Lickliter arrives in stealth, leaves in the same way

The whole "Todd is a good guy" thing is kind of strange in retrospect. He wasn't real loud, so his issues weren't real public, but I keep hearing how people felt put off by the guy. Former players, media, current players. A lot of people couldn't necessarily put their fingers on one thing, but felt disrespected by Todd.

Might really just be a communication problem, which may have served Todd in not looking like a bad guy, because he didn't talk to anyone. But might also have left people not liking him much on a interpersonal level.

Agree to an extent, but this aspect of TL's personality was known when he was hired. The problem is, when you're losing, nobody likes you - regardless of your personality.
I just don't think this more reserved, "cool" personality will ever fly at is too much of a microscope atmosphere. I am not knocking Lickliter or his style at all, I am just saying it appears to be a real mismatch hire. I think that is only becoming more and more obvious with each passing day with McCaffery as he is winning people over at an incredible pace without stepping on the court.
I have no ill will towards Lick at all. I wish him well with what ever he does in th future.

I think the failure of the Lickliter Era is as much Barta's fault as Lick's. Barta just simply misread what Iowa needed in a coach. He hired the wrong coach who ran the wrong system and had the wrong personality. Lick cetainly did not accomplish the task that was set for him, but he can not be blamed for running the system that Barta hired him to run. He certainly can't be blamed for being the person he is or displaying the personality that he has. In the end, we all have to be the people that we are, and Barta knew who he was hiring when he hired him.

I can understand wanting to just slip out of town and simply part ways. Yes, its traditional to at least say a quick few words on the way out to put some kind of punctuation on one's tenure, but is it really all that necessary? It seems logical, but its not mandatory.
Re: Completely different situations..

when the hell did Alford make the sweet 16?

last I checked they beat a 14 seed and lost to an 11

Let him find a job someplace. Give him about three years, and when he's back in the Sweet 16 (as Lick was at Butler before he came to Iowa), let him rip on us all he wants (a la Alford) (ie the way Alford childishly criticizes Iowa despite the fact that we're in his past).
I just don't think this more reserved, "cool" personality will ever fly at is too much of a microscope atmosphere. I am not knocking Lickliter or his style at all, I am just saying it appears to be a real mismatch hire. I think that is only becoming more and more obvious with each passing day with McCaffery as he is winning people over at an incredible pace without stepping on the court.

Right, because Kirk Ferentz is a regular Woody Hayes? ;)
Right, because Kirk Ferentz is a regular Woody Hayes? ;)

I will concede Ferentz is pretty low-key, but he is also very charismatic and very engaging from every interview/press conference/public appearance I have seen. He manages the relationship side.

Ferentz=warm, Lick not so much. Again, not saying anything about him as a human being, only referring to the public persona as the face of the team and I think it is more important to be engaging at Iowa than it is in Indianapolis (example) where you have multiple college teams, multiple pro teams, multiple distractions. We pretty much have the Hawks when it comes to being a sports fan.
Re: Completely different situations..

when did alford make a sweet 16 run with UNM?

You have missed the point. I never said Alford made the sweet 16. I said he is ripping on us. I said Lick will make the sweet 16 again, then let him rip on us.
I wish Lick success. I wish his predecessor failure. I believe that karma will see to it that both get what they deserve.
The dude was one of the worst BCS level coaches in the country. I do not wish him well because he took a program that many thought had bottomed out to a hole new low level. I personally don't care if a coach is an a-hole or a nice guy, just get W's. Why so many people care about a person's personality when they will never even meet the guy is beyond me.
The dude was one of the worst BCS level coaches in the country. I do not wish him well because he took a program that many thought had bottomed out to a hole new low level. I personally don't care if a coach is an a-hole or a nice guy, just get W's. Why so many people care about a person's personality when they will never even meet the guy is beyond me.

Yeah, he's a terrible coach. So he's not a good fit at the BCS level. Big deal, a lot of good coaches aren't. He's by nearly all accounts a nice guy, and I tend to have sympathy for people that aren't total a**es like you. He just wasn't the right guy here. If you want to blame someone for that, blame Barta. All Lickliter did was the job he was hired to do. He ran the system that Barta knew he would run. He did things the way he's always done them. And it's worked for him before, so he had little reason to change his philosophy coming in.
Well, that's a real crappy attitude you have Jay.
As far as personality goes, yes it does matter. They are representatives of the University of Iowa.

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