Matt Perrault I know you hang out here


Well-Known Member
You are a liar.

You said on your twitter tonight that you do not control the phones (Ken does) you said you never cut Howe off (Ken did)

You might want to listen to your own podcast -- because it is you that clearly says to Ken "cut him off - I'm done".
Matt will not show his face here. If he does it will be excuse after excuse.

Rob Howe is a good man with a high character. Hard to not respect a good guy like Rob....he is one of the best.
Just listened to the pod cast. Howe was in mid-sentence when Perrault said, "Cut him off, I'm done." and the line went dead. Then Ken bumbled and said, "Rob, uh...I guess we're done."
No reasonable thinking person would believe that Matt didn't hang up, or at least order it done. What a coward.
Sure, I'll take the bait with the headline of this thread... considering how much money I've made for Jon tonight - why not drive this thread to 15 pages ....

I told Ken to cut Rob off...yes. He didn't however. Rob hung up. I'm glad he did or more could have been said. Instead, Rob decided to text me slurs for the next 5 minutes ...

I don't run the phones on our show so for everyone saying "he cuts anyone off that doesn't agree with him" is wrong ... Ken controls the phones. He decides when you are done .... if you have an issue - take it up with him.
Sure, I'll take the bait with the headline of this thread... considering how much money I've made for Jon tonight - why not drive this thread to 15 pages ....

I told Ken to cut Rob off...yes. He didn't however. Rob hung up. I'm glad he did or more could have been said. Instead, Rob decided to text me slurs for the next 5 minutes ...

I don't run the phones on our show so for everyone saying "he cuts anyone off that doesn't agree with him" is wrong ... Ken controls the phones. He decides when you are done .... if you have an issue - take it up with him.

I commend you on coming on here sportstalkmatt.
Sure, I'll take the bait with the headline of this thread... considering how much money I've made for Jon tonight - why not drive this thread to 15 pages ....

I told Ken to cut Rob off...yes. He didn't however. Rob hung up. I'm glad he did or more could have been said. Instead, Rob decided to text me slurs for the next 5 minutes ...

I don't run the phones on our show so for everyone saying "he cuts anyone off that doesn't agree with him" is wrong ... Ken controls the phones. He decides when you are done .... if you have an issue - take it up with him.

First, I don't buy what you are selling for one second. Next, if Ken didn't do what you told him to do, are you going to punish him? Sounds like insubordination to me...if you are indeed the boss.

Face it, you looked really, really bad tonight.
Maybe since you made Jon all this money tonight he might help you when you are unemployed. Telling Rob he is through with the show while on air was real professional Matt. Don't worry I only listen to your show on Tuesday during the 5 o clock hour when I knew Rob would be on so it isn't like I actually listen to your show. I gave you a try but I don't care to listen to your Husker guy, Chiefs guy or Vikings guy the rest of the week. In all honesty I feel really sorry for Ken for having to put up with a ******* of a partner like yourself.
Sure, I'll take the bait with the headline of this thread... considering how much money I've made for Jon tonight - why not drive this thread to 15 pages ....

I told Ken to cut Rob off...yes. He didn't however. Rob hung up. I'm glad he did or more could have been said. Instead, Rob decided to text me slurs for the next 5 minutes ...

I don't run the phones on our show so for everyone saying "he cuts anyone off that doesn't agree with him" is wrong ... Ken controls the phones. He decides when you are done .... if you have an issue - take it up with him.

1) I suspect Jon does just fine with out you...i also suspect you are smart enough to already realize this, so no further need to elaborate.

2) So you wanted him cut off, said so on the air, and give Howe a hard time for hanging up? LOL- you have zero class and this proves it. What a freaking gong show you have over there.

3) You are disrespectful and treat someone like pure crap on the air and you pout because he probably told you to go ___ yourself privately? Wow, even more class shown here again.

4) Take some responsibility and own up to being a complete dick on air. You should be thrilled the only "slurs" you got from Howe were done privately. He has too much class to do it on air like we already know you would have just hung up on it and blamed it on your producer anyway.
Sure, I'll take the bait with the headline of this thread... considering how much money I've made for Jon tonight - why not drive this thread to 15 pages ....

I told Ken to cut Rob off...yes. He didn't however. Rob hung up. I'm glad he did or more could have been said. Instead, Rob decided to text me slurs for the next 5 minutes ...

I don't run the phones on our show so for everyone saying "he cuts anyone off that doesn't agree with him" is wrong ... Ken controls the phones. He decides when you are done .... if you have an issue - take it up with him.

Again, listen to the podcast. How can you honestly say that he hung up when he was talking in mid-sentence when you told someone to cut him off? I'm sure YOU didn't hang up, but you ordered someone else to, which is the same exact thing.
My guess was that Rob called you a "P word" (as you put it on the air) because you hung up on him. And then why call him a tough guy after you ordered the call to end because you can't handle what he was saying?

Please answer those two questions for me, Matt.
Sure, I'll take the bait with the headline of this thread... considering how much money I've made for Jon tonight - why not drive this thread to 15 pages ....

I told Ken to cut Rob off...yes. He didn't however. Rob hung up. I'm glad he did or more could have been said. Instead, Rob decided to text me slurs for the next 5 minutes ...

I don't run the phones on our show so for everyone saying "he cuts anyone off that doesn't agree with him" is wrong ... Ken controls the phones. He decides when you are done .... if you have an issue - take it up with him.

Keep on passing that buck, Matt.
I agree, have to give a guy credit for walking into the lion's den.

Matt- I think you were completely off base with the Stanzi comment. You and Rob both acted immature and unprofessional. I know you do things a certain way and that is just the way you are; I personally have to turn the station on occasion because I find you difficult to listen to. I realize there are as many people who listen for the reasons that I don’t…just one man's opinion.
It is no wonder Matt is a 30 something with no wife or kids. Who would want to put up with that dbag??

Nice work Rob, glad someone finally let him have it
Sure, I'll take the bait with the headline of this thread... considering how much money I've made for Jon tonight - why not drive this thread to 15 pages ....

I told Ken to cut Rob off...yes. He didn't however. Rob hung up. I'm glad he did or more could have been said. Instead, Rob decided to text me slurs for the next 5 minutes ...

I don't run the phones on our show so for everyone saying "he cuts anyone off that doesn't agree with him" is wrong ... Ken controls the phones. He decides when you are done .... if you have an issue - take it up with him.

Oh, so Rob hung up after you told Ken to cut him off, so that takes you off the hook for it? Nice ordered the code red...there's no getting off the hook because Rob bailed thinking he was getting hung up on.
Sure, I'll take the bait with the headline of this thread... considering how much money I've made for Jon tonight - why not drive this thread to 15 pages ....

I told Ken to cut Rob off...yes. He didn't however. Rob hung up. I'm glad he did or more could have been said. Instead, Rob decided to text me slurs for the next 5 minutes ...

I don't run the phones on our show so for everyone saying "he cuts anyone off that doesn't agree with him" is wrong ... Ken controls the phones. He decides when you are done .... if you have an issue - take it up with him.


[ame=]YouTube - The Price is Right losing horn[/ame]
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Matt do you ever wonder what you are saying might have consequences? What you alleged about Stanzi this afternoon was irresponsible and stupid and you have presented no evidence to back up that claim. It could have far reaching impact on his professional career which is what I believe got Rob so upset in the first place. When he was trying to get this point across you continued to talk over him.

Other posters have done a nice job of pointing out the inaccuracy of your time-line of the events. You are coming across as a liar and someone who can't think on his feet. You have no problem attacking these players and the program when they have committed a perceived wrong, here is your chance to show some contrition and back down apologize to Rob Stanzi and Iowa fans.
Matt do you ever wonder what you are saying might have consequences? What you alleged about Stanzi this afternoon was irresponsible and stupid and you have presented no evidence to back up that claim. It could have far reaching impact on his professional career which is what I believe got Rob so upset in the first place. When he was trying to get this point across you continued to talk over him.

Other posters have done a nice job of pointing out the inaccuracy of your time-line of the events. You are coming across as a liar and someone who can't think on his feet. You have no problem attacking these players and the program when they have committed a perceived wrong, here is your chance to show some contrition and back down apologize to Rob Stanzi and Iowa fans.

Matt would rather make a buck and throw a great kid under the bus...that is clear.
Sure, I'll take the bait with the headline of this thread... considering how much money I've made for Jon tonight - why not drive this thread to 15 pages ....

I told Ken to cut Rob off...yes. He didn't however. Rob hung up. I'm glad he did or more could have been said. Instead, Rob decided to text me slurs for the next 5 minutes ...

I don't run the phones on our show so for everyone saying "he cuts anyone off that doesn't agree with him" is wrong ... Ken controls the phones. He decides when you are done .... if you have an issue - take it up with him.

No winners in that conversation. I've heard better out of you sir and I hope you can both move beyond this nonsense. Rob lost his cool but it seemed you wanted that to happen and you continued to enjoy it well after he was off the line. This whole scandal makes me sick and this exchange was embarrassing to hear from you both.
Look, if Ken decided to kill his call because of me - that's fine. I wanted him gone. I'm not denying that fact at all. I'm just setting the record straight - the phones are not in my control. I wish they were most of the time to be honest but that's not how we do our show.

People are going to hammer me and that's fine. My only concern is that I do not wish to be at war with Iowa fans ... nor do I wish to be at war with Iowa State fans. With that said - I will say what I think. People will react positively or negatively.

I believe what I say and was disappointed to read certain people's reaction to what happened. I didn't set out to fight with Rob ... he admitted he was calling me out at the beginning of the interview but didn't want to go directly at me for whatever reason until I asked him to clarify a point ... I then said what Ken and I said all day - "someone knew".

He decided to make it person both on air and then via text. You can hate me personally all you want but I was not out to destroy anyone or Iowa today. Call me names, make fun of me, hate me ... I'm comfortable with that. It happens with my job.

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