Lick just said on post game


Dolph asked when he would get together with his staff and talk about the future, Lick said that is Gary Barta's call.

Guess that doesn't bode well for the resignation angle Or Barta holds the key to the announcement. Sounds like Lickliter wants this all over soon.
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I'd call that a confirmation.

Because it's not what you'd say if you knew you'd be back.
Why would Lickliter need Barta's permission to meet with his own staff?

(By "Staff" I assume that means assistant coaches, trainers, etc...)
Sounds like Lick is going to make Barta "fire him" and not accept some buyout resignation agreement.
Maybe that's all he could really say on the spot, before an official announcement is made. I'm not sure if it means much, other than it sounds like a man who knows he is not, or may not, be back next year.
I think this is summed up best by the 1998 film "There's something about Mary"

Hitchhiker: 7's the key number here. Think about it. 7-Elevens. 7 dwarves. 7, man, that's the number. 7 chipmunks twirlin' on a branch, eatin' lots of sunflowers on my uncle's ranch. You know that old children's tale from the sea. It's like you're dreamin' about Gorgonzola cheese when it's clearly Brie time, baby. Step into my office.
Ted: Why?
Hitchhiker: 'Cause you're ****in' fired!
Sounds like they have had conversations and Lick didn't agree with the direction things were going and Barta said they'd finish the convo after the BTT.
There was a very obvious change in how they played the game today but very few know why the FINALLY played with a bigger bag of options.At least the kids got a chance to show they have alot more than what they've had a chance to show in the past.
Just have to wait and see.
Sorry, I just started another thread on this but Jon's fast-fingers already got it going.

I will add an additional quote TL made in the same reply to Dolph:

" ... I only take care of me."

Perhaps he is going to shun the "health" strategy and go for the buyout?
Here's what meanings I can extrapolate:

1. Lick is saying he won't be back, and it's not his decision.
2. Lick is saying the assistants won't be back, and it's not his decision.
3. Lick is saying he won't be back because of his health, but Barta wants the break to be "clean" and will handle the staff transition for Lick.
4. Lick is saying he will be releasing some staff, but Barta is going to be the bad guy.
5. The jury is still out, and untill Lick and Barta meet, not much is known about the future of Lick or his staff.

Time will tell. Any of those, and more, are possible.
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