Lost it at LandShark stadium....


New Member
just grabbin' at straws here, but I dropped my camera somewhere between section 455 and Gate B on the way out of the stadium last Tuesday. Any chance some Hawkeye fan may have found it and picked it up? It was a Cannon with a 2 GB card inside. Hate losing the pictures more than the camera. :(
Not that anyone would have likely turned it in, but have you by chance checked with them to see if it's was turned in there?
just grabbin' at straws here, but I dropped my camera somewhere between section 455 and Gate B on the way out of the stadium last Tuesday. Any chance some Hawkeye fan may have found it and picked it up? It was a Cannon with a 2 GB card inside. Hate losing the pictures more than the camera. :(

That sucks. I'd maybe try contacting the UI (sports info office, maybe?) too, and maybe pen a short letter to the editors of the Gazoo & Register asking if anyone picked it up. You never know. But yeah, definitely contact the Orange Bowl/Landshark people.
iF yOu EVer wanT 2 c daT camerA AGain, drOp 250$ and several PicTures of Mrs VandenberG in THe dumPster bEhinD CaRver HAWkeye,

DoNT caLL the COPS or U wiLL NEveR see THat CAmera ALIve aGain.
iF yOu EVer wanT 2 c daT camerA AGain, drOp 250$ and several PicTures of Mrs VandenberG in THe dumPster bEhinD CaRver HAWkeye,

DoNT caLL the COPS or U wiLL NEveR see THat CAmera ALIve aGain.

Yeah, nice effort, but it would be much more successful if you DidNT dO tHe cAPs THinGy
The mixed case effort is what makes it brilliant...reflecting as best you can like one of those messages of cut and pasted magazine letters. Well played.
iF yOu EVer wanT 2 c daT camerA AGain, drOp 250$ and several PicTures of Mrs VandenberG in THe dumPster bEhinD CaRver HAWkeye,

DoNT caLL the COPS or U wiLL NEveR see THat CAmera ALIve aGain.

Um, do you know anything about a pumpkin full of pot left behind the campus cop shop a number of years back?

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