Matt Perrault I know you hang out here

Bottom line is Matt was getting absolutely owned on air for everyone to see. He kept having to backtrack on his statements and was clearly struggling to find a way out so he gets up and walks away and orders the "cut off". Again, just admit you were wrong for insinuating that Stanzi should have known. No need to drag a guys name into it that has done nothing wrong. Not to mention, just admit, you didn't get the story you wanted today and you decided to try to take a different angle to drum up controversy. I get it, it sells.
Matt, you said several times that you're not a "shock-jock" because you actually believe what you say on the air.

Bill O'Reilly is almost impossible to sue because he actually believes what he says. He's pathological.

Ever consider that THAT is why you are currently employed?

And your logic that Stanzi HAD to know, or that you would be shocked if he didn't, simply because Stanzi is the quarterback, is EXTREMELY flawed. Let me ask you: do you think that Jeff Garcia has T.O. in his Fave 5? I mean, he was the quarterback and T.O. was his go-to receiver, after all.
Look, if Ken decided to kill his call because of me - that's fine. I wanted him gone. I'm not denying that fact at all. I'm just setting the record straight - the phones are not in my control. I wish they were most of the time to be honest but that's not how we do our show.

People are going to hammer me and that's fine. My only concern is that I do not wish to be at war with Iowa fans ... nor do I wish to be at war with Iowa State fans. With that said - I will say what I think. People will react positively or negatively.

I believe what I say and was disappointed to read certain people's reaction to what happened. I didn't set out to fight with Rob ... he admitted he was calling me out at the beginning of the interview but didn't want to go directly at me for whatever reason until I asked him to clarify a point ... I then said what Ken and I said all day - "someone knew".

He decided to make it person both on air and then via text. You can hate me personally all you want but I was not out to destroy anyone or Iowa today. Call me names, make fun of me, hate me ... I'm comfortable with that. It happens with my job.

Except that isn't what you said.
Matt do you ever wonder what you are saying might have consequences? What you alleged about Stanzi this afternoon was irresponsible and stupid and you have presented no evidence to back up that claim. It could have far reaching impact on his professional career which is what I believe got Rob so upset in the first place. When he was trying to get this point across you continued to talk over him.

Other posters have done a nice job of pointing out the inaccuracy of your time-line of the events. You are coming across as a liar and someone who can't think on his feet. You have no problem attacking these players and the program when they have committed a perceived wrong, here is your chance to show some contrition and back down apologize to Rob Stanzi and Iowa fans.

Calling me a liar is a something that I do not appreciate it. How am I a "liar"?
Look, if Ken decided to kill his call because of me - that's fine. I wanted him gone. I'm not denying that fact at all. I'm just setting the record straight - the phones are not in my control. I wish they were most of the time to be honest but that's not how we do our show.

People are going to hammer me and that's fine. My only concern is that I do not wish to be at war with Iowa fans ... nor do I wish to be at war with Iowa State fans. With that said - I will say what I think. People will react positively or negatively.

I believe what I say and was disappointed to read certain people's reaction to what happened. I didn't set out to fight with Rob ... he admitted he was calling me out at the beginning of the interview but didn't want to go directly at me for whatever reason until I asked him to clarify a point ... I then said what Ken and I said all day - "someone knew".

He decided to make it person both on air and then via text. You can hate me personally all you want but I was not out to destroy anyone or Iowa today. Call me names, make fun of me, hate me ... I'm comfortable with that. It happens with my job.
Maybe so but why couldn't you leave it at someone knew? Why did you have to go directly at a player? And the starting QB at that?
You see when you do things like that that makes me think that you are only making statements for shock value. Making you exactly what Rob called you before you (or ken) cut the call snd left the room. A shock jock.
Calling me a liar is a something that I do not appreciate it. How am I a "liar"?

You really should just call it a day, Matt. You've said the Howe hung up on his own; how many times have you heard someone hang up mid-sentance. Rob was speaking when you said cut him off.

It's on the the podcast, Matt.
Look, if Ken decided to kill his call because of me - that's fine. I wanted him gone. I'm not denying that fact at all. I'm just setting the record straight - the phones are not in my control. I wish they were most of the time to be honest but that's not how we do our show.

People are going to hammer me and that's fine. My only concern is that I do not wish to be at war with Iowa fans ... nor do I wish to be at war with Iowa State fans. With that said - I will say what I think. People will react positively or negatively.

I believe what I say and was disappointed to read certain people's reaction to what happened. I didn't set out to fight with Rob ... he admitted he was calling me out at the beginning of the interview but didn't want to go directly at me for whatever reason until I asked him to clarify a point ... I then said what Ken and I said all day - "someone knew".

He decided to make it person both on air and then via text. You can hate me personally all you want but I was not out to destroy anyone or Iowa today. Call me names, make fun of me, hate me ... I'm comfortable with that. It happens with my job.

He hung up because he felt he was going to get cut off. No different than: "You're fired." "F*ck that, I quit."

And the fact that you wish you had control of the phones because of stuff like this simply illustrates that you can't handle being challenged on the air. You just try to talk over the caller/guest and beat them down. Sounds awfully similar to the M.O. of a certain Fox News host.
Look, if Ken decided to kill his call because of me - that's fine. I wanted him gone. I'm not denying that fact at all. I'm just setting the record straight - the phones are not in my control. I wish they were most of the time to be honest but that's not how we do our show.

People are going to hammer me and that's fine. My only concern is that I do not wish to be at war with Iowa fans ... nor do I wish to be at war with Iowa State fans. With that said - I will say what I think. People will react positively or negatively.

I believe what I say and was disappointed to read certain people's reaction to what happened. I didn't set out to fight with Rob ... he admitted he was calling me out at the beginning of the interview but didn't want to go directly at me for whatever reason until I asked him to clarify a point ... I then said what Ken and I said all day - "someone knew".

He decided to make it person both on air and then via text. You can hate me personally all you want but I was not out to destroy anyone or Iowa today. Call me names, make fun of me, hate me ... I'm comfortable with that. It happens with my job.

You threw Stanzi under the bus and you are still too ignorant to even figure it out. Rob called you on it as he should did not like it, then threatened him about not being on your show, and ended the call. Grow up.
Calling me a liar is a something that I do not appreciate it. How am I a "liar"?

My last post was sarcastic to point out how easy it is to throw out bombs like that.

We can all listen to the podcast. Rob was still talking when he was cut off. That doesn't sound like he hung up now does it. That isn't a truthful statement saying he hung up.
You threw Stanzi under the bus and you are still too ignorant to even figure it out. Rob called you on it as he should did not like it, then threatened him about not being on your show, and ended the call. Grow up.

Matt doesn't have the sack to respond to point-by-point rebuttals.
I can't argue how it ended with Rob - I won't listen to the podcast till tomorrow. Maybe he was cut off ... I just know I didn't do it and Ken says he didn't do it. I took off my headphones and pushed the mic away cause I had had enough of being insulted by a guest. As I told Rob - he was done....and he is. We replaced him tonight.
Matt doesn't have the sack to respond to point-by-point rebuttals.

Dude - I really don't know what your problem is with me but I just blocked on twitter to get you away from me. Do you want me to give you my phone number so you can ask me the 100,000 questions and points you want from me? You are obsessed

Point by Point? I'm on a message board where I'm being called names left and right ... I don't think I'm running from anything.
I can't argue how it ended with Rob - I won't listen to the podcast till tomorrow. Maybe he was cut off ... I just know I didn't do it and Ken says he didn't do it. I took off my headphones and pushed the mic away cause I had had enough of being insulted by a guest. As I told Rob - he was done....and he is. We replaced him tonight.

I'm guessing he doesn't really care, and that the feelings are mutual. You had it coming.

John Walters, and now Rob Howe have basically told you to **** off - on the air. Maybe you need to re-evaluate some things.
I can't argue how it ended with Rob - I won't listen to the podcast till tomorrow. Maybe he was cut off ... I just know I didn't do it and Ken says he didn't do it. I took off my headphones and pushed the mic away cause I had had enough of being insulted by a guest. As I told Rob - he was done....and he is. We replaced him tonight.

It's your show and it's your right to do that...but that's weak.
other than matty-cakes' hollow, backpeddling excuses, this thread is full of WIN
Dude - I really don't know what your problem is with me but I just blocked on twitter to get you away from me. Do you want me to give you my phone number so you can ask me the 100,000 questions and points you want from me? You are obsessed

Point by Point? I'm on a message board where I'm being called names left and right ... I don't think I'm running from anything.

That's fine. You've shown everyone just how big of an *** you are tonight. You can't handle being called on your own ********, that much has been made very clear.

Also, I'm referring specifically to what iahawk20 wrote. You won't respond to those, because you cant.
I can't argue how it ended with Rob - I won't listen to the podcast till tomorrow. Maybe he was cut off ... I just know I didn't do it and Ken says he didn't do it. I took off my headphones and pushed the mic away cause I had had enough of being insulted by a guest. As I told Rob - he was done....and he is. We replaced him tonight.

If you listen, and honestly listen and critique yourself, you won't like how you came across.

"Cut him off, I'm done". Silence. Followed by Ken Miller stumbling into a commercial break.

But yeah, Rob hung up on you. Sure he did... :eek:

And you wonder why someone here called you a "liar"?

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