Lickliter finds a home with RedHawks

I don't really get good guy , good teacher or good coach with integrity characterization.

He failed completely at coaching and teaching, let alone recruiting or retaining BB players at Iowa. On top of that he lost more repeatedly as time went on.

Not to mention that his style off BB was so boring and pathetic it was unwatchable... unless you liked the style of play from 100 years ago.

Have any of you who have played BB on any level wanted to play the "Butler" style of BB? Except of course who can get a D 1 scholly from only one school? ie Butler... the Butler way.

Finally a really good guy with integrity would come out after accepting a $2.4 million buyout (or whatever) and dismissal from Iowa and say that he failed... he wasn't the right man for the job at Iowa... and thank you Iowa for the opportunity and the millions he made from Iowa.

Licl would go on to say that he thanks Coach Coles from Miami of Ohio, his current boss, for having his back... but Coles at 70 yo is wrong, old and decripit and has no clue about Iowa and their BB program.

Finally Lick would come out and thank Eastern Michigan and some JC in NE Florida for the opportunity to interview for a coaching position in "college" last year as he awaits a head coaching position at some powerhouse Indiana HIGH SCHOOL.

My guess is his severance agreement had a non-disparagement clause limiting what both sides could say about his departure from Iowa basketball. I don't know how the school could go about enforcing that clause should Lick start talking poorly about the University of Iowa, but he certainly doesn't seem to have done that.

Coles is entitled to his own opinions, as wrong as they may be. He certainly had to color the truth some to put Lick's hiring in the best light.
My guess is his severance agreement had a non-disparagement clause limiting what both sides could say about his departure from Iowa basketball. I don't know how the school could go about enforcing that clause should Lick start talking poorly about the University of Iowa, but he certainly doesn't seem to have done that.

Coles is entitled to his own opinions, as wrong as they may be. He certainly had to color the truth some to put Lick's hiring in the best light.

Thanks for the reminder about how lawyers and "contracts" rule the world.

If Lick had "integrity" he could come out and say that Iowa was a great place to coach and a great University with great fans and thank them for the opportunity. That is not disparingng and Bary Garta and the legal suits at Iowa would not come after Lick.
The best thing you can say about TL is that he didn't leave us with any sanctions. Other than that, there isn't anything good to say.

At Iowa, the guy was an abject failure, at every level. From attendance, to W-L, to recruiting, to building relationships with high school and AAU coaches, to player retention, to in-game coaching, to post game press conferences. Just a complete and utter failure. He never embraced the State of Iowa, he never embraced the University, he never embraced it's traditions, he never reached out to former players or alumni. It was always "Butler" this and "Butler" that.

I'm sure he's a nice guy in person, but I've never been more happy to see one guy get fired than I was when Barta let him go.

Some guys are "builders" and some guys are "gatekeepers". TL is definitely no "builder".....thank God FM is.
Thanks for the reminder about how lawyers and "contracts" rule the world.

If Lick had "integrity" he could come out and say that Iowa was a great place to coach and a great University with great fans and thank them for the opportunity. That is not disparingng and Bary Garta and the legal suits at Iowa would not come after Lick.

What? How is that a sign of integrity? Should he thank them for firing him while he's at it?
What? How is that a sign of integrity? Should he thank them for firing him while he's at it?

All due to a published report from some Dayton, Ohio rag that quotes his boss Charlie Coles. Who is barely a D1 mid major program that needs to retire and shut up about Iowa and who it handles, hires and fires coaches. ( Let alon what type of facilities are in place).

Isn't that the whole reason for this thread.. originally?
What? How is that a sign of integrity? Should he thank them for firing him while he's at it?

its boring to hear blah blah this and blah blah that . everyone throwing eachother under the bus. i guess i need to program my cochlear to tune out whoever talked about the hair and biclighter. lets just forget about them. move on to our current coach and current players. how about them wild bull pumfus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
I think I may know the reason how Lickliter won NCOtY at Butler.. And I think his name is Brad Stevens.

Nailed it. Lickliter was never the "talent" at Butler he inherited a successful and stable program and had phenomenal assts which allowed him to luck into millions of dollars at Iowa.
its boring to hear blah blah this and blah blah that . everyone throwing eachother under the bus. i guess i need to program my cochlear to tune out whoever talked about the hair and biclighter. lets just forget about them. move on to our current coach and current players. how about them wild bull pumfus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

agree completely except that in a published report some nobody disses Iowa and claims Lick was screwed, He wasn't screwed and continues to get a pay check from the Iowa Athletic Department.
All due to a published report from some Dayton, Ohio rag that quotes his boss Charlie Coles. Who is barely a D1 mid major program that needs to retire and shut up about Iowa and who it handles, hires and fires coaches. ( Let alon what type of facilities are in place).

Isn't that the whole reason for this thread.. originally?

Why the hell should Lick be responsible for what Charlie Coles says? If you want to attack his integrity, fine, but Lick didn't do or say anything wrong.
Why the hell should Lick be responsible for what Charlie Coles says? If you want to attack his integrity, fine, but Lick didn't do or say anything wrong.

He shouldn't be responsible for what Cole's says. He needs to be responsible for what he does, and does not, say.
Let's face it. Lick set himself up for failure with his staff. Maybe the worst staff in the history of the Big Ten. Virtually no Division I recruiting experience. Jordan was the only one with any type of recruiting experience with just three years of experience at Butler. Walthall had one year of experience recruiting in the MAC & that was about a dozen years before he came to Iowa. Corvette was in a non-coaching position at Butler.

The funny thing about Lickliter is how much he admired John Wooden. However, he was the antithesis of Wooden. He refused to adapt. To Lick there was only one way & that was The Butler Way.

Wooden won with small, athletic teams (his first two championship teams), teams with a great big man (Alcindor & Walton), teams with a powerful front line (Patterson, Rowe & Wicks) & a team with only six players where all the players had to play multiple positions (his last team).

Like Wooden, Lick also hated recruiting. However, Wooden always had a slick, used-car salesman like Denny Crum on his staff. Chad Wathall was no Denny Crum.
agree completely except that in a published report some nobody disses Iowa and claims Lick was screwed, He wasn't screwed and continues to get a pay check from the Iowa Athletic Department.

This x100000. Lick compiled a worse winning percentage than every single coach in the HISTORY of Iowa Basketball. That, and the fact that his third and final season was also easily his worst. In other words, the program wasn't turning the corner - the wheels were coming off.

Honestly, who screwed who, here? Lickliter is still collecting a rather generous paycheck from the UofI, and Fran is still working on cleaning up the mess left behind by Lick.

I bear absolutely zero ill-will towards Lick, but to say that Iowa "screwed" him over is laughable at best. His entire era was a complete tire fire and Barta did the only thing he could do - fire him and move on to a coach that has experience in cleaning up programs that are in shambles.
The best thing you can say about TL is that he didn't leave us with any sanctions. Other than that, there isn't anything good to say.

At Iowa, the guy was an abject failure, at every level. From attendance, to W-L, to recruiting, to building relationships with high school and AAU coaches, to player retention, to in-game coaching, to post game press conferences. Just a complete and utter failure. He never embraced the State of Iowa, he never embraced the University, he never embraced it's traditions, he never reached out to former players or alumni. It was always "Butler" this and "Butler" that.

I'm sure he's a nice guy in person, but I've never been more happy to see one guy get fired than I was when Barta let him go.

Some guys are "builders" and some guys are "gatekeepers". TL is definitely no "builder".....thank God FM is.

Ooof. Completely spot on.
If anything Lick got a hell of a deal. He was still one of the top 10 public employees in the state for doing absolutely nothing the past two years.

On another note, maybe Fran should put Miami on the schedule in the coming years, do a little showing off of what he's doing here.

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