Matt Perrault I know you hang out here

He has no proof whatsoever and has smeared Stanzi's name on public airways with nothing but lame opinions to back it up. We just need an attorney to get involved to file a complaint against KXNO and maybe Van Harden will see the light.

Dude cmon man get off the legal stuff. You get on that attorney thing and we'll all pitch in to cover the $500 an hour for you after its all taken care of.
I'm not talking "other teammates," I'm talking the starting, senior QB. Arnaud specifically. That's the **** he pulled today.

Listing names specifically is probably not the smartest thing, but if its a general question, which Matt's started out as, its a legit question. Im not sticking up for either of the two. They both should be embarrassed with themselves.
I agree that Rob was going to lay into no matter what, because of the perpetuation of the rumors over the past couple days on Matt's part. But, there can be no denying that the assault intensified quite a bit when Matt threw out Stanzi like that.

And no, that wasn't just using Stanzi as an example. He didn't back off of that comment, didn't say that Clayborn, Sash, etc. could have known too. Just said that Stanzi HAD to know, cause he's the quarterback (as if that really makes a difference?).

I could be wrong, but I thought I heard Matt say something along the lines of "any of the star players" when he and Rob were "discussing" things. Things definitely "escalated quickly" when Rick's name was brought up, but I really don't think Matt insinuated that he knew for a fact that Rick knew what DJK was up to. Again, I could be wrong. It's just too bad as I like that segment.
Matt, I've went back and reviewed some of your tweets and Rob is right, your conduct as far as tweets go on this matter was riduculous. You wrote things like, "the titanic just said look out!" and "Hawkeye fans - buckle up" and when people were asking you about the rumors you wrote, "Trust me guys-you won't have to wait much longer for the news. Just be patient. I love my job:). You were basing this all off of internet rumor. No concrete proof of anything and then to start throwing names against the wall like its a "cover up" or scandal was out of line. I'm sorry, but your tone to this matter has been one of giddiness, almost the "oh boy, this is going to be good"! When in reality, you got really next to nothing today or anything, anywhere near what you thought you were going to get.
I didn't set out to fight with Rob ... he admitted he was calling me out at the beginning of the interview but didn't want to go directly at me for whatever reason until I asked him to clarify a point ... I then said what Ken and I said all day - "someone knew".

I just listened to the podcast and you went well beyond that.

Your exact words on Stanzi: "I think it's crazy to think he didn't know".

Defamatory and irresponsible. Period.

There's a crucial difference between speculating that 'someone' knew (even Rob agreed with you there), and accusing a particular individual of knowing. You seem unable to understand the distinction.
Listing names specifically is probably not the smartest thing, but if its a general question, which Matt's started out as, its a legit question. Im not sticking up for either of the two. They both should be embarrassed with themselves.

You're not paying attention. It wasn't phrased as a question at all; it was phrased as a statement. As a fact.

"Do you think Rick Stanzi knew anything about it," is a lot different than "Rick Stanzi had to know."
ASKING that question is legitimate, fair, and totally within the rules. But that's not what Matt did. He didn't ask a question, he made a statement. Saying that Ricky Stanzi HAD to know about DJK and his drug use is not the same as ASKING if Stanzi knew.

Agree 100%, but Matt started out by saying that players had to of known, and than proceeded to use Stanzi as an least that is how I heard it.

Matts problem is he does not think before he says some things. I agree 100% that throwing specific players names out is wrong, especially the most prominent ones. However, I dont think he was accusing Stanzi, just using him as an example of a player on the team.
Well being that it is an opinion , you really don't have to base it on anything. I can say, the sky is green. It isn't, I have nothing to base that on, but I can say it none the less. Saying Stanzi should have known, or How could he not know, or I would be shocked if Stanzi did not know, is not saying Stanzi knew it. To the other effect Howe DID state "Stanzi did not know" and I am wondering exactly how he got that information.
Sure, I'll take the bait with the headline of this thread... considering how much money I've made for Jon tonight - why not drive this thread to 15 pages ....

I told Ken to cut Rob off...yes. He didn't however. Rob hung up. I'm glad he did or more could have been said. Instead, Rob decided to text me slurs for the next 5 minutes ...

I don't run the phones on our show so for everyone saying "he cuts anyone off that doesn't agree with him" is wrong ... Ken controls the phones. He decides when you are done .... if you have an issue - take it up with him.

It was indefensible that you stated Stanzi knew about DJK. You have been pimping this story from the outset. You throw the mud hoping something sticks.

No wonder you got ran in Omaha!
If Sims was habitually stealing credit cards and buying things with them, I don't see how asking if other teammates knew about it is a bad thing. Its a legit question.

Asking is one thing, but using it as a statement of fact is another. There is a huge difference. Example: Could Austin Arnaud have known about David Sims stealing credit cards? or Austin Arnaud had to have know that David Sims was stealing credit cards. One is accusatory the other is not.
You're not paying attention. It wasn't phrased as a question at all; it was phrased as a statement. As a fact.

"Do you think Rick Stanzi knew anything about it," is a lot different than "Rick Stanzi had to know."

and stating Stanzi HAD to know is a lot different than saying, Stanzi knew. Had would be the word implying I think he knows, rather than stating it as fact.
I just listened to the podcast and you went well beyond that.

Your exact words on Stanzi: "I think it's crazy to think he didn't know".

Defamatory and irresponsible. Period.

There's a crucial difference between speculating that 'someone' knew (even Rob agreed with you there), and accusing a particular individual of knowing. You seem unable to understand the distinction.

And what he does not understand, he does not respond to.
Agree 100%, but Matt started out by saying that players had to of known, and than proceeded to use Stanzi as an least that is how I heard it.

Matts problem is he does not think before he says some things. I agree 100% that throwing specific players names out is wrong, especially the most prominent ones. However, I dont think he was accusing Stanzi, just using him as an example of a player on the team.

That is exactly how I heard it. It was a question that you can put a period at the end of if written out. Just because a sentence doesn't start with who, what, when, or where doesn't mean it is not an implied question in conversation.
I could be wrong, but I thought I heard Matt say something along the lines of "any of the star players" when he and Rob were "discussing" things. Things definitely "escalated quickly" when Rick's name was brought up, but I really don't think Matt insinuated that he knew for a fact that Rick knew what DJK was up to. Again, I could be wrong. It's just too bad as I like that segment.

I'll have to listen again to check that angle out.

However, why would the star players have more inside information than anyone else? The best players aren't always the closest friends, and that's pretty primitive thinking to assume that they are. The Homecoming king and queen might be the most popular boy and girl in school, but that doesn't mean they're dating.
That is exactly how I heard it. It was a question that you can put a period at the end of if written out. Just because a sentence doesn't start with who, what, when, or where doesn't mean it is not an implied question in conversation.

I will even take it one further, I have no issue with him saying flat out specifically " Stanzi had to have known". It is still an opinion based sentence, and at no time did I hear ( mind me i did not memorize this) Stanzi knew. Or even I think Stanzi knew. People are allowed to have opinions whether you like them or not, or whether you deem them irresponsible or not. I personally think Howe was just as or more so by saying " Stanzi did not know" as fact. Now he is speaking for what only Stanzi himself knows.
I will even take it one further, I have no issue with him saying flat out specifically " Stanzi had to have known". It is still an opinion based sentence, and at no time did I hear ( mind me i did not memorize this) Stanzi knew. Or even I think Stanzi knew. People are allowed to have opinions whether you like them or not, or whether you deem them irresponsible or not. I personally think Howe was just as or more so by saying " Stanzi did not know" as fact. Now he is speaking for what only Stanzi himself knows.

One is a reporter, has access to interview the players and could have actually asked the said player in question the actual question.

One is not.

Who has more credibility in this situation?
I'll have to listen again to check that angle out.

However, why would the star players have more inside information than anyone else? The best players aren't always the closest friends, and that's pretty primitive thinking to assume that they are. The Homecoming king and queen might be the most popular boy and girl in school, but that doesn't mean they're dating.

I can see some logic, for the fact that they probably are more likely to swing in larger circles. The powerful usually draw the less so, and are more likely to be fed information in the hopes of gaining favor, or just attention. It happens in literally every single social circle.

Also speaking to the fact that people talk. If one person knew what was happening with DJK it is simply silly to think no one told a friend, and that friend didnt tell another.. how many times in one's employment or school have you heard something about someone you have never even met? I know I have.
You're not paying attention. It wasn't phrased as a question at all; it was phrased as a statement. As a fact.

"Do you think Rick Stanzi knew anything about it," is a lot different than "Rick Stanzi had to know."

So was Rob Howe off base when he made his statement of fact? Rob Howe disagreed and said Stanzi did not know.
One is a reporter, has access to interview the players and could have actually asked the said player in question the actual question.

One is not.

Who has more credibility in this situation?

Yes one could have asked Stanzi did you know. And if Stanzi did not answer truthfully to a member of the press about knowledge of illegal activities in the midst of a media nightmare. Hmm. Howe cannot KNOW for certain, you cannot prove someone doesnt know something unless you are psychic.

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