Look out NCAA...


Well-Known Member
This isn't an end all be all but it's certainly a step that direction. NCAAs 1 and done rule is stupid and even with it going away kids might take a longer look at the benefits of this. To me if your a no doubt a bout it top 3 NBA pick stud why go to college? I sure wouldn't but that's just me and probably many others. So let's see how this moves forward I'll be curious to see

Not sure this will level the field all that much. The big boys will still manage to get the best of the leftovers. It will just lower the overall level of college ball.
I'm all for it, the kids that want to go to college lock them in for two years, then let the wannabe NBA players not have to pretend to go to classes. The college game will still be fun. The NBA for years has used the college game as a free minor league system. College baseball is still exciting. This way the worst of the corruption will hopefully stop and players that just want to play basketball can, and the NBA will have to pay for it.
This isn't an end all be all but it's certainly a step that direction. NCAAs 1 and done rule is stupid and even with it going away kids might take a longer look at the benefits of this. To me if your a no doubt a bout it top 3 NBA pick stud why go to college? I sure wouldn't but that's just me and probably many others. So let's see how this moves forward I'll be curious to see


Let me emphasize once again that its NOT the NCAA's 1 and done rule, its the NBA's rule.

The NBA got into a ton of trouble in the early 2000s drafting kids right out of high school so they implemented the 1 and done rule to protect themselves...from themselves.
Let me emphasize once again that its NOT the NCAA's 1 and done rule, its the NBA's rule.

The NBA got into a ton of trouble in the early 2000s drafting kids right out of high school so they implemented the 1 and done rule to protect themselves...from themselves.
Yes Yes Yes. I know I wrote it looking that way but yes I'm well aware of that. I got pissed at the TV just the other day when I heard talking heads speaking of it like the NCAA had anything to do with that. Their the ones that have to react to it but of all the things to give the NCAA grief over this isn't it. It's the NBA folks policing themselves because they can't scout 18 yr olds very well...
It's stupid to me that there is a 1 and done rule but yes it's the NBAs not NCAAs.
Yes Yes Yes. I know I wrote it looking that way but yes I'm well aware of that. I got pissed at the TV just the other day when I heard talking heads speaking of it like the NCAA had anything to do with that. Their the ones that have to react to it but of all the things to give the NCAA grief over this isn't it. It's the NBA folks policing themselves because they can't scout 18 yr olds very well...
It's stupid to me that there is a 1 and done rule but yes it's the NBAs not NCAAs.

I think the NBA just felt too pressured into not missing out on the next lebron or kobe so they all felt like they had to draft high school kids. FOMO at its worst. Its just like anything in life, you have to make laws/rules to protect the dumbest.
Let me emphasize once again that its NOT the NCAA's 1 and done rule, its the NBA's rule.

The NBA got into a ton of trouble in the early 2000s drafting kids right out of high school so they implemented the 1 and done rule to protect themselves...from themselves.

and the reason they did was because a great majority of the kids were not mature enough to handle such a windfall AND they were preyed upon by vultures from every direction. very few out of HS kids made it. Kobe did, obviously, and the center that went to the Pacers (can't remember his name) by they were by far the exception.

If a kid wants to go to a G league for 125k more power too them. I am all for people getting theirs. i would just say that the 80's / 90's were a huge experiment and letting kids go straight to the pros was a pretty big failure, overall.
and the reason they did was because a great majority of the kids were not mature enough to handle such a windfall AND they were preyed upon by vultures from every direction. very few out of HS kids made it. Kobe did, obviously, and the center that went to the Pacers (can't remember his name) by they were by far the exception.

If a kid wants to go to a G league for 125k more power too them. I am all for people getting theirs. i would just say that the 80's / 90's were a huge experiment and letting kids go straight to the pros was a pretty big failure, overall.
I don't see how that's the leagues problem. Every single year there are players taken later than others that are better than players taken ahead of them. Your not going to alleviate that.
I don't see how it's the leagues problem if an 18-19 yr old kid can't handle fame and fortune... Or if the individual team gambles on him and they don't pan out. Nobody forces any team to draft anybody. It's a sink or swim world for peats sake. 18 yr olds can be shipped off to die for our country wrapped around our flag but can't play basketball for a living because these GMs and owners can't pick a sure thing...
If the NBA set a rule that if a kid that went to college he had to be there two years before being draft eligible but if he went to the g league he would be eligible in one year - that may actually help.