Matt is lying already

So if Rob had apologized (which he was not able to do) you'd have been cool with it?

Considering you could barely make a word out either one was saying after Howe blew a gasket and turned the interview into a shouting match, I doubt an apology was coming. What Howe did was childish and unprofessional for a grown man. That interview sounded more like two junior high kids arguing sports on the playground.
Casey's Pizza = Grease Bomb.

I have never seen so much grease on the bottom of a Pizza Box -- it has to be cheap cheese --- right?

Theres no grease on Casey's cause its the only chain puts any cheese on its pizza. Every other chain puts the bare minimum possible that they can and still call it a pizza.
LET ME "clarify" because you bring up an outstanding point GravyJ! I was comparing Casey's to the remaining chain stores in Marshalltown...none of which are Happy Joe's! And you sir, are CORRECT! Happy Joe's taco pizza is the ALL-TIME BEST! I am not that impressed with Casey's taco pie, but was commenting more on their "normal" pizzas! When Happy Joe's left Marshalltown, the best chain taco pizza title went to Godfather's...but they left too and I haven't tried them again since they came back...

What is left up there in M-Town? Casey's. And Hectors Pizzerio? :D
What is left up there in M-Town? Casey's. And Hectors Pizzerio? :D

Hector's changed formats...they're now an "American Grill"!

We have Casey's, Pizza Hut, Godfathers, Domino's and Pizza Ranch for the chain stores...but the best pizza is town comes from our mom and pop places, Zeno's and Mama DiGrado's.
Ok, outside of the pizza debate what I can't understand is the amount of Hawkeye fans that stick up for Matt. He has proven time and time again all he wants to do is create controversy to drum up listeners. So why are people sticking up for him? His "facts" are just rumors he read from the HR pay board. He offers nothing new to the conversation.
Ok, outside of the pizza debate what I can't understand is the amount of Hawkeye fans that stick up for Matt. He has proven time and time again all he wants to do is create controversy to drum up listeners. So why are people sticking up for him? His "facts" are just rumors he read from the HR pay board. He offers nothing new to the conversation.

well looks like everyone was trying to move on from that but I guess some hawkeye fans just can't move on and call him what he is and either take it or leave it. Reminds me of how ISU is dealt with. If you don't care about him just forget about him.

Okay back to pizza...
Ok, outside of the pizza debate what I can't understand is the amount of Hawkeye fans that stick up for Matt. He has proven time and time again all he wants to do is create controversy to drum up listeners. So why are people sticking up for him? His "facts" are just rumors he read from the HR pay board. He offers nothing new to the conversation.

Some people will side with him just because they think they'll sound unbiased if they go against their fellow Hawk fans...and some will go against the crowd because it's their nature to do so...and some will side with him just because they're fans...and a few will actually think he's right.
well looks like everyone was trying to move on from that but I guess some hawkeye fans just can't move on and call him what he is and either take it or leave it. Reminds me of how ISU is dealt with. If you don't care about him just forget about him.

Okay back to pizza...

Hit Zeno's if you like thin crust, Mama D's if you like a regular crust...I suggest the Mama's Deluxe, on's fantastic! They also make a great Taco and Supreme Taco pizza!
I'm not a MP fan, but sorry, Rob was way out of line yesterday. Yes, Matt overreacted, but Rob made it personal.

As Rob should have done. It's nice for Matt Perrault to be able to attack Ricky Stanzi, who btw, can't speak for himself. At least Rob stuck up for Ricky. Rob has been around Ricky for a lot of years. I'm sure he will vouch for the kids character.
John kept his cool, apologized, moved on, and than apologized again before he signed off. Big difference.

I commend John for holding back, but in that situation, imo, he shouldn't have. John Walters was in the right when he called Matt out for basically making fun of the Hoiberg hire.
well looks like everyone was trying to move on from that but I guess some hawkeye fans just can't move on and call him what he is and either take it or leave it. Reminds me of how ISU is dealt with. If you don't care about him just forget about him.

Okay back to pizza...

Cliche, I've never had a problem with your posts before but your condensending attitude is getting a little old. Why do you have to be like that? I was asking an honest question.
Cliche, I've never had a problem with your posts before but your condensending attitude is getting a little old. Why do you have to be like that? I was asking an honest question.

Cliche relishes the contrarian role in every thread. He's kind of a shock jock of hawkeyenation. Don't take it seriously, just look at it as a brand of comic relief!

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