mass firings need to occur after this game

Or be like Wisconsin and have a lights out defense (I'm not necessarily advocating a 3-4 defense..I'm not not necessarily advocating a 3-4 defense, either) every year and be at the top of the B1G West every year even with the routinely pedestrian offense they seem to have every year.

I think defense wins championships. You seem to think the offense has to help out the defense. The thing is, KF doesn't want the offense to be the deciding factor in the game. The offense is hamstrung out of the gate.

Defense wins championships. Offense wins games. You need an equal share of both. But you are right about ferentz and that is a losing strategy. You can't win a game if your offense scores less than your opponents.
I agree GD needs to be gone......but why in all that is Holy do you want Brian to take over? I don't want that kid given the keys to the offense...or anything else. He needs to be shown the door, same as GD.[/QUOTE
My only point was let's show the incompetence now that way we don't have to endure it long term should GD be gone now. I agree I think it would be an expensive lesson but this is the time to cut GD and let him try that way we don't have to hear that nonsense any more.
I agree GD needs to be gone......but why in all that is Holy do you want Brian to take over? I don't want that kid given the keys to the offense...or anything else. He needs to be shown the door, same as GD.

People talk about Brian taking over as OC, because we have two choices really. It is GD or Brian. It isn't who I would hire, but given the two choices I would take Brian as OC, cause GD have proven he is incompetent at running an offense at Iowa for 4 out of 5 years.
A few offense and offensive diddies for you to chew on this Monday morning! Here are Greg Davis' accomplishments this year:

118th in Total Yards (Behind football blue bloods Tulane and Kansas)
104th in 3rd Down Conversions (Behind titans of the gridiron Idaho and Old Dominion)
116th in 1st Downs (Behind pinball machine offenses Wake Forest and Florida Atlantic)
106th in Passing Offense (BEHIND WISCONSIN!!!!)
79th in Scoring Offense This is our best offensive stat but this will go down after the beat down coming Saturday
93rd in Rushing Offense (Behind BOSTON COLLEGE)

This is a national disgrace if you are a Hawkeye Fan...even in the KOK era we were 20 spots better.
Defensive stats better and we've seen some good games from the D but these are not top notch Defensive numbers either and worse than most years:

72nd in Rushing
62nd in Pass D
62nd in Total D

NOT a recipe for success. We've always been like a top 25 D with about a 80-90th offense and KF has relied on the D to carry the day....never, as far as I can remember have we relied on the Offense to pick things up.
A few offense and offensive diddies for you to chew on this Monday morning! Here are Greg Davis' accomplishments this year:

118th in Total Yards (Behind football blue bloods Tulane and Kansas)
104th in 3rd Down Conversions (Behind titans of the gridiron Idaho and Old Dominion)
116th in 1st Downs (Behind pinball machine offenses Wake Forest and Florida Atlantic)
106th in Passing Offense (BEHIND WISCONSIN!!!!)
79th in Scoring Offense This is our best offensive stat but this will go down after the beat down coming Saturday
93rd in Rushing Offense (Behind BOSTON COLLEGE)

This is a national disgrace if you are a Hawkeye Fan...even in the KOK era we were 20 spots better.

Pathetic.... Can't wait to hear his presser this week abot new wrinkles they are going to put in on offense, oh wait....
Pathetic.... Can't wait to hear his presser this week abot new wrinkles they are going to put in on offense, oh wait....

Kirk is really savvy. The reason he doesn't ever offer any new wrinkles (outside 2015) is cuz he doesn't want anyone to say, "Wrinkles are something that people who are old, tired and worn out accumulate."

Kirk tells himself that since his offense is wrinkle-free it's fresh, new and exciting.
I'm with you. I think the staff works hard and is dedicated. They are hamstrung by the philosophies in X's and O's and in recruiting, decreed from the top. My concern is that if ferentz were to fire davis, for example, it'd just be going through the motions and he'd only mold the next guy into his philosophies. Does anyone think ferentz would hire a young, up and coming, innovative OC? I don't. Perhaps now is the time to make bf OC so that he can prove he isn't ready, or different than what we have now.

Do you consider Brian Ferentz a young, up and coming innovative OC cause I think that's who would be moved into that position? We thought KOK was the problem. Now we think GD is the problem. The problem is KF and handcuffing his coordinators. And what's worse is that when we fall behind, we turtle up even more and just when you think we couldn't be anymore predictable or conservative, we take it up a notch.
The entire staff needs to go.. KF included. He is the major problem, and is the one responsible for everything that happens. What a joke the program has become, and if he isnt gone soon the program will sink to lows it might never recover from..

You can take that off the table. They are not going to pay a $45M+ buyout or whatever the ridiculous number is.
You can take that off the table. They are not going to pay a $45M+ buyout or whatever the ridiculous number is.

You're right. But here's why I think people should keep saying it on twitter - message boards - instagram - email - newspaper advertisements - skywriting flyovers - facebook - texting your friends - holding up signs at games - anti-KF graffiti on buildings - etc etc etc etc

Because eventually someone will figure out it's time to fire Gary Barta. When that day comes, the new AD will understand the price of engaging in a corrupt relationship with a head coach.

It won't be easy to get rid of Kirk. But great accomplishments rarely are. Still, they are always worth the effort imo.
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Davis has got to go. QB coach? Hell, the longer he works with a QB, the worse they get. Unfortunately, KF always seems to be the last person to realize what the correct decisions are. Can't even comprehend 14 more years of this drek.
People talk about Brian taking over as OC, because we have two choices really. It is GD or Brian. It isn't who I would hire, but given the two choices I would take Brian as OC, cause GD have proven he is incompetent at running an offense at Iowa for 4 out of 5 years.

Same thing was said about KOK. The only constant is KF.
No one going anywhere. Coaching staff fat, happy, and untouchable. Planning their European vacations and could care less about anything else
Ya, that's ALL they care about. I understand being disappointed, but making ridiculous statements like this doesn't 'help' anything. They and the players care more about winning than you do, bubba......It's not all about you and your little feelings.........
You're right. But here's why I think people should keep saying it on twitter - message boards - instagram - email - newspaper advertisements - skywriting flyovers - holding up signs at games - anti-KF graffiti on buildings - etc etc etc etc

Because eventually someone will figure out it's time to fire Gary Barta. When that day comes, the new AD will understand the price of engaging in a corrupt relationship with a head coach.

It won't be easy to get rid of Kirk. But great accomplishments rarely are. Still, they are always worth the effort imo.

I agree that Barta should go but I also don't think that an incoming AD would get the support to do the buyout either so as far as this contract goes, I don't think anything would change on the buyout front. That's not changing. Until that number gets to a manageable number, he stays. But yes, hopefully the next AD will think 9 or 10 times before ridiculously extending a contract for one year of really good success out of the last 7 yrs.
I agree that Barta should go but I also don't think that an incoming AD would get the support to do the buyout either so as far as this contract goes, I don't think anything would change on the buyout front. That's not changing. Until that number gets to a manageable number, he stays. But yes, hopefully the next AD will think 9 or 10 times before ridiculously extending a contract for one year of really good success out of the last 7 yrs.

What I was trying to convey was that maybe a new AD would stop giving out insane contracts. Baby steps, I know.
What I was trying to convey was that maybe a new AD would stop giving out insane contracts. Baby steps, I know.

100% agree with that. But what if the next coach only views Iowa as a stepping stone, has really good success, moves the program forward and wants to move on to the NFL??? Then you mean we might be able to hire an even better, more established coach after that guy to keep the success going? Oh, the quandary!! What shall we ever do??
100% agree with that. But what if the next coach only views Iowa as a stepping stone, has really good success, moves the program forward and wants to move on to the NFL??? Then you mean we might be able to hire an even better, more established coach after that guy to keep the success going? Oh, the quandary!! What shall we ever do??

It is debate-worthy. But over the last 10 yrs Wisky is one of the most successful programs in the B1G. Proving that the program is bigger than the coach. (how is that even possible with Biels wasteline?) LMAO
Same thing was said about KOK. The only constant is KF.

I was never a "fire" KOK guy. Greg Davis on the other hand, it was easy to see very early that his offensive principals just weren't going to fit at Iowa. It is too bad KF didn't share this opinion, as it Iowa would be in a better spot if the experiment was ended after year 1.
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