Kirk comes across to most as a father.
I think Joe Pa and Fry and Osborne probably came across that way to their players. I think Lovie wants to come across that way, but he can't pull it off.
Pelini wanted to come across as Patton. And I think he did, which doesn't work in this era of political correctness.
I think Lombardi came across a minister. I think Frost wants to come across like Lombardi, but we don't know if has the chops to do it. He can be bland, but then KF's politeness can be mistaken for bland.
PJ comes across as a salesman. Bielema and Fitz want to come across as your brother. In Fitz case your wacky brother who does indeed care for you.
Chryst wants to come across as your slightly retarded uncle. He's succeeded in that attempt. To his credit he recruits at least as good as KF.
In the end a coach has to know his own personality and recruit players attracted to that type of leader.