups of people are forced into social situations it becomes a freakin' sewing circle. Nothing but talking about who is doing what etc etc. It has been like this in literally every social circle since the dawn of time. Except for maybe monks. Now to equate hearing rumors from team mates as Stanzi "knowing" something is a stretch at best, but to say because they did not hang out , he couldnt possibly have heard about it, is naive.

I would imagine that somebody like DJK, who was performing illegal acts, might be a little more discretionary about who he tells what. Likely people that he trusted to not rat him out, or spread the word. It's just irresponsible to assume that Stanzi had to know, and to say as much on the air. People are entitled to their opinions, yes. I might be of the opinion that Obama is the devil and needs to be killed (I'm not actually of that opinion). But if I were to say as much on the radio, I'd get into a whole heap of trouble.

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