Little Lick

I can't imagine he would stay? His days in the sun with playing time are over. Maybe he will follow his dad if he gets hired somewhere. I would suggest he try D2 or D3.
I am sure he will go where his dad gets a job...and if Lick does not get a job, probably Butler or a small school where he can play.
Leave him alone,please.
I am sure he will go where his dad gets a job...and if Lick does not get a job, probably Butler or a small school where he can play.
Leave him alone,please.

No doubt. I liked what he gave to our BB team. He didn't put himself in the position he was in, and I don't think he did a bad job for his physical skill set.
I am sure he will go where his dad gets a job...and if Lick does not get a job, probably Butler or a small school where he can play.
Leave him alone,please.

Lil Lick could play for Butler? You do realize they are in the final 4 right?
I think it would be awesome if he decided to stay (as a walk-on, of course).

I have thought this as well and think it would be admirable of Coach McCaffery to allow him to stay as a walk on.

Jon Lickliter should have the opportunity to stay with the program he has put some much time into. I do not believe he should be a scholarship player but would really enjoy seeing him as a walk on.

I also bet more likely than not he would get a standing ovation when he entered the game.
I don't understand why posting this question is piling on lil lick...people are touchy.

No doubt. I liked what he gave to our BB team. He didn't put himself in the position he was in, and I don't think he did a bad job for his physical skill set.

I thought he did a great job considering his lack of many physical tools. He could manage the game on the offensive end (didn't have too many turnovers), hit the open 3's, and he hustled as much as anyone, if not moreso. I remember there was a poster who assured me that I would be a better option as backup PG, and I have no handles whatsoever, I'm lucky to hit half of my threes when I'm open, and I hustle my butt off. Yeah, 1 of 3 ain't bad. Oh, and I also have very little basketball IQ, where as John has a lot of it.

I would love to see him stay. I doubt it happens, but he's put an awful lot of time an effort into this program, and don't want to see him pushed out, either by Coach (highly doubt Coach would do that), or by the fans (I wouldn't hold my breath). I understand why he might not want to stay, but I certainly hope we offer him a legit opportunity to stay, not just a courtesy.
I really liked the kid. He was in a no win situation. Little Lick showed enthusiasm, he looked like he was having fun and appreciated the opportunity to play.

I am one of the biggest Lick "haters" out there. I started ripping on Lick from the day he assembled his staff. However, I really appreciated the kid's effort. I felt sorry for the kid. It wasn't his fault.

I hope he stays on at Iowa and gets an excellent education.
Lil licks dad went to Butler, so I was just suggesting he might want to finish school there....or if he wanted to play,drop down to a lower level small school.
John can stay at Iowa and get a solid education. His basketball playing days at Iowa are over. If he elects to transfer to play ball somewhere, then by all means do so.
Good luck to him in all his endeavors.
I wish him good luck but there is no way, if I was coaching, that I would want the son of the man I replaced on the squad in any capacity. Hopefully if the young man wants to play he will find a DIII school he is comfortable with. If he wants to be involved in a DI program it should be as a student coach or something similar.
I wish him good luck but there is no way, if I was coaching, that I would want the son of the man I replaced on the squad in any capacity. Hopefully if the young man wants to play he will find a DIII school he is comfortable with. If he wants to be involved in a DI program it should be as a student coach or something similar.

Since you throw out the ANY CAPACITY statement. For arguments sake lets say you replaced Michael Jordan's dad. Would you ask MJ to leave?
I have no problem with having lil-lick on the team. I appreciate the minutes he gave us after Tucker was no longer available. Having Payne play 40 minutes is not a better alternative than lil-lick on the floor. Lil-Lick shouldn't pay for the sins of his father.
Lil' Lick is a great Hawkeye.

I agree completely but I also would be a little leery about having him on the team if I was the HC who replaced his father. I don't know but that just seems like a bad situation to me. If I was in his place there is no way that I'd stay - loyalty to family ALWAYS comes first.

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