Lisbon Wrestling

better pack up and move that kid out of that school system because he is gonna have a crappy high school life

just another notch against wrestlers

this crap happens in every school and in every sport

Wow you make it sound like what they did was ok?

really i played 4 spots in HS and never had any issues with and of this stupid stuff.
This is why I started this thread to try and wake people up and show what could happen to the victims.It's a shame that some parents don't think this is a problem.
This doesn't sound like hazing. Sounds like straight up bullying/torturing a weaker kid.

Fire 'em, I say.
yes the peeing on the kid and putting genitals on him is really wrong and the kids should be kicked off the team! anything in a sexual manner should result in this and if they can prove who did it they should also be charged

i am more or less fed up with parents over reacting to little things (which this is not) and it ends up being worse for the kid having to go to school. this parent didn't over react he should be furious and should take the kid to another school immediately

guess my words didn't come out right and i can see looking back at post how others could see that but by no means do i think this is right just sucks its on a wrestling squad and gives the sport another sour spot...damn kids
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It does happen in every sport (hell it even happens in marching bands). Disagree that it happens in every school.

Feel bad for the kid. It seems every HS does have some level of Lord of the Flies going on. Got to hope there's enough good kids to not let the savages get out of control like this.

this is more or less what i meant to say
yes the peeing on the kid and putting genitals on him is really wrong and the kids should be kicked off the team! anything in a sexual manner should result in this and if they can prove who did it they should also be charged

i am more or less fed up with parents over reacting to little things (which this is not) and it ends up being worse for the kid having to go to school. this parent didn't over react he should be furious and should take the kid to another school immediately

guess my words didn't come out right and i can see looking back at post how others could see that but by no means do i think this is right just sucks its on a wrestling squad and gives the sport another sour spot...damn kids

I agree, but, in small town Iowa, how do you move your kid to another school? First of all, you need to get him accepted in a nearby town (probably 20-30 miles away) and they won't accept him without a release from his local school district (otherwise they won't get state funding for him). Considering the circumstances he could probably get, that done. But if both parents work, how are they going to get that kid to school? The new school isn't going to send a school bus (twice) on a round trip of 40-50 miles for 1 kid. At what oint do you seperate the "little things" from real problems? This damn hazing may be OK for the upperclassmen, but it's Hell for the younger kids. Hazing is synonymous with bullying, and needs to be eliminated at every level.
I feel bad for the kids but do you really think it gets any better when you get older? ****, just look at this and the politics forum if you want to see actual bullying and hazing albeit on a purely literary level.
I feel bad for the kids but do you really think it gets any better when you get older? ****, just look at this and the politics forum if you want to see actual bullying and hazing albeit on a purely literary level.

OK, I understand the point you are making, but yes, I can handle this stuff at the age of 79. And no, I couldn't handle physical bullying. Maybe you never got bullyed as a kid, but I did, and I can remember in 5th grade being scared to go to school and scared to go home after school. And I wasn't scared for no reason. The 6th and 7th grade boys were just waiting for us little kids! Enough said??
I feel bad for the kids but do you really think it gets any better when you get older? ****, just look at this and the politics forum if you want to see actual bullying and hazing albeit on a purely literary level.

Did you ever see this one: "sticks, and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me" ?