Love should be an All-Star, Tim Duncan should not


Well-Known Member
Lamar Odom or Lamarcus Aldridge could also be ahead of Duncan as well. I hope one of those three replace Yao, but to have Duncan on there, even though the Spurs have had a great season, is all about the players' names to me. If any of them traded names, the guy that played for the Spurs and put up TD's numbers would be the odd man out this year.
The NBA is a complete joke.

Because the greatest power forward of all time playing on the team with the best record in the NBA made the All-Star game?

I'm glad other sports don't have the same problem. You never see undeserving players in the pro bowl or MLB all star game.
Duncan is the best player on the best team in the league. He's essential to everything the Spurs accomplish.

Also, try actually watching the All-Star game...if the game is close in the end, Duncan will be in there as he makes everyone around him better.

Love is certainly deserving but Duncan is as well.
The NBA is a complete joke.

You are an idiot. I don't understand why every time someone brings up the NBA, people like you always have to say crap like this.

When I see a thread that I am not interested in, I simply don't click on it. Maybe you should do the same rather than inserting your high level of douchebaggery within a thread that has no room for it.

Happy Friday! :D
Lifetime achievement award? Cal Ripken made a couple of all-star games when maybe he didn't deserve it. I guess it is something I am not losing sleep over.

As for Love, I'll be honest I am not watching a lot of Timberwolves games, but based on highlights and box scores he deserves to be in the all-star game. It seems he has an old school game very similar to Moses Malone, but without all the sweat.
Lifetime achievement award? Cal Ripken made a couple of all-star games when maybe he didn't deserve it. I guess it is something I am not losing sleep over.

As for Love, I'll be honest I am not watching a lot of Timberwolves games, but based on highlights and box scores he deserves to be in the all-star game. It seems he has an old school game very similar to Moses Malone, but without all the sweat.

I don't always agree with the way the fans vote the starters in. For example, Yao Ming gets voted in to start every year because the whole country of China votes him in even though he is ALWAYS hurt. But, that is the way the system is structured. Ripken was same way- voted by fans.

The coaches voted Duncan in over Love, Odom and Aldridge, who all deserve it more than Duncan.

I also do not think that the Celtics should have four all-stars. Garnett is not having an all-star year.

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