Matt Gatens= 1st team All Big10


Well-Known Member
I think this is going to happen. I think he's proven over the last two weeks that he's the best SG in the B10. He's 6th in the conference in scoring, 12th in FG% (an amazing stat for a SG) and 5th in 3p%.

The fact the all B10 team sticks to a one Center, two Forwards, and two Guard format really helps Gatens. There is a big log jam at forward this year, with Sullinger, Shurna, Hummel and Draymond Green all being worthy candidates. However at SG there just isn’t anyone out there having a season like Gatens.

I think Tim Fraizer from PSU is a lock, but beyond that it gets sketchy. Crawford is having a bit better statistical season than Gatens, but he’s only a Jr, and I don’t think NW is good enough as a team to get two players on the 1st team all B10 team.

I wonder how that will sit with all those who think Gatens wouldn’t be a starter, only a nice roll player for other B10 teams?
I'd like to see it happen, but I don't think it will.
He'd be the sixth man on that 1st team, I think.

Maybe the senior vote gets him in. I hope it does.
I was thinking about this yesterday as well. Here are my predicions:

G- Tim Frazier
G- Matt Gatens
F- Draymond Green
F- John Shurna
C- Cody Zeller
I was thinking about this yesterday as well. Here are my predicions:

G- Tim Frazier
G- Matt Gatens
F- Draymond Green
F- John Shurna
C- Cody Zeller

There are a lot of good forwards in the league this year. Shurna, Greene, Hummel, Sullinger, Basabe.
There are a lot of good forwards in the league this year. Shurna, Greene, Hummel, Sullinger, Basabe.


That is tough. Shurna I think gets it because of the senior factor, being the conference's leading scorer and becoming Northwestern's all-time leading scorer. Draymond Green will be on it because he is more than likely going to the the B1G POY.

Tough to leave a player like Sullinger off and a guy who has had the career of Hummel off.
Normally I don't really read... sorta skim at times.... let alone consider some of your posts Duff...

this time I'm curious why you think the Gatens has any chance in Hell for first team given the Hawks lost at the Illinouay. Granted he did everything he could to win but it was a loss.

The Hawkeyes, hopefully will finish at 9-9 and would love for Matt Gatens to be first team but do you have anything more... or just running your fingers?
I think it goes like this (I'll use bubble terms)

1st team
D Green - lock
C Zeller - lock
T Frazier - lock
J Sullinger - lock
R Hummel - bubble

2nd team
J Shurna - bubble
M Gatens - bubble
J Taylor
T Burke
Take your pick here for the final one
I think it goes like this (I'll use bubble terms)

1st team
D Green - lock
C Zeller - lock
T Frazier - lock
J Sullinger - lock
R Hummel - bubble

2nd team
J Shurna - bubble
M Gatens - bubble
J Taylor
T Burke
Take your pick here for the final one

I like your creative approach to your 2012 Big Ten BB selections.

Locks and bubbles and may I add dark horses and long shots?

All about this season, not teams success... and not about NBA potential.

I'm with you about the bubble (M Gatens) and am working on the locks, and long shots
Brandon Paul has better rebounding and assist numbers at 2 Guard, and is averaging 1 point less.

he's also an Apple turnover, a junior, shoots .100 points worse than Matt from the floor and plays on a team that's finishing below Iowa in the standings.
Normally I don't really read... sorta skim at times.... let alone consider some of your posts Duff...this time I'm curious why you think the Gatens has any chance in Hell for first team given the Hawks lost at the Illinouay. Granted he did everything he could to win but it was a loss. The Hawkeyes, hopefully will finish at 9-9 and would love for Matt Gatens to be first team but do you have anything more... or just running your fingers?

I don't get it, you posted to tell me you don't read my posts, then asked me to make a post explaining my reasoning which I already did in the 1st post that you didn't bother to read...
It doesn't go by position.
It's the 5 best players in the Big Ten.

Thanks for the clarification.

Yet... you think every voter should combine 2/3 forward centers with 2/3 guards/forwards.... and yet

you can't really win without a really great little guy and a really great big guy.