Marble has been awful in this game

Really???? Sorry but when you don't start playing until the final 5 minutes that doesn't count for me.

17 points. So yea. Marble with 4 turnovers is the problem I had. He made some poor passes. On the charge, while it's a lame call, I thought it would have been much better to attack the rim then go straight at the defender.
Michigan is long around the perimeter with Robinson, Lavert, and Stickass. We weren't getting alot of open looks and when we did, we didn't hit them. We needed to keep pounding the ball inside and get them in foul trouble. Fran needs to run plays for White early in the game, he wasn't aggressive and he can't go silent for 20 minutes. White should have been posting up the entire game, and our two options should have been White and Basabe down low. They aren't big and we didn't take advantage.

Michigan made us play in the half court the entire game as they kept people back and didn't allow transition buckets. Smart basketball...this was a learning game for us...teams are going to try to play us that way and make us beat them in a half court game.
I think Michigan did an awesome job defensively on Marble. He made a couple of bad turn overs and his jump shot was not going down.
I think Michigan did an awesome job defensively on Marble. He made a couple of bad turn overs and his jump shot was not going down.

Agreed. Michigan did a good job at halftime. Iowa, not so much. It took White to decide that he was the man with 8 minutes left to make a run. I think we got out-coached a bit. Both are good coaches, but maybe Bielien wins this one.
Agreed. Michigan did a good job at halftime. Iowa, not so much. It took White to decide that he was the man with 8 minutes left to make a run. I think we got out-coached a bit. Both are good coaches, but maybe Bielien wins this one.

I dont agree, at the under 8 minute time out I mentioned to my son that maybe the hawks need to do something different like some double teaming, to force the pace and get some turnovers.

Fran did exactly that and Mich was missing rushed shots and had some turnovers, but the hawks couldnt capitalize on the offensive end and in transition.

You all saw it, the hawks had open guys but couldnt hit a shot, they made some ill advised passes and shots on fast breaks and came up empty,

Fran's double teams gave us chances, and Bieline (sp?) followed with some double team. we got some stops but just coulndt score.
17 points. So yea. Marble with 4 turnovers is the problem I had. He made some poor passes. On the charge, while it's a lame call, I thought it would have been much better to attack the rim then go straight at the defender.

He should have swung the ball to the corner imo, that was what was open. The first in a series of 3 awful decisions by him at the end of the game.

This team is really bad at passing and it really sticks out against a team like um thats so good at passing.
I think Aaron White is really going to step up his game next year. I think he defers to much to Devyn Marble but when Marble is gone I think White and Gesell will take control of this team. Aaron White is a very unselfish player maybe to his detriment. He is a smart player and very rarely takes a bad or forced shot. I'm glad he has another year because he impacts the game in so many ways. I like Marble too but there seems to be times when he tries to take on to much of the load on himself. We don't have a lot of shooters on this team but sometimes he does things that seem simple and he forces things. Even though I criticize Marble he is a great Hawkeye and I'm glad he came to Iowa.
He should have swung the ball to the corner imo, that was what was open. The first in a series of 3 awful decisions by him at the end of the game.

This team is really bad at passing and it really sticks out against a team like um thats so good at passing.

We made a handful of bad passes tonight, but this is widely regarded as a strong passing team, and not just by Iowa fans or coaches. You don't reach the level of offensive efficiency that Iowa has by being a poor passing team.
What the hell, you have 10 posts on HN and this is one of them. Marble wasnt awesome but you are calling him out for this game, shame on you.

First of all, I've been posting on this site since before you were born probably. Secondly, what the hell difference does it make whether this is my 10th post or my billionth? That has nothing to do with the fact that Marble played really lousy in super critical spots of the game. You need to learn to have some kind of understanding about how to play basketball.
What the hell, you have 10 posts on HN and this is one of them. Marble wasnt awesome but you are calling him out for this game, shame on you.

Huh??? Which part of his post was he wrong about?? Marble is a Senior, he is from Michigan, and he played like garbage in his last game at Michigan. Reminds me of the key FB game for the B1G championship in Columbus back in '09 where Ohio native and Senior Trey Stross was dropping so many passes we had to bench him.

Oh and by the way, Marble will be the first to agree with this guy. Thankfully, we will get another crack at this team, and the final result will be much different.
We need Devan to string together about 6 or 7 consistent games in March. Until then, we're gunna drop a few games when he decides not to play.
We need Devan to string together about 6 or 7 consistent games in March. Until then, we're gunna drop a few games when he decides not to play.

I love the fact that Devyn is not allowed to have bad games. Not saying by any means that he had a great/good game, but when he's struggling the rest of the team is allowed to step up. There's 4 other guys out on the court with him at all times, if it aint there they need to realize that and raise the level of their game. If White doesn't wait until the final 8 minutes to come to life, maybe Devyn doesn't struggle as much, because it allows him to play a supporting role.

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