Lickliter has denied the transfer rumors

Sorry, but Jake Kelly denied the rumors during the season as well...what else are they going to say right now?!
Coach Todd Lickliter

Does Todd Lickliter have a twitter feed or something like that you could provide a link to? Perhaps a newspaper report?

In a different thread you said that despite donating to the CHA makeover, you don't have any special connections. Starting a thread like this without anything to back it up might make people think otherwise.
Does Todd Lickliter have a twitter feed or something like that you could provide a link to? Perhaps a newspaper report?

In a different thread you said that despite donating to the CHA makeover, you don't have any special connections. Starting a thread like this without anything to back it up might make people think otherwise.

I am sooooooo sick of threads like this one. if you have a source, say it. Not sure why everyone is being so freaking coy today
Lickliter spoke to the media today and it has been covered elsewhere. I am not being coy at all.
What's coach going to say?

"Yes I am aware that players are planning on leaving after the season. I have no doubt that they will play hard for me the rest of the way though."

Isn't this simple common sense? Why would any player divulge their plans at this time if they intended to stay until the end of the year?

Exactly. Which makes it even more ridiculous that somebody would claim to have been told of the transfers in the first place.
Does Todd Lickliter have a twitter feed or something like that you could provide a link to? Perhaps a newspaper report?

In a different thread you said that despite donating to the CHA makeover, you don't have any special connections. Starting a thread like this without anything to back it up might make people think otherwise.

Gee a Twitter feed vs. a press conference with media members. Which one are you gonna trust?
Wasn't it Lick who also said that this program is ( On The Right Track) and (Has Turned The Corner) . Well it sure looks like it. Instead of taking everything he says with a grain of salt it's looking more like a fifty pound bag is needed.
Sorry, but Jake Kelly denied the rumors during the season as well...what else are they going to say right now?!

My thoughts exactly.

At this point everyone plays out the season. We'll find out in March what we have for 2010-11. Until then, I don't think either side is more "credible" than the other.
Couple things to take away from the hawkcentral article:

1) "If they had, I don't know if it would be acceptable for me to announce it," Lickliter said. "But no. This is the first I've heard of it. And I usually don't comment unless somebody signs their name to something."

Are you kidding me? The guy basically came out and admitted that someone is going to transfer and then follows it up with...."but no" and then continues to dig the hole with the "I usually don't comment unless somebody signs their name to something."

Try and put yourself in his shoes for just one second. If a reporter asked you about transfers and there was absolutely no truth to the rumor, what do you think you would say? I sure as hell wouldn't have said anything even remotely resembling his response.

2) "I kind of changed in the second semester last year on my study habits and stuff," Tucker said. "I'm trying to stay away from the advanced courses. That's probably a good idea for me, at least right now.

What advanced courses are you taking as a freshman? you take the prereq's unless you clep out.

3) The biggest one of all: "So it's not like everyone knows what to do and we're just incapable of doing it." Playing the young card is getting old. He's saying pretty clearly that they don't know what to do. That's pretty sad when you are 10 games into the season and are just about ready to start playing conference ball.

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