Listen to Sound Off and getting more upset

So that being said, the angst that people have for KOK, IMO, is misdirected.

Agreed - even our high powered offense had problems scoring today. The weather was a huge impediment today.

Now I'll say this, when you guys won the coin toss and took the ball giving us the wind in the fourth quarter and then dialed up that three and out while going into the wind on that first drive, I was pretty worried that you guys had us right where you wanted us. On a day with the wind like it was today, you don't want the wind at your back in the fourth because it will make your QB tend to overthrow some passes. Unfortunately, your QB had some problems throwing into the wind in the fourth quarter, which I think caught everyone in the stadium off guard, because everyone thought you would be able to move the ball at will into the teeth of a steady 15 or 20 mph wind. Color me shocked that Iowa couldn't execute at all in the 4th quarter.
Can people give me some examples(and I mean 5 to 10) of certain plays that they felt were just horrible calls and cost us the game. What was so bad about the play calls today that KOK needs to be fired for?? I think Stanzi going for 23/41, 2/14 on 3rd downs the wr's dropping passes and the overall player lack of execution has more to do with it then KOK. Giving up two TD's on the NW last two possesions doesn't help either. I'm not saying Stanzi the WR or the Defence I feel like that was a team loss with everyone a little at fault including KOK and KF. But if you see otherwise please give me multiple specific plays KOK should be fired for calling??
I agree that Kirk hears every call of Ken's. But Kirk does not make any changes during the game. So it's not like Kirk hears a call he doesn't like and can then change the play. That to me is telling.

He's called several timeouts through the years because he doesnt like the play. I'd wager he did that last week v was 3rd and real long, and Iowa called a timeout late. I said in the chat I bet he didnt like the play, and wanted something more intermediate so they could at least get into field goal range. That';s what they did. I think he does more than people think
Bingo! No KF and no KOK criticizing. There is an issue, but it's not their fault.:confused:

Nope. YOu are certainly allowed to be critical. But just because I dont validate every opinion or emotionally charged whim, that doesn't mean its not allowed.
In my view, the problem with our offense is that within any given play we are very one dimensional. The stat sheet says balanced, but within any given play the defense can figure out what we are doing. Despite multiple eligible people able to carry the ball on offense, only one person ever does. We have very obvious running and passing formations given away by silly things such as the RB's depth in the backfield or simply just by lining up in shotgun. In running formations, defenses can flow hard to wherever the ball/runningback go b/c no one else ever gets the ball. Occassionaly we hit overly aggressive teams with play action, but teams that can be disciplined can still tee-off. On passing formations/situations we have zero ability to sneak in a run b/c we never run out of passing formations. I love Stanzi, but I am more convinced than ever that you can't put a big enough premium on a mobile QB that can pick up first downs and keep plays alive with his feet. The best offense KOK had was 02. Brad Banks was such a good player b/c he was able to keep plays alive with his feet. Stanzi has been great, but that element has been missing this year with him takint too many untimely sacks and teams not having to leave anyone in the middle to spy on him. His footwork seams off to me too, taking way too short of a stride in his throwing motion.
Can people give me some examples(and I mean 5 to 10) of certain plays that they felt were just horrible calls and cost us the game. What was so bad about the play calls today that KOK needs to be fired for?? I think Stanzi going for 23/41, 2/14 on 3rd downs the wr's dropping passes and the overall player lack of execution has more to do with it then KOK. Giving up two TD's on the NW last two possesions doesn't help either. I'm not saying Stanzi the WR or the Defence I feel like that was a team loss with everyone a little at fault including KOK and KF. But if you see otherwise please give me multiple specific plays KOK should be fired for calling??

Minnesota 28
Purdue 20
MSU 35
IU 17
PSU 35


I realize these aren't specific play calls, but here's 5 guys who brought a better gameplan with less talent. Disagree???
The staff does many things well...learning from their mistakes is not one of those things
In my view, the problem with our offense is that within any given play we are very one dimensional. The stat sheet says balanced, but within any given play the defense can figure out what we are doing. Despite multiple eligible people able to carry the ball on offense, only one person ever does. We have very obvious running and passing formations given away by silly things such as the RB's depth in the backfield or simply just by lining up in shotgun. In running formations, defenses can flow hard to wherever the ball/runningback go b/c no one else ever gets the ball. Occassionaly we hit overly aggressive teams with play action, but teams that can be disciplined can still tee-off. On passing formations/situations we have zero ability to sneak in a run b/c we never run out of passing formations. I love Stanzi, but I am more convinced than ever that you can't put a big enough premium on a mobile QB that can pick up first downs and keep plays alive with his feet. The best offense KOK had was 02. Brad Banks was such a good player b/c he was able to keep plays alive with his feet. Stanzi has been great, but that element has been missing this year with him takint too many untimely sacks and teams not having to leave anyone in the middle to spy on him. His footwork seams off to me too, taking way too short of a stride in his throwing motion.

I would totally agree. Or someone like Drew Tate that did not listen to KOK and called his own plays.
Minnesota 28
Purdue 20
MSU 35
IU 17
PSU 35


I realize these aren't specific play calls, but here's 5 guys who brought a better gameplan with less talent. Disagree???

Guys, you can't criticize your staff or compare those games - the wind today was REALLY strong and our defense played with huge intensity today - I don't think the Indianapolis Colts could have scored over 20 on us today.
You are hearing what you want to hear.

I am debating with people that are saying Kirk hasn't done much at Iowa, stuff like that that I disagree with.

As for the KOK stuff, I have said this repeatedly; he's doing what Kirk wants. Your criticisms should be directed at Kirk, not KOK

Then maybe both need to do....
Then maybe both need to do....

Fitting 666th post ;)

Yeah, let's just axe the whole thing. Afterall, we should be a lot better than the 12th best winning percentage among BCS conference teams since 2002, or 13th best since 2001 right? Damn straight.

I get that people are ticked, TODAY. A agree with many sentiments about today's game. But these sorts of opinions, not so much
And that ended real well

I agree that didn't work out too well, but one of the biggest brain farts under the Ferentz era was insisting that Drew Tate fit the mold of a pocket/under center QB during his junior and senior years, despite all of the success he had being a purely shotgun, somewhat ab lib QB his sophomore year. Watching Drew Tate try to take 3 and five step drops under center and work play action passes trying to throw over the middle behind the line despite his 5'9" frame was just brutal and a horrendous error by the staff. Frankly, if the runningbacks all didn't go down the way they did in 04, we go 7-5 instead of winning the Cap 1 bowl, similar to what happened in 05 and 06.
Minnesota 28
Purdue 20
MSU 35
IU 17
PSU 35


I realize these aren't specific play calls, but here's 5 guys who brought a better gameplan with less talent. Disagree???

ok 5 guys who brought a worse gameplan against MSU
Wisky 24
Mich 17
Ill 6
Minn 8
ND 31

Iowa 37


so the guy should be fired cause common opponets had less points then him??? I'm not saying the guy shouldn't take his share of the blame I just want people to tell me what play call should been called. We recruit pro style tight ends and solid offensive lineman because of our system. I wouldn't want to be Michigan would you???? We wouldn't ever be able to recruit that way anyways.
I agree that didn't work out too well, but one of the biggest brain farts under the Ferentz era was insisting that Drew Tate fit the mold of a pocket/under center QB during his junior and senior years, despite all of the success he had being a purely shotgun, somewhat ab lib QB his sophomore year. Watching Drew Tate try to take 3 and five step drops under center and work play action passes trying to throw over the middle behind the line despite his 5'9" frame was just brutal and a horrendous error by the staff. Frankly, if the runningbacks all didn't go down the way they did in 04, we go 7-5 instead of winning the Cap 1 bowl, similar to what happened in 05 and 06.

The biggest brain farts under Ferentz is the coaches continuing to believe that they have an elite defense that has "first round" draft picks on the DL that don't need a breather...and handcuff the offense to not let them turn the ball over and lose the game and leave it to the defense to win the game late...
Fitting 666th post ;)

Yeah, let's just axe the whole thing. Afterall, we should be a lot better than the 12th best winning percentage among BCS conference teams since 2002, or 13th best since 2001 right? Damn straight.

I get that people are ticked, TODAY. A agree with many sentiments about today's game. But these sorts of opinions, not so much

Think so to...

But really it is getting flipping old how he continues to get out coached by these lesser teams that have no business even being the in the game with Iowa...christ how much long before we ever beat NW...prob going to be awhile because Iowa is NOT hard to prepare for..

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